What are Accidents? (With Examples)

The Grammatical accidents Are the changes that can occur in a word when particles or endings are added to the lexeme of the same, that is, to its root.

All lexical units are composed of two basic elements: a lexeme and a morpheme. The first is the basis of the word, and it is the part that brings meaning.

Grammatical accidents

The second is an aggregate particle that can give information about gender, number, time, mode, aspect and person. It is this second part (the morpheme) that creates grammatical accidents.

An easy way to understand this concept is to think of word families, for example:


  • Lexema: Cas-
  • Morpheme: -a
  • Derived words: Houses, casita, house, casona, hamlet, home, among others.

The words that can suffer grammatical accidents in Spanish are:

  1. Nouns, which are modified in gender, number, diminutives and augmentative.
  2. Adjectives, which are modified in gender and number.
  3. Verbs, which are modified in person, mode, aspect and time.

Grammatical accidents in nouns

Nouns are the words used to name people, objects, and things. For example: house, mountain, Mary, book, eggplant.

Nouns suffer from four types of grammatical accidents: gender and number, and diminutive and augmentative.

In terms of gender, Spanish accepts three inflections: the masculine, the feminine and the neutral (in very few cases). As for number, the inflections are also two: plural and singular.

For their part, the diminutives are intended to demonstrate that an object is small while the augursors report that the object is large. Both inflections can be used to express pleasure or dislike.

Examples of grammatical accidents: gender and number

From now on, the morphemes that generate grammatical accidents will be shown in bold.

Cas to (Singular singular).

Carr or (IDIOMS)

Cas ace (Plural plural).

Carr you (Plural plural).

Doctor (noun)

Doctor to (Singular singular).

Doctor is (Plural plural).

Doctor ace (Plural plural).

Psychologist or (Singular neutral noun).

Psychologist you (Noun plural plural).

Examples of grammatical accidents: diminutives and augmentative

Libr Ito (small book).

Bob Ito (Although the noun may be offensive, it can be transformed into an affectionate appellation when the diminutive is used)

Pece I quote (small book)

Doctor I quote (Literally, small doctor, but it can be a derogatory appellation).

Cucarach Ota (Large cockroach, can be considered derogatory).

Cas Ota (big house).

Grammar Accidents in Adjectives

Adjectives are words that are used to describe nouns. There are several types of adjectives: qualifying and determinative. The determinants, in turn, are divided into demonstratives, possessive, numerals, indefinite and relative.

Of all these adjectives, only the qualifiers and demonstratives have grammatical accidents.

The grammatical accidents that adjectives suffer are gender and number. Added to this, a few adjectives in Spanish suffer grammatical accidents in their comparative and superlative forms.

Examples of grammatical accidents: Gender and number

Good or (Adjective, singular masculine).

Good to (Adjective adjective, singular feminine).

Good you (Adjective adjective, plural masculine).

Good ace (Adjective adjective, plural feminine).

Prudent and (Adjective adjective, singular neutral).

Prudent is (Adjective, neutral plural).

Fatal (adjective adjective, singular neutral).

Fatal is (Adjective, neutral plural).

Examples of grammatical accidents: Comparative and superlative

What are Accidents?  (With Examples)

Grammar accidents in verbs

Verbs are words that express actions and are divided into two types: auxiliary (such as being, being and having) and principal (like running, doing, having, playing, among others).

Of the three groups of lexical units that suffer grammatical accidents, the verb is one of the most changes in its form, since they present inflections of person, time, aspect and mode.

Grammatical accident of person

There are six people: three singular (I, you, him) and three plural (we, you, them). The form of the verb changes for each person, generating grammatical accidents.

What are Accidents?  (With Examples) 1

Grammatical Accident of Time

The time indicates the moment in which the action takes place. In Spanish, there are three verb tenses: past, present and future.


What are Accidents?  (With Examples) 2

Grammatical accident so

What are Accidents?  (With Examples) 3

Mode is a grammatical accident that expresses the thinking of the speaker before whom he is saying.

If what is said is true, or is considered to be a fact, the indicative mode will be used.

If what is said is an opinion, a desire or a possibility, the subjunctive will be used.

Finally, if what is expressed is an order or a mandate, the imperative will be used.

The aspect is related to the time and refers to the finished or unfinished quality of the action. For example, saying"I ate"is because the action is over, while saying"how"the action is in progress. Grammatical Aspect Accident

In Spanish, two aspects are distinguished: the perfective (for finished actions) and the imperfect (unfinished actions).

The perfective times are all compounds (h and com gone H opens Travel Ado H governess Initiate Ado ) And the preterite simple (with This Travel Aste , Inic Did you ). All others are imperfect (with A Travel to Travel Ala ).


  1. Accidence. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from dictionary.com
  2. Accidence. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from merriam-webster.com
  3. Accidence. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from en.oxforddictionaries.com
  4. Accidence. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from thefreedictionary.com
  5. Accidence. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from en.wiktionary.org
  6. Verbal tenses. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from en.wikipedia.org
  7. Adjectives. Retrieved on July 16, 2017, from en.wikipedia.org.

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