The Most Important Characteristics of Bullying

The bullying characteristics Are bullying or bullying that occurs when a student or group of students repeatedly attempts to physically or psychologically hurt a weaker or weakest partner.

Harassment can range from teasing, insults, rumors or provocations to shoving and shoving.

What is bullying

Adults often discount this type of behavior among children or adolescents, considering it a normal part of development. However, bullying is very harmful and can have very serious consequences.

Harassed children or young people are often socially isolated, feel tense and scared. In some cases, they refuse to attend school or react violently, and in the most severe situations, those who suffer bullying may even think of suicide.

These are the main consequences for victims ( in this article You can read them carefully):

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social phobia
  • Worst ratings
  • Psychosomatic symptoms
  • Social isolation


1-Risk Factors

2-Signs of harassment

3-The stalker children

4-Defining a situation of harassment

5-Types of bullying

6-Why do not the victims ask for help?

7-The numbers of bullying

8-What to do before a bullying situation

9-Legislation on bullying

10-Cyber ​​bullying, another form of bullying

1-Risk Factors

Certain boys and girls are easy targets for harassment. Generally, these are children and young people who are perceived as different from others.

These differences are based on the personality , Physical, culture and even social class.

They can also be seen as different by the color of their skin, their religion or sexual orientation. Homosexual, bisexual or transgender Can be victims of bullying.

In general, those who are harassed, in addition to being different, are perceived as weak, unable to defend themselves.

Bullying victims tend to have low self-esteem or are often depressed or depressed A lot of anxiety .

In addition, they have few friends and problems to socialize. Those who suffer some kind of intellectual or developmental disability may also be victims of bullying.

2-Signs of harassment


These are some of the signs that frequently appear in those who suffer harassment in the study centers:

  • Depression , Isolation, anxiety.

  • Somatizations, such as stomach pain or headache

  • Low self-esteem

  • Alterations in eating habits

  • Underachievement, reluctance, desires not to attend school

  • Self-destructive behaviors

  • Loss or damage to clothing, school supplies, electronic devices or other accessories.

  • Sleep disturbances , nightmares.

  • Sudden loss of friends, desire to avoid social situations.

3-The stalker children

Abusive child

Basically, there are two classes of children or young people with a tendency to harass others.

First, there are children or adolescents who are well connected with their peers, who have social power, are too preoccupied with their popularity and enjoy dominating or harassing others, as a way of leadership .

On the other hand, some harassers are Boys or girls with low self-esteem , Isolated, who are depressed or anxious and do not have empathy .

In addition, bullying and harassment often show aggressive behaviors, have difficulty enforcing rules, view violence as a positive tool, have bullying friends, or receive less attention or care from their parents.

Stalker boys are not always bigger or stronger than their victims: the difference of powers can be rooted in different origins, such as popularity, strength or cognitive ability.

In general, there are more male harassers than girls:

  • In most cases (45%), it is a group of boys
  • In 23% of cases it is a mixed group that harasses
  • In 14% of cases, this is a single harasser. The cases of single girls or groups of girls are infrequent.
  • Males are the ones who usually harass physically others, while girls generally harass verbally or through social exclusion.

Signs of a stalking child

Children or youth who harass others may have some of these signs:

  • Frequently engage in physical or verbal assaults

  • They have friends who harass others

  • They have violent or aggressive behaviors

  • Do not take responsibility for their actions

  • They can not explain how they got money or new belongings

  • They are competitive, concerned about their reputation or popularity.

4-Defining a situation of harassment

To discuss a harassment or bullying situation, the following conditions must be met:

  • There must be a helpless victim, who is attacked by a stalker or a group of stalkers.

  • Presence of inequality of powers or imbalance of forces. Clearly the stalker is stronger (physically or psychologically). It is an unequal situation, where the victim is undoubtedly the weakest.

  • There is a verbal or physical aggression repeated over time.

  • The victim fears being attacked again.

It's bullying when...

  • When a boy or girl insults a partner, makes fun of him, threatens him, throws his stuff at him or tells other partners not to join him or her.
  • When the stalker (s) make rumors about the victim in order to isolate him socially.
  • When a boy or girl abuses his physical strength by assaulting a partner, so that others admire him or because they laugh at his"graces."

5-Types of bullying

There are several Types of bullying , Although many types appear in the same situation.

  1. There is physical harassment when harassment includes pushing, kicking, aggression with objects, etc. It is more frequent in primary than in secondary school.
  2. He Harassment is verbal When there are insults, taunts, motes highlighting physical defects, contempt in public, etc.
  3. It is said that there is psychological harassment when actions are aimed at diminishing the victim's self-esteem and instill fear and insecurity.
  4. Finally, social harassment occurs when the harassers are responsible for social isolation of the victim.

6-Why do not the victims ask for help?

Research indicates that more than half of all bullying cases are not reported to teachers, school authorities or parents.

Children who are victims in these situations often do not talk to adults for several reasons.

One of them is the feeling of impotence that causes harassment. Many children and young people try to handle the situation on their own, so as not to pass as weak or sneaky.

Others fear reprisals and so they remain silent. Being punished is a humiliating situation and it is possible that the victim does not want adults to know what happens to them, simply because they are ashamed.

In addition, harassment victims often feel isolated. They think that nobody could understand their situation or that nobody can help them.

7-The numbers of bullying

Bullying can not be considered as a series of isolated events without relevance. Statistical data indicate that harassment is much more prevalent than is believed.

According to the results of an investigation carried out by the WHO, 24.8% of children and adolescents between 11 and 18 years of age are victims of harassment in Spain.

In countries such as the United States, France, Germany or the United Kingdom, this figure is even higher, so that these are not sporadic situations.

These situations of harassment can have very serious consequences on the victims, so parents, teachers, school authorities and government must take the necessary measures to deal with this problem.

Apparently, the percentage of victims decreases as the age of the boys increases. For example, in the third elementary school, it is estimated that more than 40% of the children have suffered harassment, while in secondary schools this percentage decreases to only 10%.

In other words, in the early years of schooling harassment behaviors are more frequent and could be defined almost as"all against all".

As the years pass, schools seem to play a socializing role and violent attitudes are diminishing, as well as the number of victims, which becomes an"all against one".

Although the number of victims decreases, the remaining victims suffer more frequent and more serious assaults.

8-What to do before a bullying situation

Get rid of bullying

The adult who witnesses a particular harassment situation must take action immediately.

When adults respond quickly to such situations, the message is conveyed that it is not acceptable behavior. Studies show that over time, these attitudes can stop harassment.

What to do at the moment is the following:

  • Intervene immediately, separating the children involved. If necessary, seek the help of other adults.

  • Make sure everyone is safe.

  • Address any immediate medical need.

  • Keep calm. Reassure all the kids involved, even what they were just looking at.

  • Teach by example, intervening in a respectful and calm manner.

It is important not to ignore situations of harassment, looking away or downplaying them. Do not believe that they are just"children's things"and that the situation will solve itself.

The next step is to keep the children involved apart and get information about what is happening.

At the time of obtaining this information, children should not be questioned in public, but privately and one by one. It is also necessary to question adults who may know the facts, such as teachers, teachers and parents.

If, after obtaining all the data, it is determined that it is really a bullying situation, then the parents and the authorities of the study center should be informed, who must take measures to arrest the bully or the bully.

9-Legislation on bullying

The European states have put forward strong measures seeking a solution to the problem of school harassment.

All crimes of violence must be combated, and especially those of bullying, given the vulnerability of the victims and the serious effects that this situation can have on the development of the child's personality.

That is why in some European countries the laws determine that:

  • The teachers of the school are responsible for leading the fight against school harassment, with the support of parents.

  • When a situation of harassment is detected, the educational institution must take academic measures, such as meetings with parents, penalties for stalking students, etc.

  • During school hours the school is the one that should avoid any harm to the minors who are in charge.

  • In the event of harassment, the school must report the incident to the appropriate authorities and report to the child protection center.

10-Cyber ​​bullying, another form of bullying

With the great popularity gained by social networks in recent years, a new form of harassment has emerged: Cyber ​​bullying .

Those who are victims of this type of intimidation receive aggressive text messages through different social networks. They often feel angry after using their computer or mobile phone, are sad or withdrawn, refuse to answer questions about what is happening and may also show little desire to attend school, because their schoolmates are often cyber bullying.

Many children and young people do not want to admit that they are suffering from this type of harassment simply by not betraying those who are supposed to be their friends.

Why is there more and more cyber bullying?

Experts point out that this type of harassment has been increasing in recent times due to cultural and technological changes in society.

The great accessibility of the internet and the popularization of social networks Have facilitated that many children and young people who do not dare to harass others"live and live", do it through the internet, an indirect means that allows harassment at a distance.

It is very easy to have fun at the expense of someone else, and the fact of being online eliminates the possibility of having empathy with the person harassed.

Although seemingly harmless, text messages that involve harassment can cause a lot of discomfort, bitterness and even hatred in the harassed child or youngster, so it is not a situation to be underestimated.

In summary, bullying is very frequent and should not be overlooked because of the important consequences it may have on victims.

It must be prevented and when the situation is detected, it is necessary to take the corresponding measures without delay.

And what experience do you have with bullying?


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