What Does a Moderator Do in a Debate? Principal functions

The main role of a moderator in a debate is to ensure that the discussion develops smoothly and is fruitful. Grant the speaking time and intervene in the event of any conflict.

A debate is a meeting between two or more people in which a pre-established topic is discussed. The moderator is the conductor of the same and begins with a brief introduction so that the guests initiate their participation, present their ideas and present the corresponding data to reinforce them.

What Does a Moderator Do in a Debate?  Principal functions

The moderator is a sort of neutral director of the discussion. Its role is fundamental for the development of the same and for the debate to be useful as an exposition of arguments.

The 5 main functions of the moderator in a debate

1- Presentation of the debate

The first thing the moderator usually does is focus the discussion. First you have to explain who the participants are, what the reasons they have been chosen to participate and what organizations they represent, if any.

You should also make a brief introduction to the topic on which it will be discussed. It is important a neutral voice that offers the viewer a clear picture on the subject, so that there is a solid foundation before listening to the guests.

2- Sort the debate

One of the main roles that the moderator must play is to organize the debate. This means that it is in charge of establishing the basic rules for the discussion: from the times that correspond to each participant to the structure that will have the discussion.

Most of the time the moderator allows each guest to make a first intervention to present the question, and then gives the floor to each one to expose their ideas.

By having a neutral role, you should try to make word shifts equitable without anyone exceeding the corresponding time. This should be done in a way that makes the whole process fluid and not too rigid.

3- To bring the debate back

Sometimes discussions can get away from the main issue to be addressed, either because the issue is highly controversial or other causes. The moderator must be able to decide how far these deviations allow, which can sometimes be enriching.

The moderator should ask the participants to focus again on the main topic if they consider that they have moved too far and that nothing is being brought to the central issue.

4- Intervene if the spirits are exalted

It is very common that certain issues make some of the participants in a debate lose their nerve. This can cause yelling or the participants talking all at once, preventing them from understanding what they are saying and making the meeting unpleasant.

The moderator must calm these situations by trying to calm the mood so that the discussion returns to the normal channels. You should also try to avoid making personal references that have nothing to do with the main issue.

5- Close the discussion

The last role of the moderator, after asking his guests to make a closing comment, is to end the debate.

The most usual thing is to make a short summary about the discussion and to establish some kind of conclusion. It must maintain the same attitude of neutrality that it showed throughout the debate.


  1. Pedagogical Counseling. The role of the moderator. Obtained from ite.educacion.es
  2. Kelly, Rob. Moderator Duties. Retrieved from work.chron.com
  3. LaMay, Craig. Moderate - Period. (September 23, 2016). Obtained from usnews.com
  4. Krayeske, Ken. Debating the Moderator's Role. (October 7, 2004). Obtained from poynter.org
  5. Wikipedia. Discussion moderator. Retrieved from"en.wikipedia.org"

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