6 Types of Foods Against Alzheimer's

Not all ages and all situations in which a person can meet requires the same nutritional needs.

The Childhood is a stage of growth, so it requires greater contributions rich in calcium. Dairy products are essential because they help in The formation of bones.

Food against alzheimer

However, calcium, iron and zinc are the three minerals that become indispensable in adolescence. Although it continues Being a stage of growth, young people mainly require proteins, due to the high level of development of their tissues (bone and muscle mass).

By adulthood, nutritional needs change. Even so, a healthy and balanced diet should always be maintained to ensure that Cover the requirements of the body.

In old age, muscle mass and physical activity decrease with respect to the previous stages. But, although we have to contribute less Foods, it is important to consume products with a high proportion of nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Food is the substance that provides the body with the precise fuel to start the processes that allow us to perform every day. Thus, nature offers different nutrients, from a Wide variety of foods That the human being must Know how to consume in precise amounts . Neither excess nor deficit.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Considers that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, making it a basic component of quality of life.

Health education is essential for Reduce risk factors that can alter health , But also to achieve positive eating behaviors. Any eating disorder causes physical and neural problems.

exist Food against alzheimer Which, in addition to ensuring Functioning of the organism, it will help us to have in the memory And even to prevent possible degenerative processes.

Nutrition and cognitive development

Every day is more evident the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining cognitive function. Every day is clearer the Role of nutrition in the onset of long-term disorders.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the best menu to promote memory and brain functioning promotes good blood flow Of the brain, much as it happens with the foods that are taken to nourish and protect the heart.

There is a close relationship between the intake of a Diet rich in fruits and vegetables And a lower incidence of chronic diseases, such as The alzheimer . It seems that the vitamins that contain these Foods have protective effects On certain deficits Cognitive factors associated with aging.

Clinical and epidemiological studies support the idea of Benefits of antioxidants (Beta-carotene and vitamins C and E) in different neurodegenerative diseases.

A Diet rich in vitamins E and C Protects against cognitive deficits associated with age, especially when the consumption of these Nutrients begins early, as they act as Antioxidants and modulators of cellular function .

Much has also been written about the famous Mediterranean diet . Adherence to this diet can prevent the risk of Alzheimer's disease; As well as to improve the syndrome of predemencia.

The evaluation of nutritional aspects in the elderly is a vital issue. The malnutrition Occurs frequently and in Is not diagnosed by professionals. He Mini Nutritional Assessment Is the most used instrument to evaluate the state Nutritional status of the elderly.

Tips to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are applicable to this field: green vegetables, blue fish, Olive, nuts, fruits... Some foods are essential to feed the brain and ensure an elephant's memory. Include them in Its day to day and Prevent today to live tomorrow .


Vegetables have unique nutritional qualities. Take vegetables, especially Cruciferous , Could help Improve memory . The Brussels sprouts, broccoli or spinach contain vitamin A and B; As well as antioxidants that aid cognitive development and that the loss of Memory is longer. Among its antioxidants we find Flavonoids Y Sulforaphans that have Neuroprotective and anticancer properties .

The vegetables, in general, must be present in at least two of our daily meals, alternating between all its varieties, being protagonist of Our plate the color green. We have different ways to prepare and introduce them in our menu, although to take advantage of all its nutrients, Recommends Steamed or even raw .

Celery, a great companion in soups and creams, is a good friend of our brain. Thanks to the content of Luteolin , Reduces the effects Negatives of Aging , Helping us to enhance memory.

In addition, according to a study by Boston physicians and published in the Magazine The Archives of Internal Medicine L to carrot Also good for memory. Long-term carrot consumption can increase our holding capacity.

Thanks to its beta-carotene index, it boosts cognitive levels, especially the responsiveness in oral conversations. This antioxidant is present in other vegetables such as squash and zucchini. In addition, foods that are rich in beta-carotene are very healthy and also help reduce the risk of cancer.


The berries Are source of vitamin C, folic acid, minerals and antioxidants that are good partners to maintain a memory fury. A study carried out by experts from the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center Suggests that Blueberries Can reduce the effects of Alzheimer's disease and improve the quality of life of those affected.

The special color of blueberries, which is due to pigments called anthocyanins, is not only perceptible to our eyes, but also in the intake, feeding us the memory. The richness of this antioxidant, found in some leaves, flowers and fruits, acts directly on the brain and protects neurons in the risk of dementia, exerting a beneficial effect on retention and learning.

In addition, Berries Also prevent neuronal failures. This wild fruit has a high content of antoxidantes that prevents the decomposition of the cerebral cells. An investigation by the college from Harvard Found that women who eat at least one cup of blackberries and strawberries a week experience a two-and-a-half-year delay in mental impairment compared to women who did not consume them.

For its part, the Apple Is a fruit that has quercetin, an indisputable antioxidant in favor of the protection of the brain .

Likewise, kiwi improves learning ability, as demonstrated by the University of California Brain Research Institute. East Fatty acid is necessary for the Synapses , That is, for connections between neurons; As well as to activate certain molecules related With the memory found in said synapses.

In addition, the avocado Is a very complete and healthy food that stands out for Its high contribution in omega 3 fatty acids, potassium, fiber and antioxidants. This fruit has beneficial properties that help boost the level of concentration.

In general, to achieve a balanced diet, it is recommended A minimum consumption of 3 pieces of fruit a day taken, preferably, to Mid-morning and before lunch and dinner.


When it comes to food and memory, fish is the star food. The messages between neurons propagate better the more fluid the membranes are and the consumption of fish feeds the membranes of neurons. That is why, when it comes to food and memory, fish is the star food.

Scientists have pointed out that lack of Omega 3 impairs vision, produces misalignment in learning and can disrupt neurotransmitters Dopamine and serotonin in the frontal cortex of the brain. The blue fish is rich in Omega 3, so it has a protective role against The progression of cognitive impairment, as it acts against neurodegenerative pathologies.

Salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines... It is proven that the consumption of fish, especially blue, influences aspects such as memory, Learning and intelligence. Therefore, the intake of this food must be higher than the consumption of meat and we must include at least biweekly In our diet.

Olive oil and nuts

While olive oil is considered the liquid gold of our gastronomy, nuts have held myths as being good for the heart, but bad for the scale.

However, there is not much talk about both foods being excellent allies against cognitive impairment, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. The derived trial entitled"Prevention with the Mediterranean Diet"(PREDIMED) had the participation of 447 healthy volunteers at the cognitive level, but who had a high cardiovascular risk and an average age of 67 years.

The research lasted about four years and participants followed three types of diet focused on the Mediterranean diet. Each was supplemented with different products.

One of them with Extra virgin olive oil , The other with an extra of nuts and the third one attending a Controlled consumption of low-fat foods. At the same time, during the follow-up, evaluations of the cognitive function of the Volunteers, both at the beginning and at the end of the study. The results revealed that participants who followed the diet with nuts and olive oil improved their memory more than the rest, so they reflected that there is a relationship between intake of both products and dementia.

Nuts, besides being a great source of Omega 3, contribute phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E and B, allies of cerebrovascular health. Although It is recommended Moderate consumption of nuts By the caloric contribution, being rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, their intake is Beneficial in the measure that they delay the aging, because they act against the oxidative stress.

A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Discovered that the Nut consumption Was related to Obtaining better memory scores and cognitive functions.

Take a handful as a snack to satisfy the hunger of mid-morning, use them As a complement to cereals or salad; As well as mixing them as one more ingredient in a vegetable stir fry; Is a great formula for Add an extra protein to our meals.


The use of natural products and To dispense with artificial contents , Is a basic aspect to enjoy a healthy diet. In In recent years, aromatic herbs are a product that we have left in the shade. However, in addition to bringing personality to our dishes, Also have innumerable benefits for our organism.

A little parsley, thyme, chamomile... the possibilities are many and the effects are always positive. Aromatic plants have a substance Called apigenin that triggers the formation of neurons and increases brain connections, according to a study developed by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro .

For its part, the White hawthorn Is ideal for Improve cases of memory loss , Especially in elderly people Advanced because Improves blood flow . An easy way to consume this herb is infusion, at the rate of three cups daily.

Whole-grain foods

Rice, pasta and cereals have a proven effect on our memory. Whole foods contain folic acid and vitamin B6, Nutrients that help keep the brain in shape. Thanks to the contribution of fiber, Controls blood sugar and cholesterol .

Fiber levels allow Improve concentration and performance , And its ingestion is recommended in stages of mental effort and Also to combat those periods where we are subjected to greater stress.

The oats Stands out among cereals for their contribution Vitamin B1, beneficial to the skin and the nervous system. It also has a high supply of proteins and fats that Help to retain memory and concentration .

In general, it is advised that food is based on whole foods to the detriment of refined foods. Products with a high index
In fiber should suppose At least 50% of our diet .

Beware of these foods and give your brain and memory the best nutrients to have an active, alert and lucid mind. You know, the Key is to always have a healthy diet that keeps our physical and our mind in perfect harmony; An investment at an early age that we will appreciate
in old age.


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