What is Pultácea tonsillitis?

Pultácea tonsillitis Is a presence of whitish plaques in the crypts of the tonsils or across the tonsillar surface. This term is defined as the inflammatory processes of sudden appearance, located in the palatine tonsils.

The tonsils are the two lymph nodes located on each side of the back of the throat. They function as a defense mechanism helping to prevent infections in the body. When the tonsils become infected, the diagnosis is tonsillitis .

Tonsillitis pultácea

This condition is contagious and can be caused by a variety of common viruses and bacteria, such as streptococci ( Streptococcus S).

This picture can cause serious complications if not treated properly. Tonsillitis is easy to diagnose and with treatment, the symptoms usually disappear between seven and ten days.

Causes of Pultácea tonsillitis

The tonsils are the first line of defense diseases because they fight bacteria and viruses that enter through the mouth. These two lymph nodes produce white blood cells to fight infection.

But the tonsils are also vulnerable to infection by viruses and bacteria. A picture of tonsillitis may be caused by a virus, such as the common cold, or by a bacterial infection, such as strep throat.

According to American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), 15% - 30% percent of cases of tonsillitis are due to bacterial infection. Most streptococcal.


According to the type of tonsillitis, many are the possible symptoms:

1. Severe sore throat
Difficulty and pain when swallowing
3. Hoarseness
4. Bad breath
5. Fever
6. Colds
7. Earache
8. Stomach pain
9. Headache
10. Stiff neck
11. Tenderness in the jaw and neck due to swollen lymph nodes
12. Tonsils: look red and swollen
13. Tonsils: with white or yellowish spots
14. In young children: irritability, lack of appetite, excessive drooling.

Types of tonsillitis

  • Recurrent Tonsillitis : Multiple episodes of acute tonsillitis per year.
  • Chronic tonsilitis : Episodes last longer than acute tonsillitis with symptoms including: a) Chronic sore throat b) Bad breath (halitosis) c) Sensitive lymph nodes in the neck.

When to consult with the doctor

It can happen that the throat swells so much that causes difficulty in breathing. Consult a physician immediately if, in addition, the following symptoms appear:

1. Fever greater than 39 ° C - 103 ° F
2. Muscle weakness
3. Stiff neck
4. Sore throat that intensifies after two days


The diagnosis is based on a physical examination of the throat. The doctor may choose to take a throat culture by gently rubbing the back of the throat with a swab.

The extracted material is sent to a laboratory to identify the cause of the infection.


In benign cases, treatment is not necessarily required, especially if it is caused by the cold virus. In more severe cases, the treatments may include antibiotics and even tonsillectomy (tonsil removal). Currently, tonsillectomies are only recommended in patients who experience chronic or recurrent tonsillitis.

Antibiotics are prescribed to fight a bacterial infection. It is important to complete the entire shooting schedule. The doctor may ask the patient to schedule a follow-up visit to ensure treatment results.

If a person becomes dehydrated due to tonsillitis, he may need intravenous serum. Analgesics to relieve sore throat may help while the treatment lasts.

Tips for Relieving Sore Throat

  1. Drink plenty of fluids
  2. Rest
  3. Gargle with lukewarm water, coarse salt and lemon juice several times a day
  4. Suck throat pills
  5. Keep the environment moist by means of a humidifier
  6. Avoiding Smoke
  7. Try not to self-medicate with over-the-counter medications. Always consult a doctor first and foremost for children.


People with chronic tonsillitis may experience obstructive sleep apnea. When the upper airways become inflamed breathing becomes difficult and this makes the person does not sleep well.

It is also possible that the infection worsens and spreads to other areas of the body. This is known as tonsillar cellulitis.

The infection can also cause accumulation of pus behind the tonsils or peritonsillar abscess in the surrounding tissue. This may require drainage or surgery.

Symptoms of tonsillitis caused by a bacterial infection usually improve days after starting antibiotics. Streptococcal infection is considered contagious until antibiotics are started for a period of 24 hours.

If a person does not complete the antibiotic scheme or they do not remove the bacteria, they run the risk of developing rheumatic fever and post streptococcal glomerulonephritis.

P Revenge

Tonsillitis is highly contagious. To reduce risks, keep away from people who are infected, wash their hands often, especially after coming in contact with someone who has a sore throat, coughing or sneezing.


[1] Acute tonsillitis. Comprehensive General Medicine. Volume II Main affections in the family and social contexts. Part XV. Most Frequent Respiratory System Problems. Chapter 68. Sore throat, nose, and ears. Electronic publications. VHL Cuba. Retrieved at http://gsdl.bvs.sld.cu/cgi-bin/library

[2] Tonsils with pus. Video. Retrieved at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS-PGAaW1Z8

[3] Tonsillitis. Written by Ann Pietrangelo and Rachel Nall. Retrieved from healthline.com.

[4] A.D.A.M. Editorial team. Retrieved at medlineplus.gov.

[5] Tonsils and throat. Blausen.com staff. Blausen gallery 2014. Wikiversity Journal of Medicine. Retrieved at commons.wikimedia.org.

[6]"The classic surgical technique is bilateral extra capsular tonsillectomy, which corresponds to the surgical resection of both palatine tonsils together with its capsule, by dissection of the periamygdalin space. It corresponds to one of the most frequent surgical procedures performed by otolaryngologists, reaching in the United States more than 500,000 procedures per year for children under 15 years of age." Goldsmith AJ. Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy and UPPP. In: Bluestone CD, Rosenfeld RM, ed. Surgical Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2nd Ed. BC Decker; 2002, p. 379-406. Recovered from scielo.cl.

[7] Treatment and prevention of streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis. Retrieved from uptodate.com.

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