Top 10 Home Remedies for the Cold

With the first cold of autumn or winter, colds do not make them wait and usually, they do not forgive almost anyone. Once the cold has settled in your body, all you can do is shorten its duration and relieve the annoying symptoms.

In this article I will show you a list of 10 Home remedies for the cold And sore throat that children and adults can use.

Remedies for the cold

  1. Stay at home and rest

The first thing you have to do to heal yourself quickly from a cold is stay at home And rest. If it bothers you to be in bed, at least rest comfortably on the sofa with the control of the TV or laptop within reach.

The cold is a viral condition, and the Body defenses Can more easily fight the virus if you stay at home and rest.

Dr. Phillip Tierno Jr. of New York University says that neglect is critical for the body to devote more energy to fighting the disease.

  1. Camphor ointment

One of the main and most annoying cold symptoms is nasal congestion. A very good solution to this problem is to apply a small portion of camphor and eucalyptus ointment to the entrance of the nostrils.

The steam that emanates from the cream helps relieve congestion of the nasal mucosa and open the airways. In addition, camphor can relieve the pain and irritation of the skin that appears when you clean your nose many times.

  1. Ginger tea

Drinking plenty of fluids is also an excellent remedy for colds and flu. The infusion of Ginger has properties Analgesic, antipyretic and antimicrobial drugs that can make you feel much better, according to the Archives of Family Medicine.

To prepare the infusion, take a spoonful of chopped fresh ginger and add to a cup of boiling water. You can also add lemon and honey, if you wish.

The lemon provides vitamin C, which has a known stimulating effect of the defenses. Honey helps to relieve irritation in the airways and also has an expectorant effect.

  1. Caffeine

Caffeine can make you feel better because it stimulates the nervous system and prevents the feeling of decay. That's why some over-the-counter anti-flu medications contain caffeine in addition to other substances.

To lift your spirits if you have a cold, a rich and hot coffee can help. But beware, do not overdo it in quantity, because caffeine also has a dehydrating effect and can cause problems sleeping.

  1. The famous chicken soup

A Study of the University of Nebraska Demonstrated what the grandmothers already knew by intuition: chicken soup is good for the cold because it helps reduce airway congestion and lubricates the throat, relieving irritation.

Much more recent research, published in the American Journal of Therapeutics , Found that a compound present in the chicken soup, called carnosine, helps the immune system fight the virus in the early days of the cold.

Chicken soup also reduces inflammation and in this way helps to clear the nose, which is one of the main and most annoying symptoms in the cold.

In addition to this physical effect, undoubtedly a delicious homemade chicken soup, very hot, also helps to feel better from a psychosomatic point of view.

  1. Echinacea Supplement

Many people take echinacea supplements to combat the first symptoms of the cold.

A study whose results were published in The Daily Telegraph, Reported that taking a echinacea supplement may reduce the duration of colds by 26% compared to another group of people who only received placebo during the study.

  1. Vitamin C

As with echinacea, Intake of vitamin C Is able to reduce the duration and intensity of common cold symptoms.

A analysis Conducted in 2007 that reviewed the results of 30 clinical trials with a total of 11,000 participants, found that taking vitamin C usually reduces the duration of the cold and also helps prevent its onset, especially in patients exposed to high physical stress or intense cold .

One of the best ways to incorporate vitamin C naturally into your usual diet is by consuming citrus fruits such as oranges, mandarins and grapefruits.

There are also very good dietary supplements with vitamin C and even certain over-the-counter cold medicines include it in your formula.

  1. Zinc Supplements

Did you know that zinc can also help fight the cold? Various research Scientists showed that the administration of zinc within 24 hours of symptom onset can reduce the duration of cold with healthy people.

  1. Vaporization with eucalyptus

Another good way to decongest your nose is by spraying with fresh eucalyptus leaves. This will moisten your airways, relieve irritation and also have an expectorant effect.

To prepare the vaporization, in a wide-mouth container pour very hot water, and also places some leaves or essential oil of eucalyptus. Then lean over the container with a towel on your head, so you can breathe all the steam that comes out.

  1. Nasal instillations

A good home remedy to decongest the nose are the instillations with water and salt. To do this, take a teaspoon of iodine-free sea salt and a teaspoon of baking soda, and place them in a cup of warm water.

Then, with a dropper, pour a couple of drops into each nostril, head tilted back. Then lean forward to drain a bit and wipe your nose gently with a disposable tissue.

Before the first symptoms of cold, you can also go to various over-the-counter medications that include analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Anyway, and without prejudice to the effect that these medicines may have, the 10 cold remedies mentioned in this article will undoubtedly help you feel better in a short time.

What other remedies do you know for the cold?

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