What is Coordination in Physical Education?

The Coordination in physical education Has to do with the ability of the athlete or performer to perform movements that allow the correct technical execution of a certain exercise or routine.

Broadening the concept, coordination is the physical capacity of the human body to move or move synchronously, through orderly movements of muscles and skeleton.

Bosu is a good tool to achieve good coordination in physical education

Coordination involves the intentionality of the performer to perform the movement, in addition to synchronicity and synergy.

This means that the movement is performed by the person at will, planning it in advance and with the active participation of several muscles involved to carry it out.

Importance of coordination in physical education

In physical education, coordination is exercised partially or in stages that can then be connected until a correct motor performance is achieved.

Coordination is therefore a successive chain of orderly and structured movements that allow the technical execution of a sport or activity.

To achieve this, in addition to good physical condition, it is very important a good cognitive development of the subject, because it should not be forgotten that all conscious and intentional movement of the body obeys a signal that has previously sent the brain.

Knowing this, then it can be said that coordination is a brain-motor mechanism. But the cerebellum , Which is the organ that regulates sensitive information and coordinates and organizes it with the stimuli emitted by the brain . This joint work derives in the fine motor necessary for a good coordination.

A movement is coordinated when it meets the criteria of harmony, economy, accuracy and effectiveness.

Types of coordination

There are several types of coordination depending on the organs or parts of the body involved:

Segmental lens coordination

What is Coordination in Physical Education?

It has to do with the movements of certain specific areas of the body, such as arms or legs, related to objects such as balls, discs, javelins or other implements.

All these movements are given after the sense of sight has captured a previous stimulus that causes the brain to signal the pertinent for the muscle to move in a particular way.

We speak of motive motor coordination, which is subdivided into:

- General Dynamic Coordination

In this case the synchronized movements involve the muscles of all (or almost everything) the body, being important to achieve the correct sequence between contraction and muscle relaxation to achieve the goal.

For them, it is essential that the Central Nervous System . Examples of this type of coordination are in swimming, synchronized swimming, track racing, gymnastics, and so on.

- Specific coordination The basic rules of basketball are determined by the referee

When a specific group of muscles intervenes. This type of coordination is subdivided into:

  1. Coordination oculus pedal: also called coordination oculus oculus, is that in which the legs intervene and their relationship with what the eye sees. The best example of this type of coordination is football.
  2. Coordination manual oculus: in which involves the fine motor of hands and fingers and their relationship with what the eye sees. In this segment are located sports such as basketball, tennis, volleyball, among others. It can be subvert in turn: coordination foot / hand oculus and coordination oculus head.

- Intermuscular coordination

It refers to the correct intervention of all the muscles involved in the movement.

- Intramuscular coordination

It has to do with the ability of each muscle to contract and relax effectively for the proper performance of the movement.

Necessary aspects for a correct muscular coordination

  • Correct cognitive development : The degree of development of the central nervous system will depend on the quality of motor coordination.
  • Strong, well-conditioned muscles : The amount of physical activity and training will influence better coordination.
  • Genetic potential : Coordination, although it is an aspect that must be trained and can improve with practice, also has a strong genetic component that allows some people to have better coordination of movements than others, or greater facility to acquire it.
  • Skeleton and healthy muscles, Strong and able to perform the movements.
  • Learning Through practice and repetition.
  • Automation of movements .
  • Good vision .

Factors involved in coordination

It has already been explained that coordination is a neuromuscular capacity that is determined by genetic factors and is perfected through learning.

Measure the speed of people and objects in sports

In physical education , A correct coordination will depend on the degree of training, inheritance, age, balance, level of fitness and learning, elasticity of muscles and the individual's psychic condition, among others.

The difficulty in coordination will depend on the speed of execution, the changes in direction, the duration of the exercise, the axes of movement, the height of the center of gravity and, of course, the non-calculable external and environmental conditions.

Advantages of good coordination

  • Harmonious movements, colorful and precise.
  • The final results have a high degree of effectiveness.
  • The task is accomplished with the least possible energy and time expenditure.
  • Unnecessary muscle contractions are avoided.
  • The overall effectiveness of exercise, whether strength, flexibility, endurance or speed, is improved.

Recommended coordination activities

In physical education, and especially in the early stages of development, it is highly recommended to perform tasks and activities that stimulate and promote the development of good motor coordination. Some of these activities can be:

  • Jumps of all types: with one foot, with both feet, rhythmically, alternating feet and hands, etc.
  • Everyday movements: push, lift, carry, throw; Routine tasks that must be tried with harmony and precision.
  • Opposition exercises, in pairs or groups. A typical case is the game of"throw the rope"where it is necessary the coordination of forces to achieve the objective.

What is Coordination in Physical Education?

  • Rhythmic activities like dances, dances and body movements with music.
  • Activities with implements: balls, balls, rings, elastic bands, clubs, trampolines, trampolines, ropes, etc.
  • Displacements: crawl, climb, climb, crawl, etc.
  • Throwing objects with one or both hands, with one or both feet and pointing towards increasingly precise targets.
  • Reception of objects, with one or both hands, with one or both feet and from longer distances.
  • Jumps with obstacles.
  • Juggling: play with two or more balls at a time, either throwing them into the air and trying to catch them without falling, bouncing two balls at the same time or similar exercises.


  1. Daniel Muñoz Rivera. Coordination and balance in the area of ​​Physical Education. Activities for its development. Recovered from efdeportes.com.
  2. Antonio García López et al. (2000). Games in Physical Education from 6 to 12 years. Publications Inde. P. 98.
  3. Coordination and balance: concept and activities for its development. Retrieved from oposinet.cvexpres.com.
  4. Coordination. Glossary of Physical Education. Retrieved from glossaries.service-alicante.com.
  5. Coordination: concept and classification. Retrieved from tododxts.com.
  6. Muscular coordination. Recovered from es.wikipedia.org.
  7. Manual eye coordination. Recovered from gobiernodecanarias.org.

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