The Cultural Evolution of Native American Groups

The Cultural evolution of American indigenous groups Went through several stages throughout history, beginning at the time when it is believed that these arrived in America and concluding with the arrival of the Spaniards to the continent.

The moment and the way of how humans arrived to the American continent is, to this day, a subject of debate within the scientific community worldwide.

Indian cultural minority

However, the point at which all seem to coincide almost unanimously is that humans migrated to this continent from Asia, crossing the Bering Strait in search of food and following animal migrations.

The migrations of these first groups led them to move throughout the continent. When the European settlers arrived, they encountered indigenous groups that inhabited from northern Canada to Patagonia and Tierra de Fuego in Argentina.

It is important to note that, thanks to the diversity of indigenous groups, there was also cultural diversity.

Not all groups reached the same level of development and only a few are notable for having developed great civilizations, such as the Incas, Mayas, Chibchas and Aztecs (Guitian, 2009).

Different stages of indigenous cultural evolution


All the information collected about this period comes from archaeological findings that indicate that the first migrations of indigenous people to American territory occurred between 40,000 and 7,000 BC.

At this time man was a nomadic being, that is, he did not permanently inhabit any place, and he lived on what he could hunt or collect.

During this period the man in America had to contend with adverse climatic conditions, large tracts of rocky ground, and wild nature, full of large animals such as bison and mammoths.

For this reason, it was common for them to find shelter in caves and to manufacture weapons and tools with stone, such as spearheads and macerators.

Throughout the Paleoindian, the inhabitants of America managed to move from the north to Tierra del Fuego and the Patagonia, populating the entire continent with their descendants.

This nomadic and exploratory period Concluded with the emergence of agricultural practices (Lormaster, 2012).

Characteristics of indigenous groups in Paleoindian

The indigenous groups of this historical period were characterized by the following aspects:

- They lived in small nomadic groups.

- They were engaged in fishing, hunting and gathering.

- They inhabited caves and small rustic huts.

- They made tools and rustic weapons with bones, stones and wood.

- They could get fire.

- They believed in the forces of nature.

- They knew shamanic techniques for the cure of diseases

Archaic or Protoagricultural phase

Olmec agriculture altarpiece Olmec agriculture

It is counted the beginning of this period in the year 7,000 a.C., with the appearance of agriculture; Ending approximately between the years 1,500 and 500 BC. With the appearance of the first villages.

During this stage, indigenous groups in america developed tools to work the land, also developed ceramic pieces, textiles and baskets.

With the origin of agriculture, the diet of the indigenous tribes of America changed and became richer in the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

This was possible thanks to the acquisition of knowledge about the reproduction of different types of plant species. During this period, man also learned to domesticate some species of animals.

In America, the highest plant and animal species during this period were the corn , Chicken, alpaca, llama, guinea pig and turkey. The dog appears at this time as a companion pet and at the service of humans.

During this period the dependence of the human beings by the cultivated vegetal species is evidenced, since these allowed to have a nutritious and regulated diet.

Thus, indigenous populations began to increase in size and specialized in the cultivation of certain inputs according to the area they inhabited (Diaz, 2013).

Preclassic Period

Mesoamerican cultures materials

During the Archaic Stage, there was a more accelerated moment of development known as the Preclassic Period, which took place between the years 1,500 and 300 BC. approximately. At this moment the sedentarism appears and the first villages are created.

The development of new techniques for working clay, natural fibers and animal and vegetable inputs also took place during this historical moment.

A particular characteristic of this historical moment is that the evolution of the most important tribes occurred in a relatively homogeneous way, giving rise to the appearance of two major cultural groups in America: Mesoamerica And that of the Central Andes (Desiesk, 2011).

Characteristics of Pre-Classic Indigenous Groups

The indigenous groups of this historical period were characterized by the following aspects:

- They were semi-nomads.

- Develop and perfect agricultural techniques, such as irrigation and cultivation of different plant species.

- They lived in numerous groups composed of families, reaching several hundred people.

- Develop the first temples of religious worship.

Advanced Agricultural Phase

Begins in the year 500 a.C. With the appearance of the first settlements and villages and goes until the arrival of the Spaniards to America.

The most representative indigenous groups for this time were those of Mesoamerica in Mexico ( Mayas ), Central America ( Aztecs ), And those of the Andean Region ( Incas ).

During this period, indigenous groups evolved techniques of intensive agriculture, with the invention of terraces and the use of fertilizers and irrigation systems.

On the other hand, they became great shepherds of domesticated species of mammals, consumed within their diet and used as pack animals.

The Cultural Evolution of Native American Groups

The first cities and states appear, also arising a hierarchical social division of the classes within the cities.

This is possible thanks to the fact that the peoples are already sedentary and the individuals that conform them are in charge of a trade or task.

The exploratory missions with a view to conquering other tribes appear at this historic moment in America. In the same way, the great states begin to develop and strengthen their military power.

To solve communication problems linked with distance, the mail is invented. It also recognizes advances in the architectural development of communities, such as those seen today in Teotihuacan (Mexico) and Machu Picchu (Peru). Weaving and pottery are common and highly developed (Jriver, 2013).


  1. (November 28, 2011). Scribd. Obtained from CULTURAL EVOLUTIONS OF AMERICAN INDIGENOUS GROUPS:
  2. Diaz, J.A. (May 25, 2013). Club Essays. Retrieved from"Cultural Evolution of American Indigenous Groups:".
  3. Guitian, E. (October 21, 2009). New Citizenship. Obtained from Cultural evolution of Venezuelan natives:
  4. Jriver, I. (27 of 10 of 2013). My Notes of Social Studies. Reference material. Retrieved from"Cultural Evolution of the American Indian:
  5. (25 September 2012). The lormaster's blog. Obtained from cultural stages of america:

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