What are the 3 Parts of a Story?

The Parts of a story Main Are the introduction, development and outcome. In addition to these elements, a story is also composed of a plot, characters and an environment. Also, the story must deal with something specific; This means that it must have a theme.

A story is a short fiction prose that can usually be read in one sitting. Its origins can be traced back to the seventeenth century; Evolved from oral or spoken history.

Several stories piled up.  The story has three parts: introduction, development and outcome.

The most typical is that a story contains few characters or characters with names. It is usually concentrated in a single incident or plot; The idea is that it evokes a single effect or a single humor in its readers.

The stories make use of the plot, resonance and other dynamic components to a higher degree than the typical anecdotes.

But at the same time they make use of these elements to a lesser degree than novels. Although the novels and the stories are different genres, the authors of both are based on a common group of literary techniques.

The stories do not have a definite length. In terms of length, technically there is no demarcation between anecdotes, stories and novels. Rather, the parameters are given by the rhetorical and practical context in which history is produced and considered.

What is considered as a story may differ between different genres, countries, ages and critics. Usually the stories reflect the demands of the publishing house or the industry. You may also be interested in viewing Top 10 Fantastic Story Features .

Elements of a story

As a form of prose narrative fiction, the story must have the traditional elements of a dramatic structure.

These elements include exposure or introduction of the plot, situation and characters; The complication, the event that introduces the conflict; The crisis, the decisive moment for the protagonist or his commitment to the course of action; The climax, or point of maximum interest in terms of conflict and the point with more action; And the resolution, the moment in which the conflict is resolved. Depending on their length, stories may or may not follow this pattern.

For example, some modern stories have no exposure and begin right in the middle of the action. As in the longer stories, the plot of some stories may be its climax, crisis or break point.

Some stories have an abrupt or open ending; Others have a moral or practical lesson. Like any art form, exact features vary by author. The most important parts are listed below.

1. Introduction

The introduction is the beginning or the beginning part of a story. At this moment they introduce themselves to the characters and their motivations. It also presents the plot or what the story will deal with. The introduction must have a narrative hook; Any question, statement or situation that catches the attention of the reader.

Usually, the introductions are short. Ideally, the sentences should not be too long so that the reader does not get complicated when reading it. In the introduction the plot must be raised and the initial part of the story or story must be included.

In the introduction you must introduce the protagonists of the story. It is important that the characters or protagonists are broken down so that the reader can understand who they are and what their motivations are. The introduction also includes the place where the story takes place so the reader can understand where the plot is occurring.

The author must introduce at the beginning of the story what is going to change or develop throughout the development of the plot. The introduction is the basis of the story; You must include all the things necessary to understand and develop the story later.

2- Development

Development is where the main events of history happen. Here the conflict occurs and the most important facts of the story unfold. Good development must be planned in time; The idea is for the writer to have the dramatic events prepared so that the story can be good.

Conflict is what prevents the main character from getting what he wants. The plot is driven by the climax and is the most important of the story since the whole story is developed throughout it.

Conflicts can be internal or external. An internal conflict can be the protagonist vs. himself, for example. External conflicts can be the person vs. the destination; The person vs. the society; The person vs. the environment; The person vs. another person or the person vs. the person technology . These are the most commonly used conflicts.

It must create a conflict that can be built throughout history. As the conflict is structured, one must have a clear idea of ​​what the beginning, the development, and the end is.

A good development of the plot must have an initial incident, a call to action and a climax. The initial incident is what begins the story or plot. The call to action are the incidents or situations that carry the plot. Usually includes conflict, suspense, foreshadowing or retrospect.

Omen refers to the technique that uses clues to signal events that will occur later in the plot. The retrospective refers to the insertion of a past event in the order of the narrative.

The suspense is the feeling of curiosity that leads the reader to continue reading; The idea is that the reader wants to know how the conflict will be resolved.

The climax is the highlight of the story. It is when the main characters or characters face their problems or the primary conflict of history. It is usually the highest emotion point; Is also subjective, the author will decide what will be the climax of its history.

In a good plot you must be true to the story. This means that when creating a world, whether real or fantastic, you must have some rules and the author must adhere to them. The creator must play with the rules he has already created in the world in which his story takes place.

All plot events must occur for some purpose. There must be a reason why it happens and why the reader is reading it. If it does not contribute anything to the story, it should not be written.

The characters in the story must want something or have motivations that put them in conflict with other characters. Each character must face consequences or must have things that are at risk. Also, each character must have a particular"dialogue"or"voice"that helps to understand the character; At the same time, you must advance the plot.

An important part of the stories is that you should always expose yourself in favor of explaining. For example, instead of the character saying"I'm afraid", it's better to write that the character hides under the bed.

Also, in the development of the story must be made clear the topic of history. The subject does not refer to the moral of the story or to the plot. The subject refers to the content or subject as such; Sometimes it can contain a message.


The conclusion or denouement is the part where the narration concludes. The solution of the problem occurs in the denouement. If it is an open ending, even the conclusion of the story must occur in some way.

The resolution answers the questions that have not been answered or the outstanding conflicts are resolved. A complete story must have a strong conclusion.

If the story ends weakly or the reader feels that the story is unfinished, he may feel disgust or confusion. Resolutions need not necessarily be happy or satisfying.

They should only make the reader feel that the plot has reached a conclusion or an end. That is why the outcome is so important, a story must have a clear beginning and a conflict; An exciting climax and a clear ending.

The outcome of the story occurs after the climax. At this point the reader understands what happens to the characters after the conflict is resolved. You must allow all remaining loose ends in the story to be retained so that the narrative structure can be terminated.

All good stories or stories must have an outcome. Just as stories need strong beginnings that will draw the reader and interesting or exciting events throughout the story, the endings must be strong as well. The outcome must tie the whole story and leave the reader feeling satisfied.

The endings can use various narrative resources. For example, a narrative twist may be a surprise ending, in which the story concludes in an unexpected way.


  1. How to develop a story: 10 steps to a winning plot. Now Novel. Recovered from nownovel.com.
  2. Story Development - Chapter 4 (2017). Playwriting 101. Retrieved from playwriting101.com.
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