Paleolithic diet: advantages, disadvantages and recipes

The Paleolithic diet Is a lifestyle based on the eating habits of primitive man. It is one of the fad diet and those who carry it out ensure that you lose fat fast, make you immune to getting sick, bring plenty of energy and makes you feel a lot healthier overall.

Also known as the paleo diet, caveman diet, Stone Age diet, cavemen diet or hunter gatherers diet. It is a diet that is based on the diet carried out by humans during the Paleolithic period.

Paleolithic diet

This stage extends from 2.85 million years until the discovery of agriculture about 10,000 years ago in the Middle East, and later livestock.

The nutritional plan of humanity at that time was based on the use of foods available in nature such as meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, roots or nuts. Hunting was an important activity to feed and survive, and the tribes frequently moved according to the contributions of land or sea.

In 1975, Dr. Walter L. Voegtlin published his book"The Stone Age Diet"in his translation to Spanish, which supports the theory that men should carry out a diet abundant in grease.

The doctor's reasoning is simple. Humans are carnivorous beings, and from their origins have been fed mainly of fats and proteins and a small amount of carbohydrates. It also relies on physical issues of the human being closely linked to carnivores:

- Our dental system consists of canine teeth, striated molars and incisors in the upper and lower jaw. That is, the one of the carnivorous animals, designed to crush and tear the food with vertical movements.

- The stomach of humans has a capacity of 2 liters, takes about 3 hours to empty, rests between meals, secretes long amounts of hydrochloric acid, does not digest cellulose and lacks bacteria and protozoa.

- The blind of the large intestine is dysfunctional and the appendix is ​​a vestige.

- We contain bacterial flora in the rectum.

- The volume of the stool is small.

- The gallbladder is active and well developed.

- We feed intermittently.

- We can survive without stomach or colon.

Most of these characteristics coincide with those of a dog, an example of a carnivorous animal. However, herbivorous animals such as sheep, cow or rabbit are far from the characteristics collected by the doctor.

Voegtlin believes that the differences with herbivores are enormous, and that the human race is not prepared to adapt to a diet based on vegetables, cereals with high amounts of carbohydrates or dairy products.

Finally, he points out that most vitamins (except C and K) and minerals can be obtained from the animal kingdom and that, most modern diseases, have been acquired by an abandonment of the diet carried out by our ancestors more Primitive

Foods forbidden in the paleolithic diet

Although the Paleolithic diet is just over forty years old, different nutritionists specialized in the subject have been evolving the nutritional plan to adapt it to personal needs or preferences.

As a general rule, they agree that the basic foods to be eaten are meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, oils and healthy fats.

At the same time, processed foods, sugar, soda, cereals, dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and trans fats should be avoided.

Food & Beverage Allowed

Trying to further expand this list, the foods and beverages that are allowed in the Paleolithic diet are:

- meats . Beef and pork, rabbit, goat, lamb, chicken, turkey, bison, buffalo, deer, deer, elk, duck, hen, goose, etc.

- Fish and shellfish. Salmon, trout, sardine, tuna, sea bass, crab, lobster, cod, pollock, oysters, prawns, scallops, turbot, grouper, herring, shrimp, etc.

- Eggs. From duck, chicken, quail, goose, etc.

- Vegetables. Broccoli, artichoke, celery, cucumbers, beans, cauliflower, cabbage, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes, eggplants, spinach, lettuce, chard, beets, etc.

- Fruits. Apples, bananas, oranges, bananas, berries, grapefruits, tangerines, melons, kiwi, papaya, grapes, figs, lemon, watermelon, acerolas, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries, etc.

- Tubers. Potato, potato, turnips, etc.

- Seeds and nuts. Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

- Healthy fats and oils. Avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil, vegetable fat, duck fat, coconut fat, pork fat, buckwheat, etc.

- Salt and spices. Sea salt, Himalayan salt, garlic, turmeric, lavender, pepper, rosemary, mint, basil, oregano, thyme, saffron, rosemary, etc.

- Other condiments. Ginger, garlic, vanilla, clove, etc.

- Chocolate. As long as it is black and exceeds its cocoa composition by 70% or more.

- Drinks. Water, green tea, wine, coffee.

No veg food

The No veg food Of a Paleolithic diet include:

- Sugar and high fructose corn syrup . Refreshments, fruit juices, sweets, pastries, jellies, cakes, ice cream, etc.

- Grain. Includes bread and pasta, wheat, spelled, rye, barley, etc.

- Vegetables . Beans , Lentils, chickpeas, beans, etc.

- Vegetable oils. Soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, oil of
Safflower, etc.

- Trans fat . It is found in margarine and various processed foods. They are generally referred to as"hydrogenated"or"partially hydrogenated oils".

- Artificial sweeteners. Natural sweeteners should be used and avoid artificial ones such as aspartame, sucralose, cyclamates, saccharine, acesulfame potassium.

- Highly processed foods . Everything labeled"diet"or"low fat"usually has many strange and unnatural ingredients. There are many artificial food substitutes for dieting.

The dairy products Are one of the points where there is greater discrepancy. In principle, most dairy products should be avoided, especially low fat ones, but being a product with so many benefits for bone mass, it has many nutritionists who support its compatibility with the diet.

Example of weekly menu

We have talked about the foods that are allowed to ingest in order to follow the Paleolithic diet. Below we show you a weekly menu to understand a little more what kind of regime takes place.


  • Breakfast. Eggs and vegetables fried in coconut oil. A piece of fruit.
  • Lunch. Chicken salad seasoned with olive oil. Handful of nuts.
  • Dinner. Hamburger (without bread) or fried in butter with vegetables.


  • Breakfast. Bacon and eggs combined with a piece of fruit.
  • Lunch. H Burgers left over from the night before.
  • Dinner. Salmon and marinated mackerel with vegetables.


  • Breakfast. Fillet of veal or pork with vegetables.
  • Lunch. Sandwich on a lettuce leaf, with meat and fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner. Sautéed vegetables combined with meat. Red fruits may be included.


  • Breakfast. Eggs with bacon and a piece of fruit.
  • Lunch. Leftover leftover from the night before. Combine it with a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner. Pork fried with vegetables.


  • Breakfast. Eggs and vegetables fried in coconut oil.
  • lunch . Chicken salad with olive oil. Combine with walnuts or avocado.
  • Dinner. Marinated chicken fillet or breast and potatoes.


  • Breakfast. Bacon and eggs combined with a piece of fruit.
  • Lunch. Pork or beef steak combined with a salad of carrot and basil.
  • Dinner. Baked salmon with vegetables and avocado.


  • Breakfast. Meat with vegetables (leftovers from the previous night).
  • Lunch. Sandwich on a lettuce leaf, with meat and fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner. TO Grilled chicken wings, with vegetables and sauce.

Whenever you are hungry between hours or want to snack you should avoid snacks and sweets and always have fresh fruit or nuts on hand.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any diet, the purpose of it is to provide healthy habits to the body from the diet. And like any diet, the Paleolithic has its advantages and disadvantages, being so extreme at times that it has many supporters and critics alike.

It prevents illnesses?

Proponents of the diet of our ancestors, with Dr. Loren Cordain at the top, argue that their abandonment meant that we acquired most of the modern diseases.

However, their detractors defend a totally opposite thesis, arguing that it was the acquisition of carbohydrates and the intake of large amounts of starch that allowed the human brain to develop. In both cases, they are hypotheses based on evidence that lack accuracy.

On the other hand, supporters of the Paleolithic diet believe that they can reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and chronic degenerative diseases that affect most people in developed countries. In countercurrent are those that suggest that it is a hyperproteic diet, unbalanced, restrictive and therefore harmful to health.

Can you lose weight?

The Paleolithic diet is a regime that burns fat quickly, but as long as the subject's physical activity is high. The problem of our days is that the sedentary pace of life causes the opposite can be achieved.

For this, it is necessary to adapt it distributing well the fats, proteins and fiber. In addition, any physical activity that is carried out will be an ideal complement to complement the diet.

Does the body tone?

Continuing with comparisons with the Stone Age, there is a current that ensures that by maintaining the diet and combining it with exercise, you can get an athletic body and good muscle mass, just like the men of the caves.

In response to this theory, the opposition to diet explains that the current rhythm of life is not comparable to that of the time, where daily hunting, among other activities, allowed them to burn the Burn the ingested proteins.

While in those days the crossings were made on foot, today we have means of transport. A sedentary rhythm person would have many problems in your body if you follow this diet.

Does sporting activity improve?

The paleo diet is characterized by being rich in fat and protein, something highly valued among the sports community because it brings a lot of energy and therefore increases performance and improves activity.

However, those who criticize the diet ensure that every athlete has to take more carbohydrates, fat and protein, but always within a balanced diet.


The"Paleo Diet"(Cordain, 2011) compiles another series of benefits that can be adopted if you follow the diet:

- Lose weight if you are overweight

- Slow or reverse progression of an autoimmune disease

- Improve or eliminate acne

- Sleep better and have more energy during the day

- Enjoy increased libido

- Improve mental outlook and clarity

- It prevents inflammation

Prepared recipes

We have compiled some examples of the recipes that the portal recommends us to enjoy some foods compatible with the diet that It concerns us

For breakfast: Apple puree

  • 7 apples peeled and cut
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 liter water

1. We must place all the ingredients in a slow cooker, for about 4 hours, until the apples are soft.

2. Put the cooked apples into a food processor or food processor and Mix until the desired consistency is achieved.

3. Finally store it in a glass container in the refrigerator. It can last up to 2 weeks.

For lunch: Pesto pizza

  • 1 paleo pizza dough
  • Pesto sauce without dairy products
  • ½ onion purple
  • 1 organic tomato, sliced.
  • Raw goat's milk homemade cheese
  • Salami (Applegate)

1. We distribute all the ingredients (sauce, kettle, tomato, cheese, sausage) on the paleo pizza dough.

2. Bake the pizza at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

For dinner: Chicken strips wrapped in bacon and spinach

  • 2 chicken breasts cut into thick strips.
  • 250 gr of spinach.
  • Bacon or organic bacon (preferably grazed and sugar-free)


1. Marinamos the strips of breast (sea salt, black pepper, onion teaspoon, lemon juice).

2. Then we wrap them with the spinach (raw) and the bacon and put the rolls in the oven at 180 degrees. Bake for about 20 minutes, until the bacon is crisp.

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