What is the purpose of the administrative process?

In this article you will see What is the administrative process used for And what are their concrete applications in the development of companies.

At the moment of forming a company, there are two main stages or phases. In a social organism, the same happens as in a living organism. First it starts from the initiative of one or a few people who are in charge of structuring it.

Archived documentation, part of the administrative process.  The planning of the company is one of the activities for which the administrative process serves.

When the structure is already constituted, a second stage begins, which consists of the normal operation or function of the social organism to achieve the goals that have been proposed.

This set of goals constitutes the administrative process, so it can be said that this procedure serves for the effective achievement of those objectives.

What is the purpose of the administrative process in the development of a company?

According to several authors, the administrative process would consist of four phases. Thanks to them, the goals set by the company are achieved. These steps are:

  1. Planning
  2. Organization
  3. Management
  4. Control

According to this, it can be concluded that there are six basic stages to study and that form the two basic phases of formation of a company or social organization. Therefore, it will be easier to understand if you know beforehand what are the fundamental phases in the development of the company.

Phases in the development of a company

1- Static phase

The first phase, also known as the static phase, is where the basic questions of creation of the company are realized: what are we going to do? How are we going to do it?

This is the stage of construction of the company, which, like a living organism, begins as a cell and then tissues and organs are emerging that are defined until they can complete their functions, be able to develop normal activities and have specific functions. In this phase, there is little interaction between more people in the company.

This stage corresponds to the steps of the administrative process of anticipation, planning and organization.

2- Dynamic phase

At this stage, the organism is already fully structured, fully developing all its functions, operations or activities that are inherent in itself, in all its varied and coordinated complexity. This is what shapes the true life of the organism.

The same thing happens in a company. This second phase is a dynamic phase and, when applied in the company, will allow to see clearly what is being done and thus, have the option to evaluate such actions. Here we also find a lot of people interacting inside the project. In this phase we find the steps of integration, management and control.

Steps of the Administrative Process

The administrative process is based on the structure of the organization to be able to integrate all the steps to develop a project. It becomes a dynamic process when the structure developed works efficiently and coordinated to achieve the objectives.

The administrative process is cyclical, since planning and organization require integration - which is within the organization - and management requires control. Each phase is interdependent of the other.

Like all processes, the administrative process has been defined several times by experts. These definitions are based on the way in which the experts conceive that the administration should be carried out.

In 1990 the authors Herbert A. Simon, Donald Smith and Victor A. Thomson defined that the administration refers to the situation in which"two men cooperate to roll a stone that neither of them could have moved alone" .

Jaiyeoba (2006) explained that management refers to the effective coordination of resources and people's efforts to achieve the goals of the organization.

With regard to education, the first objective of the administration has to do with the integration of all resources for the improvement of teaching and learning.

That is why within these multiple definitions there are concepts that stand out within the stages of this process. Those considered at the general level are as follows:

1- Planning

This process contributes to establishing, maintaining and developing an organizational network capable of anticipating, meeting and influencing the demands and responses of the relevant actors.

This planning phase can be adapted to different scenarios, such as planning a more concrete construction, a government, an administration or a business.

Planning involves choosing the best of many objectives, processes, policies and programs. Different roles must be organized with different types of personnel related to the functions that will execute to achieve the objectives chosen.

During planning strategies are planned and begin to prepare. It is the first phase of brainstorming to process and manage the various ideas and begin to prepare strategies for the development and growth of the project. The planning process is defined in three steps:

  • Analyze different roadmaps for the company and / or business.
  • Evaluate different roadmaps for the company and / or business.
  • Finalize specific aspects of the roadmap that will become part of a business plan or business plan.

2- Organization

During this stage, the work should be shared among all members of the group to establish and recognize the necessary links between all those who are part of the project.

The organization is a group of positions with rules and standards of actions and behaviors that must be considered and followed by all those involved.

In this phase, the work is divided into tasks that can be executed in a logical order and suitable for all individuals, which is known as the division of labor.

The idea is to combine the tasks logically and efficiently, so that the group of people and their jobs can be divided into departments.

Here the role of each individual in the organization is specified, joining departments in a hierarchy of the company or the business.

In addition, mechanisms are established to integrate the activities of all departments in a consistent manner and to be able to review the effectiveness of such integration, in a process called coordination.

Implementation should consistently be considered by comparing it with the results, the needs of the project, company or business members, and delivering an adequate reward to each person for their work well done. The importance of this phase lies in:

  • Its continuous character.
  • It is the best way to achieve the proposed objectives.
  • It provides the methods to be able to carry out the activities efficiently and with a minimum of effort.
  • Avoid slowness and inefficiency.
  • Reduce or eliminate duplication of effort to determine roles and responsibilities.
  • The structure should reflect the objectives and plans of the company, the authority and its environment.

3- Control

In the control are the activities that must be physically performed to carry out the specified business plan in the early stages of the process.

Control is necessary to confirm what is being done, to ensure that work is progressing satisfactorily towards pre-established goals.

These control activities should be organized into an appropriate plan, with the components required for each activity and the choice of suitable people to perform the tasks entrusted.

However, this does not ensure that the business / company or project is successful. There is always the risk of disagreements, misunderstandings and sudden obstacles that must be informed as soon as possible to carry out the corrective actions that are necessary. Some examples of activities of the control phase are:

  • Compare the results with the overall plan.
  • Design an effective way to measure operations.
  • Communicate how these activities are being measured.
  • Properly transfer information on how tasks are performed, to discover comparisons and differences.
  • Adjust the control activities according to the results that appear in these control measurements.

4- Execution

It consists in carrying out the required tasks. This requires the commitment and development of all team members who are working on the project.

It is the concrete execution of the steps of planning and organization- This is where actions must be taken to initiate and continue development.

One of the most common actions used by the project manager is to lead the group, develop management, educate, and help team members improve their work. All these tasks are called execution. Some important activities in this phase are:

  • Implement the philosophy of participation of all members of the project.
  • Direct and challenge the team to give their best for the project.
  • Motivate the participants.
  • Communicate effectively.

Importance of the administrative process

The administrative process is important because it helps to simplify and achieve the achievement of objectives. Within a company or organization, the work is usually divided into compartments, separated into functions and managers do not get the tasks done. The same is true in the field of education.

The administrative process provides an adequate solution. It is a collection of tasks and activities that can only be performed at the same time.

These transform entrances into exits, grant the possibility of new developments, achieve order and efficiency, select the right people to perform the tasks assigned and a joint work leading to the final achievement.


  1. The Administrative Process. Retrieved from easycoursesportal.com.
  2. The Administrative Planning Process. Alberto D.R. Salinas. Retrieved from journals.sagepub.com.
  3. What are business administrative process and procedures? Powered by MediaWiki
  4. Basic functions of administration: Planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Retrieved from safaribooksonline.com.
  5. Phases of the administrative process. Recovered from akimoo.com.
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  7. The Processes of organization and management. Retrieved from sloanreview.mit.edu.

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