What are Discursive Strategies?

The Discursive strategies Are all those linguistic resources to which the speaker resorts to maximize the effectiveness of his message, with the intention of fulfilling particular interests.

These strategies are applied recurrently in different discursive formats, and are not limited to oral communication.

Trump, a genius of discursive strategies

There are those who consider that these strategies are not absolute, and may vary according to the issuer and the context in which they are used.

If the objective is to achieve a specific goal through the message, taking into account the contextual variables, the use of discursive strategies becomes crucial, which requires a conscious preparation of the discourse.

These strategies are not arbitrary; And yet its application in various contexts is linked to the cultural and social context of the participating issuers.

Discursive strategies are applied in a permanent way in trades and professions that make communication its specialty.

It has been widely theorized on the"forms"adopted by the discursive strategies, their evolution, and their use in different specific contexts.

They can be classified as follows: strategies of recruitment, credibility, delegitimation, dramatization and controversy; Each with its own resources and situations to be exploited.

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Types of discursive strategies

Speeches are handled within communicative processes, so all resources must be used to fulfill the objective of the sender: to persuade and to get his message and intentions to calm the receiver, so that he can allow him to fulfill his objectives.

Capture Strategies

They are those used mainly to seduce the receiver and to persuade him through the sent message, so that his response represents a change of perspective towards the desired one during the communicative process.

They seek to exalt and reinforce the positions of interest, so that they enter into the stream of thought of the issuer, and what it seeks.

Capture strategies are widely used in commercial fields and campaigns, as well as in politics, which must maintain for a long time a schematic discourse whose message can always continue to attract new adepts.

Capture strategies are not limited to the oral aspect, as they are very common in non-verbal and multimedia environments and processes.

Credibility Strategies

They are resources used to shield, reinforcing and increasing the level of credibility that the receiver may have over the issuer.

The use of these strategies must be supported by a prior management and control of the discourse to be handled, since they must use arguments that can not be easily refuted, while demonstrating genuineness in its construction.

The good use of credibility strategies can give the issuer a greater magnitude and importance when it comes to dealing with topics within its domain.

They are considered a suitable source in trades such as journalism, where a multitude of sources makes use of credibility strategies to become the focus of reference.

The good application of this type of discursive strategies, in some cases must be accompanied by consonant actions that do not contradict or invalidate what was handled in a previous speech, in the case of spokesmen and public images.

Strategies of delegitimation

Of the most common to apply in discourses that appeal to the emotions, or that from the beginning seek the disqualification or ignorance of the other.

Although valid, the resources for delegitimation can fall into the offense and lack of respect in participatory communicative processes. However, its use will always generate a response, so do not be instantaneous.

They are simply defined as a challenge to the existence or identity of the adversary. They are strategies used in spaces of debate and negotiation, and in a much more explicit and direct way in campaigns and political careers.

It has been estimated that abuse of these resources may incur contradictions and unwarranted attacks.

Strategies of dramatization

The issuer usually uses the use of literary figures and the exposition of assumptions and scenarios that appeal to the emotions, the anecdote and the memory, in order to successfully penetrate the receivers.

They find something in the beauty of the speech that identifies them with their issuer, and they decide to respond positively and in support.

The use of Metaphors , Analogies Y Comparisons Do not always contain in themselves a positive message, since it depends on the sender and their interests, the intention to cause joy or terror in their recipients, either to exalt themselves or to harm another.

Like the previous ones, the resources valid for these strategies have a great importance in the political speeches.

Controversial Strategies

Considered negative, they are disqualifiers, used mainly to generate abrupt, extreme and sensationalistic reactions.

The purpose is to condition a rapid change in the receiver's perspective, causing it to react negatively against the other party.

The use of resources that appeal to the controversy provides the capacity to condition a situation, a context, as well as its participants.

Its use can result in consequences that affect the issuer itself, if at any time it is surprised to deny the handling of some information considered sensitive.

Controversial strategies should not be considered the main creative or argumentative weapon of a discourse; However, its use is considerably high in public, political and social discourses.

Other forms of discursive strategies

Discourses constructed with merely visual or auditory characteristics, or even the combination of several in different media (multimedia), have given way to these new discursive formats, which participate without discrimination in the everyday communication process, find their own methods to maximize their messages.

These new resources must be theorized within their own schemes of production and propagation, so that they do not become a transmutation of oral strategies, but can provide effectiveness in their discourses, applying unconventional resources.

Despite this, there seem to be patterns that recur in discursive formats. It is understandable, since the appearance of these strategies has always been tied to the particular interests of each man who becomes an emitter.


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