The 97 Best Phrases of Snoopy

I leave you the best Snoopy phrases And his friends Charlie Brown, Sally, Linus, Lucy and Charles. They are part of the comic strip Carlitos , Charlie Brown and Snoopy or Rabanitos .

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Snoopy Phrases

1-"I developed a new philosophy! Only one regret per day!"- Charlie Brown

2-"When no one loves you, you must act as if they all love you."- Sally Brown

3-"Life is like a ten-speed bike, some do not use all speeds."- Linus

4-"Happiness is a warm puppy"- Lucy

5-"It does not make sense to bark so much if you have nothing to say."- Snoopy

6-"In the book of life, the answers are not on the back cover."- Charlie Brown

7-"Most psychiatrists agree that sitting in a field of pumpkins is an excellent therapy for a troubled mind."- Linus

8-"If no one answers the phone, dial stronger."- Lucy

9-"My life has no direction, no goals and yet I am happy. I do not know why! What am I doing right?"- Snoopy

10-"It's human nature, we all need to kiss each other good-bye."- Marcie

11-"My life is like a messy coloring book."- Rerun

12-"My anxieties have anxieties."- Charlie Brown

13-"I love humanity, it's the people I can not stand!"- Linus

14-"Sometimes I lie down at night and ask, 'What can I do so my life does not go so fast?' Then a voice comes and says, 'Try to brake in the curves.'"- Charlie Brown

15-"Joy is in touch."- Schroeder

16-"Sometimes you go to bed at night and you have nothing to worry about, that always worries me!"- Charlie Brown

17-"Teacher? What kind of proof will we have today? Multiple choice? All right! I choose not to take it!"- Patty

18-"All you need is love but a little chocolate now does not hurt."- Lucy

19-"Ugh! A dog kissed me! I have dog germs! Look for hot water! Look for disinfectant! Look for iodine!"- Lucy

20-"The older sisters are like digitaria of the garden of life."- Linus

21-"Dear income tax, please get me off your mailing list."- Snoopy

22-"Do they still make wooden Christmas trees?"- Linus

"I promise to be there tomorrow, sir. In fact, it's already morning in Australia."- Marcie

24-"Exercise is a bad word, every time I listen to it I wash my mouth with chocolate."- Charles M. Schulz

25-"Sometimes I lie down at night and wonder, 'What have I done wrong?' And a voice tells me, 'This will take more than one night.'"- Charlie Brown

26-"Sometimes I lie down in the night and wonder, 'Life is a test of multiple selection or simple selection' And a voice from the dark says to me 'We are sorry to say but life is a trial of a thousand words' ."- Charlie Brown

27-"I think I have discovered the secret of life, stay until you get used to it."- Charles M. Schulz

28-"This is my depressed pose. When you become depressed, your posture makes a difference. The worst thing you can do is stand upright and raise your head because it will make you feel better. If you're going to take advantage of being depressed, you have to use this posture."- Charlie Brown

29-"Are you depressed little friend? Did you wake up worried? Do not worry I'm here. The flood will pass, the famine will end, the sun will rise tomorrow and I will always be there to take care of you."- Charlie Brown

30-"All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times he tried but failed. After all, he was only human, not a dog."- Charles M. Schulz

31-"Try not to have fun, after all, this is educational."- Charles M. Schulz

32-"Why can not we make all the people in the world who like us together? I guess that would not work, someone would leave. Someone always leaves, then we would have to say goodbye, I hate goodbyes. Do you know what I need? More holas."- Charles M. Schulz

33-"Loneliness makes the heart more affectionate but makes the rest of you feel lonely."- Charlie Brown

34-"Just thinking about a friend makes you dance with happiness, because a friend is one who loves you despite your faults."- Charles M. Schulz

35-"Happiness is to wake up at night, look at the clock and realize that you have two hours of sleep."- Charles M. Schulz

36-"I think I'm afraid of being happy because when I'm happy something bad always happens"- Charlie Brown

37-"Learn from yesterday, live for today, aspire to tomorrow, rest this afternoon."- Snoopy

38-"Be yourself, no one will tell you that you are doing it wrong."- Snoopy

39-"Christmas does a little extra for everyone."- Charles M. Schulz

40-"Sometimes I wake up at night and ask Why me? And a voice responds, 'Nothing personal, I just came up with your name.'"- Charlie Brown

"If I'm here, I can see the redheaded girl when she leaves her house, if she sees me watching her behind this tree, she'll think I'm the dumbest person in the world, but if I do not, I'll never see her, That I am the stupidest person in the world. That explains why I'm standing on poison ivy."- Charlie Brown

42-"I never made a mistake in my life. I thought I had, but I was wrong."- Lucy

43-"Be the answer! The answer lies within the heart of humanity. Is the answer twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building."- Lucy

44-"There are three things I have learned not to argue with people, religion, politics and the great pumpkin."- Linus

45-"Happiness is anyone and anything loved by you."- Charlie Brown

46-"Never go to bed asking questions that you can not answer."- Charlie Brown

47-"There is no weight greater than that of great potential."- Linus

48-"Nothing is more attractive than a good smile."- Charles M. Schulz

49-"That is the secret of life, it replaces one concern with another."- Charles M. Schulz

50-"No problem is too big or too complicated that you can not escape it."- Linus

51-"There is a difference between philosophy and a decal."- Charles M. Schulz

52-"The night is darker before nothing is seen."- Charles M. Schulz

53-"I gave everything to try to understand people. Now I let them try to understand me!"- Charles M. Schulz

54-"Yesterday I was a dog, today I am a dog, tomorrow I will probably still be a dog. -Suspiro - There is so little hope of progress."- Snoopy

55-"This is the last day of the year. Another year, and what have I done this year that I have not done another year? Nothing! How can I be constant?"- Snoopy

56-"Life is like an ice cream, you have to lick it one day at a time."- Charlie Brown

57-"If you squeeze your teeth and show commitment, you will always have a chance."- Charles M. Schulz

58-"Never jump on a pile of leaves with a wet lollipop."

59-"I do not know the meaning of life. I do not know why we are here, I think life is full of anxieties, fears and tears. There is much regret and it can be severe. I do not want to be the one who tries to tell others what life is all about. For me it is a total mystery."- Charles M. Schulz

60-"Sometimes, when you're very depressed, you do not want to do anything. All you want to do is lean your head on your arm and look into space. Sometimes this can last for hours. If your depression is unusual and you have to change your arm."- Charlie Brown

61-"People should not be ashamed to get caught acting like fools."- Charles M. Schulz

62-"Or it's flu or it's love, the symptoms are the same."- Charles M. Schulz

63-"On a day as beautiful as this it would be better to stay in bed, so do not get up and ruin it."- Charlie Brown

64-"A touch on the nose is a sign of much affection."- Lucy

65-"Beauty tips. How to look younger: Do not be so early."- Charles M. Schulz

66-"Love is to let you win even if you could destroy it."- Charles M. Schulz

67-"I'm dying and all I hear are insults."- Charlie Brown

"Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will be today and before you know it, today will be yesterday!"- Charles M. Schulz

69-"It is better to live a day as a lion than twelve days as a sheep."- Charles M. Schulz

"My dear, how I love you. Words can not say how much I love you. So forget it better."- Charles M. Schulz

71-"I wonder if there are spiritual dentists? I think my personality is full of cavities."- Charles M. Schulz

72-"Love is not knowing what you're talking about."- Charles M. Schulz

73-"Only in mathematics can you buy sixty apples and no one is going to ask you what the hell happens to you."- Charles M. Schulz

74-"If I were to give a gift to the next generation, I would give everyone the ability to laugh at themselves."- Charles M. Schulz

75-"Have you seen anyone who is happy and still sane?"- Charles M. Schulz

76-"Do not be a leaf, be a tree!"- Linus

77-"It does not matter what you believe as long as it's sincere."- Charles M. Schulz

78-"Everything is fine, that's my new philosophy."- Sally

79-"If you can not beat them, cooperate with them until they die."- Charles M. Schulz

80-"Life is full of decisions, but you never have to take any!"- Snoopy

81-"Yes there are instant products in the super market, instant coffee, instant coffee, instant pudding, instant cereal, instant disgust."- Charles M. Schulz

82-"Snowflakes fascinate me, millions fall softly to the ground and say that no two are alike! Each one is different from the others, they are rugged individualists!"- Charles M. Schulz

"Do you try to have happiness and what do you get? A couple of memories and a fat stomach!"- Charles M. Schulz

"Do you know my best quality? I think I'm good to go with. I would hate not to be with you!"- Charlie Brown

85-"For a brief moment victory was within reach! And then the game started."- Charlie Brown

86-"The world is full of unmarried marriage counselors."- Charles M. Schulz

87-"It is a mistake to want to avoid the unpleasant things of life, but I am beginning to consider it."- Charles M. Schulz

88-"This is my report on how to live, they say that the best way to live is one day at a time. If you try to live seven days at a time, the week will be over before you know it."- Charles M. Schulz

89-"I've noticed that every time you try to hit someone, there's a tendency they want to hit you back."- Charles M. Schulz

90-"I do not think God wants to be worshiped. I believe that the only pure worship of God is to love one another and I think that other forms of worship become a substitute for the love we should give to one another."- Charles M. Schulz

91-"Sometimes I'm awake at night and I think about the red-haired girl, I never want to forget her face but if I do not forget her face, I'll go crazy. How can I remember the face I can not forget? Suddenly I'm writing western music."- Charlie Brown

92-"Dear big pumpkin, Halloween is close, children from all over the world await your arrival. When you leave the pumpkin field that night, please remember that I am your most loyal follower. Have a good trip, do not forget to take insurance on the flight"- Linus

"Years are like chocolate bars. We are paying more but getting shorter."- Charles M. Schulz

94-"To be a nobody, you really are someone special Charlie Brown."- Linus

95-"I feel bad for babies, when you are born in this cold world, you are confused, you are scared! He needs something to lift his spirits. As soon as he drinks, he should be given a banjo!"- Charles M. Schulz

96-"Lucy was using my little blanket to dry the dishes, we now have very safe dishes!"- Linus

97-"Going to school is learning in itself, which should not be confused with actually having education."Charles M. Schulz.

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