What is early intervention? (With Activities)

The early stimulation Is a therapy for children in which a set of exercises is intended to stimulate areas where deficits exist, to stimulate compensatory capacities that allow them to reach the full potential of children or to correct real or potential disorders that affect their development. We can not forget that early stimulation can also be applied in healthy children or in marginal conditions.

When a child is born, there are several factors that can influence birth and cognitive, psychomotor, social, affective, language and individual development (abilities, predisposition and rhythm). When complications occur, deficiencies occur in some of these aspects, and that is when it becomes necessary to intervene.

early stimulation

There is a great deal of research on the techniques used in early stimulation. It is essential to pay special attention to these children and take the necessary measures to avoid aggravating circumstances.

Characteristics of early stimulation

  • It is systematized since it must take into account the age of the child and the development of their abilities.
  • It is sequential since the skills achieved in one period are the basis for other future skills.
  • It is caring since it serves the mother and the child.
  • It is individualized.
  • It is continuous.
  • It is integral, both physically and psychologically.

The main objective is to foster a pleasant practice that increasingly fosters the mother-child relationship, developing skills and skills with quality and warmth, through experiences.

It seeks to recognize and motivate the child's potential, as well as strengthen their self-esteem, decision and instruction. It is a positive, joyful and fun experience, where children are not forced to do any activity, and when it is done it is done in a game.

Aspects to take into account in the application of early stimulation

Early stimulation requires the joint and coordinated participation of a team that designs these intervention strategies of a playful character, since the game is a fun activity where the human being proves to be active and generates knowledge, besides being a way to eliminate energies , To express feelings, to develop instincts, attitudes, skills and abilities.

The playful breaks the routine and generates Positive emotions Such as emotionality and joy, channeling the anxiety and stress of children and their families. It is demonstrated that the playful extends the biological, spiritual, psychic and social potential of people.

In addition, activities should be repetitive. And why repetitive?, because in this way reinforce the neural areas of children.

The fundamental role is the parents who will have to help them acquire the necessary knowledge about their child's difficulties and be aware of the possible consequences they might have.

They will also be given information about the help provided by early stimulation, the exercises they can do with their children, how they should behave with them, what they should value... It is recognized that the well-being of children depends to a large extent on what Their parents and other members of their environment do for them.

Parents must educate, know and stimulate the infant, since this early and quality stimulation guarantees a living rhythm in the process of acquiring higher levels of the brain and achieving a good intellectual level. If cognitive activities are not provided, the brain will develop its capabilities late and bad.

Often the lack of knowledge causes parents not to act correctly, for example, requiring children to perform things that age does not fit them. This pressure is totally unconscious and they are unwittingly contributing to the child becoming frustrated, experiencing anxiety and building a low self-esteem in the future.

That is why it is vitally important that parents respect the development stage of their infant, being aware of the limitations they have and relying on their strengths, as well as reinforcing the weak.

Some useful tips

Baby exploring

When starting treatment, and taking into account what I said earlier about the importance of parents being informed. They will be given some guidelines that they should follow when interacting with their child, so that the expected results are obtained.

They should keep in mind that the environment is favorable and calm, avoiding moments in which they appreciate that their son is tired or overloaded. The moment of the bath, may be propitious to implement these tips. Each baby is different from the rest, so they must respect the baby's response time.

As I mentioned earlier the activities should be in the form of a game, which will ask parents to use songs and music, as well as pay attention to their verbal language and non verbal , That is to say, that they smile, that they speak to them with affection putting emphasis and proper intonation and that they use reinforcements rewarding or celebrating the obtained results. As for the stimuli used, you should choose nice and safe objects.

In addition, they will be asked to establish routines for eating, sleeping and playing. Performing activities daily, or at least three times a week and repeating the exercises 5 times at least.

Proposed activities used in early stimulation

Baby feet with sand

As I mentioned earlier, early stimulation is sequential, ie activities are applied in an order. It begins with activities where the protagonist is the contact between mother and child, the use of massage and sensory stimuli.

From there will begin the activities of gross motor (responsible for large body movements), fine (in charge of fine and precise movements), perceptual activities, language (ability to communicate and speak) and social.

Next, I will mention examples of activities that could be carried out, taking into account the age of the children and the areas of action. I'll do it in a table form to make it look more visual.

As you can see they are very simple activities and suitable for the early stimulation of your child. With them you can help your child achieve the right development in all spheres of life.

Final reflection

I would like to conclude this article by appealing to parents, who are the main protagonists in the education of their children and promoting the correct development of their children in the personal, social, cognitive, language, motor and affective areas.

Collaborating with early stimulation professionals will help your child achieve the greatest development possible as quickly as possible.

So if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to consult this article and put these activities into practice with your child.


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