Ms. Katharina Homenick

The Phonophobia Is defined as fear, anger or anxiety when hearing certain sounds that are not strong, trigger very negative...

The quality of life Is a concept related to health and standard of living that can be defined as"the level...

He Unwanted pregnancy in adolescence Occurs more frequently after the onset of early sexual intercourse, lack of sex education and...

The Rebellion in adolescence Is caused by Numerous physical and endocrine changes that adolescents experience, some of which negatively influence...

The impulsiveness Occurs when we react to external stimuli in an extremely rapid and excessive way, without being able to...

The family therapy Systemic Is based on the assumption that the family is a unique social system with its own...

Overcoming a phobia That prevents achieving goals in life or having a good quality of life is very important. If...

The senile dementia Is a mental illness suffered by people over 65 years and characterized by loss of cognitive functions....

The balneotherapy Is effective for the treatment of many diseases. It can relieve your symptoms if you suffer osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia,...

The misanthropy Is a psychological and also social attitude, characterized by aversion to the human species. It is not that...

If you had to meet new people With the goal of making new friends, how would you do it? How...

The Reactive depression Is caused in reaction to an external event or circumstance. In other words, it is a depressive...

Knowing how to treat and help a bipolar person It is important if you have to live with that person,...

The Psychotic depression Is a major depressive disorder that is accompanied by delusional ideation (delusions) and sensory-perceptual alterations (hallucinations). Delusions...

More than 100 Beauty phrases Of great authors like Ana Frank, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, Dante Alighieri...

50 pretty sentences in Basque, Considered a language of unknown origin and today the oldest living language in Europe. There...

The Human relations at work Are established when creating connections with each other, cooperate for its proper functioning, associate, create...

The Emotional disorders Have undergone changes and modifications as regards their classification in the Diagnostic Manuals for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV...

The Games to develop intelligence Are one of the best train to train the ability to think, understand, reason, assimilate...

Gloria Loring-Lagler , Born Gloria Jean Goff, is an American singer, actress and writer. She is best known for playing...

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