What is the relationship between Matter and Energy?

The Relation between matter and energy Is given, according to the theory of relativity, by the speed of light. Albert Einstein was the pioneer in proposing this hypothesis in the year 1905.

Einstein's relativistic theory relates matter and energy by the following equation: E = M x C 2 ; Where E: Energy, M: Mass and C: speed of light, the latter has an estimated value of 300,000,000 m / s.

Relation matter and energy according to the theory of relativity

The relation between matter and energy explained on the basis of the theory of relativity

According to Einstein's formula, the equivalent energy (E) can be calculated by multiplying the mass (m) of a body by the speed of light squared.

In turn, the speed of light squared equals 9 x 10 16 M / s, which implies that the ratio of mass to energy is proportional to an extremely high multiplication factor.

The variation of the mass of a body is directly proportional to the energy emanated from the conversion process, and inversely proportional to the square of the speed of light.

Since the speed of light is given by a number of several figures, Einstein's formula states that even if it is an object with a small mass at rest, it has a significant amount of energy in its possession.

This transformation occurs in a very unbalanced proportion: for 1 kg of matter that is transformed into another state, 9 x 10 16 Energy jousting. This is the operating principle of nuclear power plants and atomic bombs.

This type of transformations make it possible for a system to perform an energy conversion process in which part of the intrinsic energy of the body changes in the form of thermal energy or radiant light. This process, in turn, also implies a loss of mass.

For example, during nuclear fission, where the core of a heavy element (such as uranium) is divided into two fragments of lower total mass, the mass difference is released to the outside in the form of energy.

The alteration of the mass is important at the atomic level, this shows that matter is not an unalterable quality of the body, and that therefore matter"can disappear", being released to the outside in the form of energy.

According to these physical principles, the mass increases as a function of the speed with which a particle moves. Hence the concept of relativistic mass.

If an element is in motion, a difference is generated between the initial energy value (resting energy) and the energy value it possesses while the body is in motion.

Also, given Einstein's relativistic theory, a variation in the mass of the body is also generated: the mass of the body in motion is greater than the mass of the body when it was at rest.

The mass of the body at rest, is also called intrinsic or invariant mass, since it does not change its value, even under extreme conditions.

Matter is the material substance that constitutes the whole of the observable universe, and together with energy, both elements constitute the basis of all physical phenomena.

The relationship between matter and energy expressed in Einstein's theory of relativity, laid the foundations of modern physics in the early twentieth century.


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  4. Strassler, M. (2012). Mass and energy. New Jersey, USA. Retrieved from: profmattstrassler.com.
  5. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2017). Equivalence between mass and energy. Retrieved from: en.wikipedia.org.

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