What Sciences Are Related to Biology?

The Science related to biology Are many, since biology, the study of life and living organisms, is a broad field that includes many branches and subdisciplines, which are interrelated and share knowledge, fields of study and conclusions.

Biologists are specialists who study structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, identification and taxonomy, whose field of analysis can be broad and varied.

Sciences related to biology such as physiology or ecology

You may be interested What are the Principal Branches of Biology and What Do They Study?

The main sciences related to biology

farming : This set of activities and knowledge, is also a science whose focus is the production of land crops. Its practical applications are the axis that mobilizes this field of study.

Anatomy: This science is the study of the animal form, the body of the human being and other living beings, especially their organic composition.

Biochemistry: This discipline is part of the chemistry and focuses its study on the necessary processes of cellular level. So that life exists and works.

Bioengineering: The study of biology through the means of engineering with emphasis on applied knowledge and especially related to biotechnology.

Bioinformatics: This science is considered a branch of information technology or computer science, applied to biology. Its main field of action is related to genomic data.

Mathematical Biology: This field of scientific research brings together knowledge from different disciplines, its main nucleus of study are the biological processes through the use of mathematical formulas.

Biomechanics: Considered as a branch of medicine, this science focuses on the study, analysis and research of force and acceleration, which make up the mechanics of living beings. An example of their application are artificial limbs.

Biophysics: Is the central discipline in the study of the laws governing vital energy. He focuses his research on biological processes through physics, through the application of his theories and methods.

Biotechnology: This novel and controversial branch of biology, studies the manipulation of living matter, including genetic modification.

Botany: Is the science that studies the vital processes of the vegetable kingdom.

Cellular Biology: Is the discipline that is in charge of the study of the properties, structure, functions, organelles and processes that the cells undergo during their life cycle.

Conservation Biology: This science is also a branch of biology and is responsible for research, preservation, protection or restoration of the natural environment, its ecosystems, vegetation and wildlife.

Developmental biology: This discipline is dedicated to the study of the evolutionary processes of an organism, from the zygote, where the embryo is formed, to the complete structure.

Ecology: Is the science that studies the ecosystem in a finished way, with special emphasis on the interaction between species, living beings and non-living elements.

Entomology: Is a discipline that is part of zoology and its field of action is the kingdom of insects.

Environmental Biology: This branch of biology focuses its efforts on the study of the natural world as a whole or in a particular area especially affected by human activity.

Epidemiology: This science is an important component of public health research, is the study of risk factors of populations.

Ethology: Is the discipline that studies animal behavior. In spite of its recent appearance its contributions are increasing.

Evolution or Evolutionary Biology: This branch focuses on the study of the origin and offspring of the species over time.

Genetics: This biological discipline is dedicated to the study of genes and heredity, especially the transmission of characters.

Herpetology: Is a branch of zoology, which focuses its study on reptiles and amphibians.

Ichthyology: Also part of the zoology, studies the fish.

Histology: This discipline is a microscopic branch of the anatomy in charge of research in cells and tissues.

Macrobiology: Is a branch of study of biology at the level of the macroscopic individual (plant, animal or other living being) as a complete unit.

Mammography: Similar to other branches of zoology, focuses its study on mammals.

Marine biology: This science is focused on the study of oceanic ecosystems, plants, animals and other living things that live there.

Medicine: Is a discipline dedicated to the study of the human body in health and illness. He also investigates death and life.

Microbiology: This branch of biology studies microscopic organisms (also called microorganisms) and their interactions with other living beings.

Molecular biology: Focuses on the study of biology and biological functions at the molecular level.

Mycology: This discipline is dedicated to the investigation of fungi.

Neurobiology: Is the science in charge of the study of the nervous system, including anatomy, physiology and pathology.

Oceanography: Is a scientific branch centered on the study of the ocean, including ocean life, environment, geography, weather and other aspects that influence the ocean.

Ornithology: Is another branch of zoology, which focuses on the study of birds.

Paleontology: Is the discipline that studies fossils and the geographic evidence of prehistoric life.

Pathobiology or pathology: This science investigates diseases: their causes, processes, nature and development.

Parisitology: Is a discipline focused on the study of parasites and parasitism.

Pharmacology: This scientific branch is dedicated to the study and practical application of the preparation, use and effects of medicines and synthetic medicines.

Physiology: Studies the functioning of living organisms and organs and parts of living organisms, centered on the organs that compose them.

Phytopathology: Is the study of plant diseases.

Virology: Is a discipline dedicated to viruses and other similar agents, generally considered part of the microbiology or pathology, that affect living organisms.

Zoology: Is a scientific branch devoted to the study of animals and the life of the animal kingdom, including classification, physiology, development and behavior.

Entomology: Another part of zoology, whose object of study are insects.

Primatology: Is the discipline dedicated to the study of primates, mammals that are part of the evolutionary chain of man.

Veterinary Sciences: Is the animal medical science.

Biogeography : This branch of science is dedicated to the study of the geographical distribution of living organisms in space.

Technology: Is the scientific study of the traces of animal activity, such as footprints, burrows, footpaths and perforations.

Morphology : This branch of biology related to the form and structure of living organisms, is central to determining its characteristics.

Astrobiology: Is the branch of biology related to the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life.

Bioclimatology: This science governs the influence of climate on living organisms.

Chronobiology: This discipline studies the phenomena dependent of the time in the alive organisms.

Geobiology: Is a science that combines geology and biology to study the interactions of organisms with their environment.

Protistology: This scientific discipline is dedicated to protists, varied organisms of different composition.

Embryology: Is the science that studies the embryos.

Endocrinology: Is the study of the endocrine glands.

Immunology: Is dedicated to the study of the structure and function of the immune system, innate and acquired immunity, the body's own distinction, and laboratory techniques involving the interaction of antigens with specific antibodies.

Koniology: This discipline is dedicated to the investigation of dust, its relation and effects on health.

Mastology: Is the scientific study of breasts.

Neurology: Is the branch of biology that studies the nervous system and its diseases.

Parasitology: Is the study of parasites.

Psychology: Is the study of human behavior, mental processes, perceptions and sensations.

Esplacnology: Is the science that studies the internal organs of both humans and species of the animal kingdom.

Surgery: Is the branch of medicine that deals with surgical procedures.

Toxicology: Is the study of toxins.

Urology: Is a science that focuses on the study and treatment of disorders of the urogenital organs.


  1. Branches of Biology and Their Meaning. (2016). Taken from owlcation.com.
  2. Branches of Biology / Divisions of Biology. (S.f.). Taken from bioexplorer.net.
  3. What Are the Main Fields of Biology? (S.f.). Taken from learn.org.
  4. The Branches of Biology. (S.f.). Taken from courses.lumenlearning.com.
  5. Branches of medical science. (S.f.). Taken from macmillandictionary.com.

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