The 67 Most Known Revolutionary Phrases

Then I leave you over 60 Revolutionary phrases Short films by such great leaders as John F. Kennedy, Jose Marti , Malcolm X, Che Guevera, Marx and many more.

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Revolutionary phrases

1-Better to die fighting for freedom than to be a prisoner every day of your life.-Bob Marley.

2-The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is rotten. You have to make her fall.-Che Guevara.

3-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make inevitable violent revolution.-John F. Kennedy.

4-A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between past and future.-Fidel Castro.

5-When the dictatorship is a fact, the revolution becomes a right.-Victor Hugo.

6-You can kill a revolutionary but you can never kill the revolution.-Fred Hampton.

7-It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.-Emiliano Zapata.

8-The greatest and most powerful revolutions often begin very quietly, hidden in the shadows.-Richelle Mead.

9-The first duty of a man is to think for himself.-José Martí.

10-The only way to support a revolution is to make yours. -Abbie Hoffman.

11-You do not change things by fighting existing reality. You change something, building a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.-Buckminster Fuller.

12-Sometimes you have to take a gun to lower a weapon.-Malcolm X.

13-Poverty is the father of revolution and crime.-Aristotle.

14-The sin of silence when they should have protested makes cowards men.-Abraham Lincoln.

15-Every revolution seems impossible at first and after its occurrence, was inevitable.-Bill Ayers.

16-Declining societies have no use for visionaries.-Anaïs Nin.

17-The end could justify the means while there is something to justify the end.-Leon Trotsky.

18-The Revolution Never Goes Back.-William Henry Steward.

19-The revolution is not fixed something of an ideology, nor something of a decade in particular. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit.-Abbie Hoffman.

20-There is no such thing as a non-violent revolution.-Malcolm X.

21-The most heroic language in the world is revolution.-Eugene V. Debs.

22-If you want to rebel, rebuild from the inside of the system. That is far more powerful than to rebel from the outside of the system.-Marie Lu.

23-The revolution introduced me to art, and in turn, art introduced me to revolution.-Albert Einstein.

24-Every generation needs a new revolution.-Thomas Jefferson.

25-There is no end; Revolutions are infinite.-Yevgeny Zamyatin.

26-You can not buy the revolution. You can not make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit or it is nowhere.-Ursula K. Le Guin.

27-To victory always.- Ernesto Guevara.

28-We have no right to think that freedom can be won without fighting.-Che Guevera.

29-We have in our power to start the world again.-Thomas Paine.

30-There are decades where nothing happens; And there are weeks where decades occur.-Vladimir Ilich Lenin.

31-Every revolution was first a thought in the mind of a man.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

32-The seed of revolution is repression.-Woodrow Wilson.

33-You can not make a revolution with silk gloves.-Joseph Stalin.

34-Art is plagiarism or revolution.-Paul Gauguin.

35-The revolution has always been in the hands of young people. The young man always inherits the revolution.-Huey Newton.

36-It is not the insurrection of ignorance that is dangerous, but the revolt of intelligence.-James Russell Lowell.

37-Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.-Franz Kafka.

38-While fighting separately, they are beaten together.-Tacitus.

39-A revolution is born as a social entity within oppressive society.-Paulo Freire.

40-A revolution is an idea, taken by bayonets.-Napoleon.

41- Ask for work. If they do not give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, take the bread.-Emma Goldman.

42-Give me time and I'll give you a revolution.-Alexander McQueen.

43-Revolutions begin with the word and conclude by the sword.-Jean Paul Marat.

44-If I can not dance, I do not want to be part of your revolution.-Emma Goldman.

45-Political power is simply the organized power of one class to oppress another.-Karl Marx.

46-Revolution means democracy in today's world, not the enslavement of peoples to the corrupt and degrading horrors of totalitarianism.-Ronald Reagan.

47. It is impossible to predict the moment and progress of the revolution. It is ruled by its own mysterious wars.-Vladimir Lenin.

48-The revolution is a dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters.-Fidel Castro.

49-You can imprison a revolutionary, but you can not imprison the revolution.-Huey Newton.

50-The revolution is the festival of the oppressed.-Germaine Greer.

51-The revolution that takes place in your head, no one will see it.-Gil Scott-Heron.

52-The rebellion against tyrants is obedience to god.-Thomas Jefferson.

53-The worst enemy of the revolution is the bourgeois that many revolutionaries carry inside.-Mao Tse Tung.

54-We fight against misery but at the same time we fight against alienation.-Che Guevara.

55. A revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation; In addition, not every revolutionary situation guides the revolution.-Vladimir Lenin.

56-Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, do not see greeting and are unable to fight.-Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

57. Philosophers have confined themselves to interpreting the world in different ways; What is involved is to transform it.-Karl Marx.

58-Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.-Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

59-You can not make a revolution to establish democracy. You must have a democracy to have a revolution.-G. K. Chesterton.

60-The revelation may be more dangerous than the revolution.-Vladimir Nabokov.

61-The French Revolution taught us the rights of man.-Thomas Sankara.

62. Revolutions are produced in the dead-ends.-Bertolt Brecht.

63-A reform is a correction of abuses, a revolution is a transfer of power.-Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton.

64-The truth is always revolutionary.-Vladimir Lenin.

65-Those who are inclined to compromise, can never make a revolution.-Kemal Ataturk.

66-Whoever kneels before the fait accompli is incapable of facing the future.-Trotsky.

Those who are not capable of defending old positions, will never succeed in conquering the new ones.-Trotsky.

"We can not have a revolution that does not involve and free women."-John Lennon.

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