Top 9 Foods to Improve Memory

In this article I will give you a list of foods to improve memory in children and adults. They will also improve your concentration and health of your brain.

You may be one of those people who schedules countless alarms to remember appointments, writes numerous notes around the house as a reminder or you simply forget things too many times throughout your daily routine.

Food for memory

The memory Is undoubtedly the fundamental pillar for recording, storing and being able to reproduce all kinds of information and memories that we learn and relate to every day. In the short term it is vital to be more efficient in our work and personal life.

It is not the first time that nature and more specifically the products it offers us, are an effective response to help our body to improve its performance.

Food and a balanced diet can become essential to refine the qualities of our memory. Let's list a series of foods that will be a great ally for your forgetful head:


It is an open secret to Nutritional importance of apples , Its great contribution to our body: it prevents cardiovascular problems, strengthens us against colds and also possesses antioxidants like quercetin, closely linked to the protection of neurodegenerative diseases of the brain.

At the Congress of Experimental Biology 2011 held in Washington, I raise the apple to a higher level thanks to its spectacular benefits for our health.

2-Chocolate / Cocoa

The chocolate Has a large number of flavanols (chemicals that act as antioxidants), helps to improve cognitive functions Boosting the concentration And attention.

A careful intake of this exquisite product is recommended, as it is not advisable to increase our calorie mass.

3-The fish

A must be part of the people's weekly diet, because its components are essential to strengthen our health.

For memory is ideal components of fish, specifically phosphorus and Omega 3 fatty acids, vascularly strengthen the brain, protecting us from possible future episodes of dementia.


Celery Is one of the products that give us greater benefits to our body: it has diuretic, laxative, aperitive, depurative, regenerative properties, etc.

Regarding memory, celery is composed of a chemical called luteolin, reduce the aging of the brain, acts as a natural anti-inflammatory of the brain reducing the headache .


Another important vegetable product in a rich and varied diet are spinach; Possess lutein vital chemical substance to minimize the degenerative processes of the brain.

It is also rich in folic acid, which helps improve the mental performance capacity associated with ease in the information process.


Blueberries are recognized as effective natural products to strengthen our health, related to memory, blueberries have in their composition photochemicals favoring to reverse disorders in memory.

They are also rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins directly related to the cognitive functions of the brain.

7-Strawberries and Strawberries

The blackberries and Strawberries Are rich in antioxidants. According to the scientific study"The relationship between antioxidants and memory performance in the old and very old"by Perrig WJ, Perring P and Stähelin HB of the Institute of psychology of the University of Bern , Switzerland, it was found that high doses of vitamin antioxidant in plasma, is closely related to the cognitive performance of healthy elderly people.

Keeping these natural products in our daily diet safeguards our long-term brain functions.


The avocado Perhaps it is not a food of the most used, and possibly it is unknown its beneficial properties that possesses to aid to our memory. It has large doses of Vitamin E that favor the neutralization of free radicals to decrease memory loss.

It also includes Lutein, Oleic Acid and Potassium, basic substances to keep the brain in healthy conditions. Watch this article To know more about its properties.


Nuts are important for the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's, rich in omega 3, omega 6 and fatty acids, nutrients that comprise most of the composition of the brain.

Integrating nuts into our diet (salads, appetizers etc) will help us to be working through our memory.


We will not discover Ginseng as a positive natural agent of memory. This plant is world renowned for its memory-stimulating effects, helps improve brain functions, learning ability and concentration. There are hundreds of products based on the properties of ginseng, a product designed to strengthen memory.

These are some of the main foods that, by their composition, help to stimulate memory. Reading, active habits and mental restlessness are basic pillars to strengthen the functionality of the brain. In addition there are also nefarious habits that dilapidate our powerful properties of the brain.

Bad habits that destroy your memory

Bad habits are undoubtedly the highest culprits in losing the functional abilities of our memory, among them the most important are:

  • Smoke. It has been proven that after four years of smoking, tobacco affects the brain; Not only destroy your lungs, your memory is slowly languishing. Visit this article To know the benefits of quitting smoking.

  • Do not eat breakfast. Lack of blood sugar in the early hours of the day affects cognitive functionality. Unfortunately, not having breakfast or having a little breakfast has become a very frequent situation in Spanish homes.

  • Sleeping little. Our brain must rest, otherwise its performance decreases. It is proven that you need to sleep about 8 hours a day, the less you can decrease your cognitive abilities. Visit this article To learn to sleep better.

  • Stress. Stress , Stress, affects brain function. Relaxation is essential to maintain a healthy and relaxed brain activity, maintaining optimal memory levels to develop relevant personal and professional activities.

Good brain health, power a healthy, strong and effective memory; Feeding is one more option to help strengthen all the functionalities of our brain. It is also necessary to maintain a healthy, active life and to discard bad habits.

Memory problems usually appear in the medium to long term and can multiply if we do not vary our daily routine, so it is necessary to act as soon as possible.

What do you do to strengthen your memory? Do you have memory problems?


  1. "The relationship between antioxidants and memory performance in the old and very old"by Perrig WJ, Perring P and Stähelin HB from the Institute of Psychology at the University of Bern, Switzerland.
  4. Image source.

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