The Cat's Penis and its Reproduction

He Cat penis Has a penile bone, or Baculum , Like most placental mammals. This bone helps the penis remain stiff and inside the female's vagina during intercourse for mating to be successful.

Felines, especially domestic cats, are known to have thorns on the penis: small keratin barbs (hard tissue) or horny scales that line the outside of the organ.

The Cat's Penis and its Reproduction Cat penis

In the act of mating, when the cat withdraws the penis, the spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, causing ovulation. All males in feline families have horny scales on the penis, domestic cats, wild cats, lions, tigers, leopards and lynxes, among others.

Other mammalian species have developed keratinized penile spines along the glans involved in coupling. These spines are simple structures of single point (monkeys) or complex with two or three points for spine in the estrepsirrinos.

The sexuality of cats

The males are apt to procreate from the nine months of life, the females from the six months. In its evolution, each physical characteristic has contributed to the survival. The prongs on a male's penis are no exception. They are responsible for ensuring the successful transmission of genes.

Cats are not born with spikes on the penis. Mar Vista Animal Medical Center, a veterinary clinic in California, says that females do not ovulate before intercourse, but that the cat's penis causes ovulation, stimulating and scraping the vulva releases the egg during mating. Mating is painful for the female not only because of the spines of the penis, but also because the male cat bites intensely the back of the female's neck.

According to Mar Vista Animal Medical Center publications, males who are neutered before 6 months of age never develop tines. Sterilization, by removing the testicles, stops reproductive development.

Reproductive behavior of cats

Much of the overall social behavior revolves around mating and reproduction. Cats are, in general, Polyestrus , Which means that they enter into zeal many times over the course of a year.

The Cat's Penis and its Reproduction 1

In these periods, the females become very affectionate and seek intensely the physical contact. When the level of estrogen increases, the cat likes to roll on the floor and places her head in a lateral position, then arch the body and lift the head in the mating position. Purring and guttural sounds accompany the female's sexual behavior.

Males go through a period of sexual arousal or routine during the spring. In this period, they spread their urine on vertical objects, step on their hind legs and shake their tail. Loose males are more involved in fights during the routine period than at other times of the year. During the fall the level of sexual activity decreases.


Popular wisdom says that cats spend much of their time preparing the act of mating. The most striking thing is not the act itself, but the process, which can last for hours, even days of continuous sexual activity. The female commands what is happening, sets the bar.

When a female enters heat, its characteristic smell is very penetrating and the vocalizations are heard throughout the neighborhood. The males perceive the signals, gather around the female and braid in violent fights with their rivals.

The courtship between the males and the female, as a ritual, can last for several hours before the intercourse takes place. At this point, males first manifest a search and evasion behavior; The female, ready to mate, will assume the typical lordotic posture.

When both parts are ready, the male grabs the female by the nape. At the moment of ejaculation, the female gives a loud cry, hisses and aggressively strikes the male. It is presumed that aggression is a response to pain caused by the prongs of the cat's penis.

After mating, the female rolls on the ground in apparent ecstasy while the male retreats at a discrete distance to be cleaned with her tongue.

The mating process can be repeated many times and females can mate with more than one males in the course of a single rut. After the period of zeal, the males retire. Males do not usually participate in the parental care of the offspring.


  1. The cat's penis. Retrieved on 17/01/2017 at
  2. Virginia Douglass Hayssen; Ari Van Tienhoven (1993). Asdell's Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction: A Compendium of Species-specific Data. Cornell University Press.ISBN 978-0-8014-1753-5. Retrieved on 17/01/2017 at
  3. Sexual and reproductive behavior of cats. Retrieved 01/17/2017 on
  4. National Geographic. The penis of the cats. Retrieved on 17/1/2017 on
  5. Leopards - Sexual behavior and mating rituals, saved from youtube. Recovered on 17/01/2017 at

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