Genevieve Green

The Benefits and properties of licorice Are numerous : For the stomach, control weight, improve skin, teeth, reduce stress... If...

Know them Foods richer in iron Can enable people to get the right amounts of this mineral and benefit from...

I leave you 71 Phrases of illusion Of authors such as George Bernard Shaw, Orson Welles, Jean Paul Sartre, Michael...

The Hydrocephalus Is a pathology in which there is an excessive and abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid at the brain...

Not all ages and all situations in which a person can meet requires the same nutritional needs. The Childhood is...

The Benefits and properties of corn are broad: Can prevent colon cancer, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer's and even combat daily...

The Virtual reality Is a new technology that allows the professional to create a cybernetic space where the patient can...

Compilation of Most famous scientists Important men and women of vital importance who devoted their lives to research and who...

The 5 Personality traits Principal are extraversion / introversion, responsibility, openness to experience, kindness and neuroticism. There is also another...

The Paleolithic diet Is a lifestyle based on the eating habits of primitive man. It is one of the fad...

The Activities for children with learning disabilities Help to complement treatments for dyslexia, ADHD, dysgraphia and dysgraphia. Learning Disorders (TA)...

The Atazagorafobia Is the excessive and irrational fear that other people forget their own existence. AND This does not refer...

He Psychological expert report Is used in Legal Psychology, specifically in the forensic branch, to advise the judges in the...

exist Foods that prevent cancer For its nutritive properties, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, Squalene , Polyphenols, tocopherols and other compounds. The human...

The term Lisencephaly Means"smooth brain"and is used to refer to a neurological disorder in which there is a Insufficiency of...

The psychopathy As it is a psychic disorder characterized by deficiency of control of emotions and impulses, impulsivity, insufficiency of...

I leave you 90 Divas phrases Such as Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Taylor, Lauren Becall, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and many...

I leave you 91 Phrases of forgiveness Of great authors such as Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Twain, John F. Kennedy, Alexander...

Drink Food for the skin Is one of the best ways to improve your state, appearance and overall health of...

He Sotos syndrome or "Cerebral gigantism" In a genetic pathology characterized by exaggerated physical growth during the first years of...

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