The Best 90 Phrases of Divas

I leave you 90 Divas phrases Such as Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Taylor, Lauren Becall, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and many more.

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1 - I only think that thing of the diva Is a misrepresentation of who I am. - Jennifer Lopez

2 - No matter what happens, I am strong, noisy, earthy and I am ready to live much more. - Elizabeth Taylor

3 - Stardom is not a profession, it is an accident. - Lauren Becall

4 - The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy is all that matters. - Audrey Hepburn

5 - People say that I am extravagant because I want to be surrounded by beauty. But tell me, who wants to be surrounded by garbage? Imelda Marcos

6 - I am good, but not an angel. I sin, but I am not the devil. I'm just a little girl in a big world trying to find someone to love. - Marilyn Monroe

7 - When I was five, I was a little diva. - Stevie Nicks

8 - I have seen real, extreme behavior of a diva and I do not think that is what I am. - Mariah Carey

9 - I would love to be known as a diva later in life, when I have had many more experiences. - Deborah Cox

10 - A man usually tends to accept you as you are, while most women immediately begin to see your faults and want to change you. - Marilyn Monroe

11 - I'm not a diva. I'm a tadpole trying to be a frog. - Toni Braxton

12 - It is not what I do, but how I do it. It is not what I say, but how I say it, and how I look when I do it and I say it. - Mae West

13 - Each of us has the right, the possibility, to invent ourselves daily. If a person is not invented, it will be invented. - Maya Angelou

14 - If diva means giving the best, then yes, I suppose I am a diva. - Patti LaBelle

15 - It's a shame to call someone a"diva"simply because they work harder than everyone else. - Jennifer Lopez

16 - Before marriage, a girl has to make love with a man to support him. After marriage, she has to hug him to make love to her. - Marilyn Monroe

17 - I'm tough, I'm ambitious and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay. - Madonna

18 - You can know more about a person by what he says about others, than by what others say about him. - Audrey Hepburn

19 - Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. - Marilyn Monroe

20 - We can suffer many defeats, but we must not be defeated. - Maya Angelou

21 - The heart of a true diva is open and she is ready to play with her own rules, rules that are gentle and kind. - Jenifer Lewis

22 - Fame is fickle, I know. It has its offsets, but it also has its drawbacks, and I have experienced both. - Marilyn Monroe

23 - I want my headstone to say,"She lived." - Elizabeth Taylor

24 - In Hollywood, a fair divorce settlement means that each party gets 50% advertising. - Lauren Becall

25 - I do not want to be a diva, but some days you wake up and you're Barbara Streisand. - Courtney Love

26 - I do not do things like diva trips or anything like that. - Shirley MacLaine

27 - Those who are easily surprised should be surprised more often. - Mae West

28 - It repulses me is stereotype of"diva". - Siobhan Fahey

28 - I do not know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot. Marilyn Monroe

29 - I do not make people lean back, and I do not like that in people. I'm definitely not a diva. - Dolly Parton

30 - If I'm honest, I have to tell you that I still read fairy tales and I like them more than anything. - Audrey Hepburn

32 - I think your whole life is seen in your face and you should be proud of that. - Lauren Becall

33 - Would you call me a diva if I were a man? - Zaha Hadid

34 - I would love to be a diva. But then I would have to send so many apologetic notes for my abominable behavior. - Amy Adams

35 - The word diva for me means to do something supernatural with something natural. - Patti LuPone

36 - Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. - Marilyn Monroe

37 - I can change for what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it. - Maya Angelou

38 - It is not having, it is getting. - Elizabeth Taylor

39 - You only live once, but if you do it well, once is enough. - Mae West

40 - I always thought I should be treated like a star. - Madonna

41 - Love yourself first and everything else will come by itself. You really have to love yourself to do anything in this world. - Lucille Ball

42 - What's the point of working your whole life and then stopping? - Lauren Becall

43 - Doing nothing feels like floating in warm water. It's charming, perfect. - Ava Gardner

44 - Sometimes I wonder if men and women really do well when being together. Maybe they should live like neighbors and visit from time to time. - Katharine Hepburn

45 - I became an outstanding person to gain the approval of the world. - Madonna

46 - I'm as tired of this vision of fashion as a diva with a big ego who thinks of her big dark glasses to be pretentious and get away from people. - Carine Roitfeld

47 - It takes a long time to become a diva. I mean, you have to work on that. - Diana Ross

48 - When I was very young, my sister and I created different characters with our Barbie dolls. I was the crazy Barbie diva and she was the homeless Barbie. - Jordana Brewster

49 - Here is a test to find out if your mission in life is fulfilled. If you are alive, you have not fulfilled it. - Lauren Becall

50 - Why change? Each one has its own style. When you have found it, you must stick to it. - Audrey Hepburn

"I do not look like a diva at all. - Bebe Neuwirth

52 - A diva is someone who pretends to know who she is and looks fabulous doing it. - Jenifer Lewis

53 - I'm pretty straightforward as an interpreter, but I have a bit of a diva in me. - Corin Tucker

54 - I love to see a girl come out and grab the world by the lapels. Life is a bitch. You have to get out and kick ass. - Maya Angelou

55 - It's not like I'm this glamourous diva who gives everything and sits on her throne at home. - Heidi Klum

56 - For me, the whole process of being a brushstroke in another person's painting is a bit difficult. - Madonna

57 - Big girls need big diamonds. - Elizabeth Taylor

58 - My family keeps my feet well on the ground. It's as if every time I try anything diva, they'll say, 'Oh, shut up. Go and wash the dishes. - Rebel Wilson

59 - Long before 'American Idol', people used to call me diva. I would say, 'Wait, are you telling me otherwise on the sly? If you're going to tell me diva, say I'm a good diva. - Jennifer Hudson

60 - When I lose my temper, honey, you can not find them anywhere. - Ava Gardner

61 - Opportunities do not come often. So, when they do, you have to grab them. - Audrey Hepburn

62 A hard man is a good thing to find. - Mae West

63 - I'm totally Italian, but I'm not a diva. If you could see the way I dress in everyday life, it's not like a diva would. Appearances are not so important to me. - Patti LuPone

Actually, I take it as a compliment. Diva Is a derivative of divine. That's a good title to wear. - Calista Flockhart

65 - I am the diva of the future. The next concert is on the moon. Catch me while you can. - Natasha Bedingfield

66 - If my mother thinks I'm acting like a diva, she takes care of making me come to reason. She lands on me. - Katherine Jenkins

67 - Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'possible'! - Audrey Hepburn

68 - The word diva has a negative connotation. - Glenn Close

I'm determined to be a diva. - Lexa Doig

70 - I'm a singer and a diva, and I'm an actress who likes the script. - Jane Badler

71 - I think it's better to be looked than to be overlooked. - Mae West

72 - An extraordinary diva would never sit alone. - John Lone

73 - I'm too busy putting my energies into my acting to be a diva. - Shirley Bassey

It is better to be alone and to be unhappy than to be unhappy with someone. - Marilyn Monroe

"I did not think she was pretty enough or diva enough to be the protagonist. - Jessie Mueller

76 - I am not a fashion diva, I grew up on the beaches of South Africa and I am a nature girl who spends a lot of time outdoors. - Tanit Phoenix

77 - I'm not a diva, not yet... anyway. - Amanda Latona

78 - The true lover is the man who can excite you by just touching your head or smiling into your eyes, or just being in space. - Marilyn Monroe

79 - I do not like arrogant men or diva behavior in any genre. - Robin Wright

80 - Success makes many people hate you. I wish it were not so. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you. - Marilyn Monroe

81 - I think we can all be divas, but as an actress, you can not just be the diva - that would be boring. But sometimes, maybe, it's fun. - Monica Bellucci

82 - Sometimes I feel that my whole life has been a great rejection. - Marilyn Monroe

83 - I think the era of the diva actress is coming to an end. - Amanda Seyfried

84 - I never worry about diets. The only sweetener that interests me is the one you get in a diamond. - Mae West

85 - I'm a diva on the set. - Emily Blunt

I do not think I'm a diva. - Gin Wigmore

87 - I am from very humble origins. I've never been a Hollywood diva, but what you're pretending to be catches you. - Heidi Montag

88 - I'll try something once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. - Mae West

89 - We are all stars and deserve to shine. - Marilyn Monroe

90 - The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, because that is the door of her heart, the place where love resides. - Audrey Hepburn

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