What is Artificial Energy? (With Examples)

The artificial energy is the one obtained by the action of man through processes of chemical or physical transformation. The resulting products are called secondary because they are obtained from a natural or primary energy source.

In nature energy manifests itself in various forms: heat and light, coming from the Sun; kinetic, coming from the currents of water, the waves and the wind; electric, present in thunderstorms; and human and animal, from the direct use of the physical force of humans and animals.

Examples of artificial energy

As a product of the transformation of primary energy sources, man has come to generate the following types of energy:

1- Hydroelectric

It is obtained by the action of water movement in geodesic jumps, unevenness or dams built for this purpose.

The liquid in motion generates mechanical energy that activates the turbines of a generator: this is how electricity is produced.

2- Electrical

It is achieved by the action of mechanical energy from hydroelectric sources, wind or by expansion of gases from some heat source.

It is also obtained from electrochemical reactions inside a battery or accumulator, and by harnessing the solar energy through cells that transform the caloric energy into electricity.

3- Nuclear

It is generated by the radioactive decomposition of uranium and plutonium, mainly. This type of energy is used in some European countries to produce electricity. Alternatively, it is also used in the war industry.

4- Thermal

Also called caloric or calorific. It is obtained by the effect of the vibration or movement (kinetic energy) of the atoms or particles.

This type of energy is very used in everyday activities; for example, when boiling or freezing water, in chimneys, in water heaters, home appliances, cooking ovens, incandescent bulbs and motors, among others.

5- Wind

It is obtained from the wind, it is the kinetic energy coming from the air currents. It has been used in windmills, pumping mills and in sailing boats.

In many countries of Europe and America is used to obtain electricity through wind turbines.

6- Sound or acoustic

It is the result of the transmission and propagation of sound waves. It is used in the field of household appliances, telecommunications and medicine, especially in imaging.

7- Mechanics

It is the ability of a body to perform a job by changing its position or speed. It combines kinetic, elastic and potential energy.

It is present in almost all the activities of the man in which there is movement, mainly in the industrial, automotive and aeronautical sectors.

8- Chemistry

It is produced from the different chemical reactions between elements and / or substances. It is used in all forms of fuel, corrosive substances and fireworks.

9- Hydraulics

It is obtained from the potential energy of water currents, tides and kinetic energy.

It is used in hydroelectric plants, in pumping or water mills, and especially in the use and generation of marine energy.

10- Geothermal

It is one that is generated through the use of the internal heat of the planet. Naturally, this form of energy gives rise to geysers and hot springs.

It is used in desalination plants, in the manufacture of refrigerators and heating systems (air conditioning pumps) and in the generation of electric energy.


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