The Economic Organization of the Maya

The Economic organization of the Maya Was based mainly on food and agriculture, as were many societies of antiquity.

The Mayas developed food and agriculture incorporating novel techniques to the work of the soil and in the way to realize the cultures. This last one was the main resource of commerce inside the civilization, and for its development counted on a labor that consisted of workers.

Maya woman selling fruits and vegetables from the earth.  Agriculture and trade are the basis of the Mayan economy.

The breeding of animals was also very important in the trade, being able to have hatcheries of cows, pigs or goats. The honey of the bees was used as commercial value.

This simple mechanics of economics left a great influence on economic development around the world. Even today, many countries still follow the Mayan economy model, based mainly on agriculture, livestock and trade.

Economic stability was imperative for the success of the ancient city-states of the Mayan civilization. You may also be interested in viewing The 10 most important Mayan cultural contributions .

Agriculture and livestock as the basis of Mayan economic organization

The Economic Organization of the Maya

Every day, Mayan workers were to work on the farm and bring food. Farmers who owned the land, delivered portions of each crop or paid workers with other items such as salt, cloth, honey, fruits and pets.

These payments were also delivered to the government and were also used to buy and trade with other goods.

Within agriculture, maize was the most important crop of the peasants, and there was consensus among researchers to believe that civilization depended heavily on the harvest.

Breeders often exchanged animals or crops for clothing or other items once or perhaps twice a week in a small market, which used to be situated on a plain by the river. This area was advantageous when planting crops and raising animals.

As a result of this large amount of fertile land, there was a growing population that contributed to the formation of a basic market. In these markets, powerful individuals established the first rules that ensured that trade and agriculture could function smoothly.

Most scholars believe that the decline in population in many of the central lowland settlements during the Late Classic and Terminal Classic periods was partly due to agricultural deficiency.

Drought could also be a problem for the Maya. It was probably caused by widespread deforestation on the land, which in turn was the result of insufficient crop production.

Many of the technological advances of the ancient Maya are related to agriculture. The raised fields and the extensive irrigation are but two examples of technological changes of the ancient time of this civilization, that achieved the increase of the production and thus strengthened its economy.

The availability of resources was so closely connected with the Mayan economy that researchers often used terms coined to other economic laws to refer to this trading system, such as supply and demand.

Trade in Maya society

The Economic Organization of the Maya 1

Specialization in trade can be defined as a specialized exploitation of resources and material goods.

The Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico was largely inhabited in the Classic Period, and more in the Terminal and Post Classic Periods, which resulted in the collapse of central lowland activity and subsequent migration to areas in Yucatan and the success of Several civilizations including Puuk, Toltec And Itza.

The Importance of Salt

Experts also point out that the salt beds that border the coast of the Yucatan area provided a profitable trading environment and helped contribute to the success of these civilizations. It is estimated that the population of Tikal, about 45,000 inhabitants, consumed approximately 131.4 tons of salt annually.

Salt is not only necessary in the diet, but also widely used as a preservative. During the Classic and Post Classic periods, the small island populations of Caye Ambergris and Isla Mujeres exchanged salted fish.

A relationship of exchange between the island communities and the continent became necessary, since these geographically isolated groups were incapable of sufficient and substantial agriculture.

Salt was also frequently used for rituals and medicine, as evidenced at least by archaeological sites located in the Yucatan Peninsula, where surrounding salt beds were found to be sacred.

The use of salt was so varied that salt was used even during childbirth and death. A midwife would offer salt to both parents at birth and a saline solution was sprayed through the house after the death of a family member.

It is often believed that the salt industry did not develop fully until there was a significant increase in population during the Classic period. Thanks to the augue in the salt trade, coastal cities like Chunchucmil, Tzeme, and Dzibilchaltùn expanded rapidly with populations ranging from 10,000 to 40,000 inhabitants.

Because these cities exist under agricultural conditions, experts conclude that they relied heavily on the salt industry for economic and agricultural support gained through trade.

Other resources that were used by the Maya as currency were cocoa beans, sea shells, corn, chilies, manioc, amaranth, palms, vanilla, avocado, tobacco, and hundreds more. Resources, whose value depended on their rarity and cost of cultivation.

The Mayan people did not use metallurgy as an object of value until about 600 AD. Similarly, the Maya traded with precious stones such as obsidian, jade and other rocks and minerals, which were also used in the production of litchi tools.

Evidence suggests that increased trade in obsidian and polychrome pottery coincided with an expansion of the salt trade.

Among the most important goods circulating within the long-distance trading network are obsidian, jade, turquoise and quetzal.

The Mayan malls

The constructions and monuments are some of the cultural contributions of the Mayas

Mostly subsistence items were traded within major city malls, elite class items such as rare feathers, jaguar skins, art like paintings, highly decorated pottery, and high-quality jewelry were symbols of power between the elite.

Several authors point out that the role of"intermediary"in the city of Tikal was a key source of economic support during the Classic Period of Mayan civilization, as it allowed the city to participate in trade without having many profitable resources. Due to the new commercial routes in the Terminal period and the Post Classic, the city lived a continuous slope.

Speculation suggests that a decline in the lowland population was diverting the flow of trade to large centers such as Tikal and Copan.

In addition, the maritime trade proved to be more efficient and practical, especially if the shipment started in the Central Area.

Archaeological excavations in the old city of Cancuen have again demonstrated that this city had substantial control of raw resources, which allowed it to be one of the most powerful forces in the region between 400 AD. To 800 D.C.

The wealth of Cancuen was evident upon discovering one of its three floors, which had a large area, which even rivals the largest temple in Tikal.

The archeologists believe that the great fortune of Cancuen was acquired through an extensive hegemonic war. Further excavation of the city and the absence of defense walls have led experts to believe that such abundance was obtained through interurban trade.

Another factor that also helped the Cancuen bonanza is that they probably created alliances with other city-states with greater power, supplying their allies with jade, obsidian, pyrite, quetzal feathers, and other goods needed to maintain control over ordinary people.

The ancient trade in obsidian stones has been studied using evidence on the location and size of these industrial workshops in cities. It is estimated that the city of Tikal had about one hundred of these workshops in about 700 AD.

The transportation and treatment of obsidian created a true industry of labor in the Mayan world, since for their production they were required from simple shippers, who were usually slaves, to skilled craftsmen.

The control of obsidian deposits was crucial to the economic development of the Maya, as even the latter was marketed in the elite spheres.

Several authors suggest that there may have been formalized exchange relationships between members of the ruling elite of importing and exporting societies. These relations would have governed the flow of important products, which undoubtedly facilitated relations between peoples.


  1. Economy of the Maya civilization. Retrieved from
  2. Ancient Mayan Economics. Retrieved from
  3. Ancient Maya Markets And The Economic Integration Of Caracol, Belize. Recovered at
  4. Maya Economics. Retrieved at
  5. The Ancient Maya - A Commercial Empire. Recovered at:
  6. What Was Behind Mysterious Collapse of the Mayan Empire? Retrieved from
  7. The Economic Organization of the Ancient Maya. Retrieved from

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