What are the Parts of a Main Poem? (Structure)

The Parts of a poem Main are the title, verse, stanza, rhythm, metric and author. Poetry is a literary genre that uses aesthetics and rhythmic qualities of language, such as euphony (soundness of words considered agreeable) and metrics (set of regularities in verses), to evoke meanings or feelings, often hidden Or symbolic.

He poem Is the literary product of poetry, that is, a poem is a literary text that brings together the characteristics to be considered part of the genre of poetry.

A poem written in pen.  Some of the most important characteristics of a poem are its structure and its rhythm.

The main characteristic to classify a literary work as a poem is the presence of the verse, which is the unit in which a poem is divided.

However, prose (a form of writing similar to natural language) is also used in the writing of a poem, which can be equally differentiated from a story or novel by the presence of rhythm or the absence of a Formal or direct narrative.

In poetry various literary forms and conventions are used that can be used to evoke different emotional responses, to give meaning to words or"effects", such as the use of rhythm in the verses to achieve an effect of musicality.

In addition, the characteristics may vary according to their historical context or the literary traditions from which it comes or the language in which it has been written.

Structure: main parts of a poem

Many poets have now chosen to dissociate themselves from the aesthetic conventions that have existed in poetry for years, so that the parts of a poem are not necessarily present in all poetic manifestations.

Therefore, it should be considered that not necessarily all the mentioned parts are in a poem.

1- Verse

The verse refers to the unit in which a poem can be divided. This is represented by a single metric line (of having any metrics).

Unlike prose, which is divided by grammatical signs, and is formed by sentences or paragraphs, the verse depends on the metric, rhythm, rhyme or even the end of the author.

Thus, the verse can be classified according to the structure of the poem. With the presence of rhyme, there is the rhymed verse, the loose verse and the white verse.

In addition, there are verses according to the amount of syllables of these (minor art and major art). As also according to their accentual disposition, that is to say, the rhythm that these present.

2- Stanza

The stanza is another unit in which a poem is divided, which refers to a Structural division Which contains a certain number of verses, depending on the structure of the poem or the intention of the author, and which is usually separated by a point. It may be comparable to a paragraph in prose.

According to the number of verses of which a stanza is composed, it is given different names. For example, the joy of two verses or the limerick of five verses.

In addition, the verses that contain a poem and verses that contain these, can define the structure of this, as is the case of the sonnets, consisting of four stanzas, two of 4 verses and two of 3.

3- Rhythm

Rhythm is a feature and an element present in most arts, and can be visual or auditory.

In general, rhythm can be defined as a flow of movement, controlled or measured, sound or visual, produced by the arrangement of different elements of the medium in question. That is, it is the feeling of continuity or flow.

In poetry, rhythm represents a basic trait for determining the structure of a poem, and is one of the characteristics of contemporary poetry.

This can be given by several factors, the distribution of accents in each verse being its most usual.

4- Metric

The metric represents the main rhythmic structure of a verse in poetry. Thus, many forms of versified poetry, especially some traditional ones, have a pre-established metric structure.

The metric refers to the number of syllables that a verse has, and in freer forms of poetry, there may still be a kind of metric, which could be determined by rhythm.

5- Title

Of course, every poem has a title chosen by the author.

6- Author

At the end of the poems the authors usually leave their signature.

Characteristics of a poem

1 - Do not present a direct narrative

Poetry is separated from the narrative (novels, short stories), among other reasons, because the purpose of this is not to narrate events or tell a story, at least not in the form of narrative. That is, the poem can tell a story, but making use of its own elements.

Thus, the author could decide to tell a story through a poem, but it will not be transmitted to the reader directly, telling the events, linear or not, as they would in the genres of the narrative.

The message is transmitted through the verses, using elements of the story, such as location, time, or characters.

2 - The poem evokes emotions of the author

Although in poetry there is no single theme imposed, and the poet is free to write on any subject, poetry is an art highly linked to the emotions, feelings and intellect of the writer.

That is to say, regardless of the theme to which it is alluded (patriotism, love, politics, nature, science), it is difficult to disconnect the emotions of the author of the text, there being several personal reasons (conscious or unconscious) that lead to writing Of this.

3 - Use literary figures

Since poetry is a literary genre different from that of narrative, it requires (as well as other genres) the use of literary figures, which help to express the ideas, emotions or history that the author intends to tell.

Not being written with the usual language with which people express themselves, even in poetic prose, the true message of a poem can be hidden, and is usually of free or open interpretation.

To this end, literary figures are used, that is, unconventional ways of using words.

The most notorious case is the use of metaphor , Which means the displacement of meaning between two terms with an aesthetic purpose.

This results in a description, often almost visual, that allows the reader to more easily understand the meaning of the text.

An example of a metaphor can be found in Don Quixote:"That his hair is golden, his forehead of elyseal fields..."


  1. Poetry. (2017, June 21). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Date of consultation: 04:18, June 27, 2017 from es.wikipedia.org
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