The 70 Best Phrases of Alejandro Sanz

Then I leave 70 quotes of Alejandro Sanz , Spanish singer-songwriter with more than 25 million albums sold and considered one of the most influential Latin artists.

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Phrases of Alejandro Sanz

1-One does not think of liking people when they are doing a song.

2-There is only one way to be happy in life, and is to dedicate yourself to what you like the most.

3-The songs, in time, are like psychoanalysis: they show you things of yourself, they remind you who you were and what you were going through.

4-The life of the musician has a lot of wear and compose is sometimes destructive.

5-The little flower is fine, but you must also show the root, that so ugly and dirty that is underground. From there comes the sap of art.

6-My name is Alejandro Sanz, not Alejandro.

7-In my family, meetings were always around a guitar. My father threw me into the ring, he got me my first bowling. And my mother, well, was the one who put the magic touch of chance.

8-Orphans have a very particular face. When you lose your father and your mother, you get another face. So now I want to spend more time in Spain. Being with my family calls me a lot: my brother, my cousins; We are very familieros all

9-There is no more fear than the one you feel when you no longer feel anything.

10-In the life is allowed to fall, but it is obligatory to get up.

11-In this profession we are a privileged few; It happens to one in a million. I would tell my mother that one was me, but, of course, why would I believe.

12-I do not speak of paradise as a religious place or a specific place or a permanent state of mind. I speak of paradise as small events that make you happy the day, that make you easy the rest of the situations. A song with a good friend.

13-And half the map was never in your hands.

14-Kiss me, I sink and I know that no one in this world would quench your fire or my thirst.

15-It's so much I've drunk and I'm still thirsty.

16-You may give me the most bitter drink of your farewell cup but take away your pity from my alley, because I forget to invite myself.

17-I do not remember everything I feel but I feel everything I remember.

18-The most beautiful landscapes are in the minds of the blind.

19-The good thing should not be so brief.

20-Being a father has made me a better person. If you put it on a scale it is a bestiality that you receive in return. It opens a door to your soul that you did not know existed. You do not know what it is to love until you have a child. And when you have a child and you love him you realize that until that moment what you have done is pamplinear.

21-My accent is very mixed, things here and there. I can not help it, and as soon as I talk to my mother two seconds and my family comes, it is even more accentuated.

22-You learn to differentiate between different types of success. There is one, the one that interests me most, that is not measured in numbers and is the acceptance of people. We must recover from failures and successes. But almost more of the successes.

23-Artists are beings that we go and then we return. It seems to me a simple but great phrase because complicated.

24-A sigh is a prisoner escaping from the prison of the soul. A sigh is the air that brushes the words. It's summary, it's postscript. A sigh is a drowned poetry.

25-I am a person who moves by impulses; Suddenly one day I removed all the music devices from my house, guitars, instruments... I put them in a garage and filled the whole house with canvas and paint.

26-Painting is like everything, if you are an artist, in the end you express something, and what you have to do is work and work. You do not have to be a good drawer to be a good painter, there are many techniques.

27-I differ a lot between being a believer and the Church. I am against the Church getting in certain things. I go to my ball. If I decide to go to church one day I go, and I do not care if the Church is Catholic or Protestant. Some time ago the Pope invited me to go to a kiss, but at that moment I did not feel it and I did not.

28-Throughout your life, you make so many photos that in the end you can not control it. I know I have photos with undesirable people and wonderful people.

29-I feel socially committed. I have never supported any political candidate in Spain or any country other than Obama. The day there is an Obama here I will support him, or if there is in Mexico or in another country as well. It has to be someone who awakens that hope and that illusion in people.

30-Radicals are radical on all sides, both on the side of dictators and those who are against dictators. And I have lived that in my own flesh.

31-This paradise of which I speak are like pillars of paradise: a song, a talk with friends, a night of wonderful sex and the best of all is that they are within reach of everyone.

32-The truth is that I am still free with the ties that I have wanted, and those very ties make me quite free.

33-Travel to the corners that mean something to you, where the important things in your life happened.

34-I believe in love and in life, not love for a lifetime.

35-There is nothing more beautiful than to live.

36-Loving from a distance is a great test of love.

37-Do not forget who pretends forgetful, but who can forget.

"What I would not give for looking at you even for a single moment.

39-When there is true love there is no distance.

40-I'm not interested in exposing my private life to people. I think that I am a transparent artist, those who hang clothes in front and those clothes are my songs, with them can discover all the intimacy, my soul to the naked

41-I do not hate anyone, I think it's a waste of time and it's wearing down a lot.

42-Success is composed of 90% effort, 5% talent, and 5% originality.

43-I have several outstanding trips, to the desert, across the United States on a motorcycle... There are several trips.

44. It is very important to say what you think, even if it is wrong.

45-I do not like to explain the meaning of my lyrics, because I spoil a story to someone.

46-In the nights when I pray your name is a prayer, you are the purest love I always carry in my heart.

47-There are people that you can never forget, no matter how long it lasts.

48-A sigh is a prisoner who escapes from the prison of the soul. A sigh is the air that brushes the words. A sigh is a poetry drowned.

"I'm afraid to think that for some people, I'm just a memory.

50-Writing is no more than drawing the poetic part that lives in the routine.

51-The word love is too used, I would say almost worn.

52-Love shines in your eyes when you see the shadow of your loved one.

53. A word sometimes laughs and sometimes cries, but a note is always a drop of my soul that evaporates.

54-The distance is not when we separate, the distance is if we do not return.

55-Although time wears many things, you still lack something when a love ends.

"I'm a sagittarius, and they say I'm twelve years of fortune. Neither one nor one less.

"I am passionate in my reactions, in my outbursts. Sometimes I get up on my left foot.

58-Those of us who make music, we are responsible for what we hear, we must always give the maximum.

Sometimes, in solitude we can not talk honestly.

60-I do not write to make records, I write out of necessity, not out of revenge.

"It always seems like the past was better. This motivates me and makes me work harder. I used to be happy watching a sunset. Now it costs me and I try hard to get it.

62-I've always been scruffy, so this is a great help for me. I can have people around me and a team that will help me a lot when it comes to dressing.

"I felt very handsome on my wedding day. She was attractive. Best of all, it was very comfortable.

"When love comes to you, it will not do you any good to look it up in a dictionary, to understand it, or read the bullshit I have said about it.

"It is so beautiful to dream, and so violent the truth.

"It is so beautiful to dream, and so violent the truth.

"I'll be careful not to step on the flowers of your freedom.

"My look did not cut, but I think it was too noticeable, that we both knew each other before, when you started your name and I finished it for you.

69-Play for me, I want to hear you, I want to be part of your madness, we will put our souls of score.

"And even if I kissed you, I did not do so badly, I can not explain what I felt like to explode.

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