The 7 Most Important Paragraph Characteristics

One of the main Characteristics of paragraph Is that it starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. Another formal feature of the paragraph is the presence of the double spacing between these or the tabulation, which visually helps the understanding of how ideas are organized.

The paragraph, like the sentences and the sentences, is one of the basic elements of the text, that allows to develop the thesis or central idea of ​​the text.

The 7 Most Important Paragraph Characteristics

With respect to content, paragraphs should be developed around a secondary idea that relates directly to the main idea of ​​the text.

Likewise, the good paragraph is characterized by consistency and cohesion. The first refers to the good expression and relation of ideas within the paragraph.

On the other hand, the second one refers to the use of connectors that allow to link the ideas within the paragraph.

Main features of paragraph

1- Formal appearance

With regard to the formal aspect of paragraphs, they must start with a capital letter and culminate in a separate point.

Generally, paragraphs have at least two consecutive points within their structure. In addition to this, the paragraph should begin with a tabulation or with a double spacing that separates it from the previous paragraph.

Look at the paragraph that has just been presented and you will see that it complies with the formal aspects that have been explained.

It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. It presents three ideas separated by two points in a row. Finally, it is separated with double spacing.

2- Unity

The unit is one of the main features of the paragraphs. This means that all the ideas presented in the paragraph are correctly related, so that it is easy for the reader to understand meaning.

This is also known as thematic unit, since in each paragraph only one theme is developed.

In each paragraph only one secondary idea must be developed. This secondary idea must be directly related to the main idea presented in the introduction of the text.

The paragraph may include supportive ideas, which allow you to develop the secondary idea. Information that does not relate to the secondary idea but to the main one must be presented in a new paragraph, so as not to break the thematic unit.

3- Consistency

Consistency is related to the thematic unit. Consistency means that all the ideas presented in the paragraph respond to the same theme, thus creating an understandable meaning.

The ideas in a coherent paragraph are organized following a thematic logical progression.

The lack of coherence occurs when the writer changes his mind constantly within a paragraph, moving away from the main topic.

To ensure consistency of a paragraph, the writer must constantly ask the following questions:

- Does this theme relate to the main idea of ​​the text?

- How does this topic relate to the idea presented in my paragraph?

4- Cohesion

Cohesion refers to the connections that exist between the ideas that make up a paragraph.

This property of the paragraph can be achieved through various elements such as pronouns (avoiding unnecessary repetitions), prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs and connectors.

The cohesive elements allow to give order to the paragraph, which can be chronological, of cause and effect, of contrast, among others. They also allow you to emphasize certain parts of the paragraph.

In the following table, some connectors are presented:

The 7 Most Important Features of Paragraph 1

The 7 Most Important Features of Paragraph 2

The 7 Most Important Characteristics of Paragraph 3

The 7 Most Important Characteristics of Paragraph 4

The 7 Most Important Characteristics of Paragraph 5

The 7 Most Important Features of Paragraph 6

5- Central idea

Each paragraph should present a central idea, clearly stating the topic to be dealt with in it. This idea must be specific enough that it can be developed in a single paragraph.

Usually, the paragraph begins with a main idea, which describes in a nutshell what will be the content to be developed.

In this way, the main idea creates expectations in the reader, which will be fulfilled if the development of the paragraph is adequate.

For example: Cockroaches, insects found in most houses and apartments in large cities, are almost impossible to exterminate.

This phrase identifies the central theme of the text (the cockroaches) and the specific topic to be developed in the paragraph (problems regarding the extermination of cockroaches).

6- Ideas of support and idea of ​​closure

Paragraphs should present supportive ideas to develop the central idea of ​​the paragraph.

Sometimes these ideas of support can be comparisons, descriptions or examples. In this way, the central theme of the paragraph is explained.

Finally, a closing idea should be presented in which the paragraph is concluded, to give way to the following paragraph.

7- Adequate development

As explained in the previous section, the ideas of support allow to develop the central idea of ​​the paragraph.

The correct thing is that the development of the paragraph is adequate, that is, that describes, explains and supports the central idea.

If the writer does not fulfill the promise in the central idea, then the reader will be left with questions once the paragraph ends. This is a sign that the paragraph has not been adequately developed.


  1. Characteristic of Good Paragraph Writing. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from
  2. Characteristics of a Good Paragraph. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from
  3. Paragraph development. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from
  4. Characteristics of a good paragraph. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from
  5. Carrigan, Richard. Unity and Coherence. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from
  6. Cohesion & Coherence in Writing. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from

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