Wayne Dyer's Top 100 Phrases

The best Quotes by Wayne Dyer , Motivational speaker, psychotherapist, philosopher and one of the best writers of self-help books. His first book, Your incorrect zones (1976), is one of the best selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold to date.

Wayne Dyer was considered the"Father of the modern self-help movement"or the"Father of motivation." He spent most of his childhood in orphanages and foster homes and was the driving force that inspired him to move on in life.

Wayne dyer

He began his career as a psychotherapist after receiving his Bachelor's and Ph.D. from Wyne University. His motivational speeches drew large numbers of students and encouraged him to put his thoughts in writing.

The result was his first book, Your incorrect zones ', Which he promoted in libraries and giving interviews to the media. He taped audio tapes of his motivational speeches and made television appearances. He denounced living in guilt and emphasized self-realization and self-sufficiency.

Dyer was influenced by the concept of self-realization of Abraham Maslow And by the teachings of Swami Muktananda, whom he considered his Master. His experience in psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy have helped millions of people around the world.

He published more than 30 self-help books, some of them being popular Build your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, Change your thoughts, change your life, The Power of Intention or Think different, live different.

You may also be interested in this summary of his best book," Your incorrect zones T the These self-help phrases .

1-If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

2-Go for the now. The future is not promised to anyone.

3-When you judge others, not dolphins, you define yourself.

4-Maximum for life: they will treat you in life in the way you teach people to treat you.

5-Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.

6-Practice being the type of person you would like to attract.

7-Our intention creates our reality.

8-You can not always control what happens on the outside, but you can always control what happens inside.

9-It does not make sense to worry about things that you have no control because there is nothing you can do and why worry about things that you can not control. Worry keeps you immobile.

10-Be unhappy. Or motivate yourself. Whatever you do, it's your choice.

Wayne Dyer's Top 100 Phrases

11-I am realistic, I expect miracles.

12-You can get anything you really want, if you really chase it.

13-Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body instead of a body with a soul.

14-You can not be alone if you like the person you are alone with.

15-There is no stress in the world, only people thinking stressful thoughts.

16-You will see it when you believe it.

17-You are condemned to make decisions. That is the greatest paradox of life.

18-You can not fail, you can only produce results.

19-The antidote to fear is faith.

20-I would rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I am not.

The 100 Best Phrases by Wayne Dyer 1

21-If you think it will work, you'll see opportunities. If you think you will not, you will see obstacles.

22-If your stay on land is so short, it should be at least pleasant. In short, it is about your life; Do with her what you want.

23-Self esteem can not be verified by others. You go because you say that it is so. If you depend on others to value yourself, this valorization will be done by others.

24-The need for approval of others is equivalent to saying:"What you think of me is more important than the opinion I have of myself.

25-Only ghosts wallow in the past, explaining themselves with descriptions based on their past lives. You are what you choose to be today, not what you chose to be.

26-If you think that feeling bad or worrying enough will change a fact past or future, it means that you reside on another planet with a different system of reality.

27-There are no rules or laws or traditions that can be applied universally... including this one.

28-If the world were so organized that everything had to be fair, there would be no living creature that could survive even one day. Birds would be forbidden to eat worms and the personal interests of all human beings should be taken care of.

29-There is no shortage of opportunities to earn your living what you love; There is only a shortage of will.

30-You have everything you need for complete peace and happiness right now.

Wayne Dyer's Top 100 Phrases

31-There is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way.

32-Only the unsafe ones fight for security.

33-Successful people make money. It is not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.

34-Transformation literally means going beyond your form.

35-The state of your life is but a reflection of the state of your mind.

36-The meaning of life is to get a meaning for life.

37-Do not die with the music still in you.

38. Stop acting as if life were an essay. Live this day as your was your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.

39-The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something from which you know nothing.

40-The catastrophe that worries you so often happens to be less horrible in reality than it was in your imagination.

Wayne Dyer's Top 100 Phrases

41-The greatest gift that has ever been given to you is the gift of your imagination.

"It's impossible to be pissed off and laugh at the same time." Hate and guilt are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose.

43-How people treat you is their karma; How you react is yours

44-Judgments prevent us from seeing the good behind appearances.

"Nobody knows enough to be a pessimist.

46-You must become the producer, director and actor in the developing story of your life.

47-There are only two basic emotions: one is fear, the other is love.

48-Your children know you more by the way you live than by what you say.

49-The components of anxiety, stress, fear and hate do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even if we talk about them as if they did.

50-Conflict can not survive without participation.

51-When you stop making decisions, you enter the vast world of excuses.

Wayne Dyer's Top 100 Phrases

52-You can not grow and develop yourself if you know the answers before the questions.

53-Doing what you love is the cornerstone of abundance in your life.

54-I can not always control what happens on the outside, but I can control what happens inside.

55-Do not let the plans you have for yourself be more important than yourself.

56-You are what you choose to be today. Not what you have chosen to be before.

57-Rate the present moment. Hold on to every moment of your life and taste it.

58-We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings immersed in a human experience.

Everything is perfect in the universe, even your desire to improve it.

60-You are the one who determines what you are worth without explaining to anyone.

My goal is not to be better than someone, but to be better than I used to be.

62-When you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose to be kind.

63-Being aware of the routine is to take the first step to change it.

64-Live day-to-day with an emphasis on ethics rather than rules.

65-When you are inspired, you never ask about your purpose. You're living it.

66. Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment from others.

67-Love is cooperation rather than competition.

"When I was pursuing money, I never had enough. When I had a purpose in life and focused on giving of myself and everything that came into my life, I was prosperous.

69-Freedom means that you have no obstacles to live your life as you choose. Anything else is a form of slavery.

70-When you dance, your purpose is not to reach a certain place in heaven. It is enjoying every step along the way.

71-There is nothing wrong with anger as long as it is used constructively.

72-Abundance is not something we acquire. It's something we tune into.

73. A peaceful mind, a focused mind and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe.

74-If you are happy, if you live every moment, making the most of your possibilities, then you are an intelligent person.

75-Remember that you can not fail to be yourself.

76- Feelings are not simple emotions that happen to you. Feelings are reactions that you choose to have.

77- An intelligent person should be described as happy and effective in everyday life, who knows how to solve problems, creates resources, is autonomous, independent and overcomes adversity.

78-You are responsible for what you think and what you feel and you can learn to think differently about anything. From you and the choices you make depends on the experiences of your life are stimulating and pleasant.

79-In society it is well seen to treat others well and to love them, nevertheless he forgets that in order to achieve happiness it is fundamental to love oneself and to value oneself.

80-It all begins by loving itself. That way you can love others and do things for them for the mere pleasure of being generous and expecting nothing in return. Have you thought about the value that would give something from a person who is worth nothing? How can you give love if you are not worth anything? What value would your love have?

81-You yourself choose the value you have and you do not have to ask or give explanations to anyone. Your own value is a fact that is not related to your behavior or your feelings. You can choose to be valuable forever; It does not matter that in a moment you have done something of what you feel regretted.

You may wish the approval of others, for it is natural to feel happy with the support and acceptance of others. But needing it, is one of the most negative erroneous areas.

83-Change the"I am"by"I have chosen to be"to be the product of your choices.

84. Two of the most useless emotions of a lifetime are guilt over what is done and concern about what will happen. With guilt you waste your present moments and with worry you keep immobilized.

"As long as you are a human and live in this world, you can never be sure. And if it were so, it would be very very boring. The sure thing eliminates the excitement and the emotion.

86-If you believe in yourself, you can explore areas of life that do not offer you anything safe and avoid following the path that everyone else walks.

87. All our lives are plagued by"you must do this"and people apply them without thinking about why and its consequences. The sum of all those"debes"are another wrong zone.

88. Demanding justice is not a negative behavior but it becomes a wrong zone if you punish yourself when you can not have the justice you want.

89-It is not necessary to spill a single drop of sweat to postpone doing anything.

90-What you do is the only meter to measure as a person, not what you say or what they say about you.

91. In any human relation in which two persons become one, the result will always be two half persons.

92-If you enjoy the way you interact with people and they do not interfere with the goals you have set in life, you do not need to change that way of iterating.

It is the obligation that constitutes the problem: obligation produces guilt and dependence, while free choice produces love and independence.

Being independent means being free from compulsory relationships, lacking behavior directed at others, not needing someone to be happy (other than wanting relationships with others) or making decisions.

95-The only antidote to anger is the elimination of the inner phrase"If only you were more like me."

96-There is no need to feel anger, it is not something"human"as is usually justified and, in fact, is a wrong zone that incapacitates psychologically.

97. A good remedy for anger is to help yourself and others to choose the laughter and learn to observe from outside the situations so incongruous and absurd that occur in life.

98. You have the ability to choose: anger and laughter are mutually exclusive, and you have enough power to choose either.

The postponement itself is not neurotic, but the emotional reaction that accompanies it and the immobilization it produces.

100-You can choose to be happy or unhappy but this is not related to the injustice you see around you.

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