The 61 Best Mental Health Phrases

Then I leave 60 Mental health phrases Positive from professionals like Abraham Maslow, Wayne Dyer or Sigmund Freud.

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Mental health phrases 1-Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.-Louise Hart.

2-Negative attitudes never result in a positive life.-Emma White.

3-Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, others go to the bar on the corner and have a few beers, but I choose to run as my therapy.-Dean Karnazes.

4-Mental health needs a lot of attention. It is a great final taboo and has to be addressed and solved.-Adam Ant.

5-When you expose everything of your interior, you can live freely with nothing to hide.-Angela Hartlin.

6-A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each one of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control.-Robert Foster Bennett.

7-Obstacles are the fearful things you see when you take your eyes away from your goal.-Henry Ford.

8-Do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do.-John Wooden.

9-Depression is the inability to build a future.-Rollo May.

10-The punishment of every disordered mind is its own disorder.-Augustine of Hippo.

11-Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more difficult to bear.-C. S. Lewis.

12-What has to be changed in a person is self-awareness.-Abraham Maslow.

13-If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.-Wayne Dyer.

14-No stress in the world, only people thinking stressful thoughts.-Wayne Dyer.

15-The state of your life is but a reflection of the state of your mind.-Wayne Dyer.

16-Maximum for life: they will treat you in life in the way you teach people to treat you.-Wayne Dyer.

17-Self esteem can not be verified by others. You go because you say that it is so. If you depend on others to value yourself, this valorization will be done by others.

18-Life is 10% what you experience and 90% how you respond to it.

19-Fear and anxiety often indicate that we are moving in a positive direction, outside the safe limits of our comfort zone and in the direction of our true purpose.-Charles F. Glassman.

20-People have been preoccupied with things for centuries, but not once has had a positive effect on the outcome of a situation.-Lisa M. Schab.

21-Your perspective on life comes from the cage in which you were captive.-Shannon L. Alder.

22-You, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.-Buddha.

23-Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.-Khalil Gibran.

24-Being totally honest with oneself is a good exercise.-Sigmund Freud.

25-Our strengths come from our vulnerabilities.-Sigmund Freud.

26-Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive and depart later in worse forms.-Sigmund Freud.

27-Psychiatry is the art of teaching people how to stay on their own feet while resting on couches.-Sigmund Freud.

28-There are wounds that are never shown in the body, which are more painful than anyone who bleeds.-Laurell K. Hamilton

29-While fear exhausts the power, faith gives wings for the elevation of the soul.-T.F. Hodge.

30-We can not be in survival mode. We have to be in the mode of growth.-Jeff Bezos.

31-People just feel better about themselves when they are good at something.-Stephen R. Covey.

32-You can not go forward if you're always thinking about the past.-Bathsheba Dailey.

33-You will walk forward toward growth or you will walk back toward security.-Abraham Maslow.

34-The fact is that people are good. Give people affection and security and they will be affectionate and confident in their feelings and behaviors.-Abraham Maslow.

35-There are too many people who overestimate what they are not and underestimate what they are.-Malcolm Forbes Jr.

36. Man is not as concerned with real problems as with his imagined anxieties about real problems.-Epithet.

37-One can not choose wisely in life unless he dares to listen to himself, to his own self, in every moment of his life.-Abraham Maslow.

38-Concentration is a good antidote to anxiety.-Jack Nicklaus.

39-A man can not be comfortable without his own approval.-Mark Twain.

40-He who is not conquering every day a little fear has not learned the secret of life.-Shannon L. Alder.

41-The worst solitude is not being comfortable with yourself.-Mark Twain.

42-Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.-Soren Kierkegaard.

43-If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live the moment, live in the breath.-Amit Ray.

"I never loved another person the way I loved myself."Mae West.

45-Be independent of the good opinion of others.-Abraham Maslow.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."Eleanor Roosevelt.

47-Our reactions to events are directly proportional to their importance in our life.-Sukant Ratnakar.

48-The first step to be loved is to learn to love what you see when you look in the mirror.-Tadahiko Nagao.

49-Our anxiety does not empty the morning of its sorrows, it only empties the present of its strengths.-Charles H. Spurgeon.

50. Always remember that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have the obligation to be one. Eleanor Roosevelt.

51-Every man has his secret sorrows that the world does not know and we often call a man"cold,"when he is only sad.-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

52-Trust is what we get when we take fear, face it and replace it.-Tim Fargo.

53-The man who does not value himself, can not value anything or anyone.-Ayn Rand.

54-Most people are as happy as their self-confidence allows them to be.-Shannon L. Alder.

55-Worry is useless. You can not change the past or control the future. It just spoils the moment.-Darrin Patrick.

"Nobody has a good opinion of a man who has a bad opinion of himself.-Anthony Trollope.

57-I should have the ability to be happy with myself, to be satisfied with what I am. Not as a queen, but with what I am.-Sena Jeter Naslund.

58-Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.-Oscar Wilde.

59- The components of anxiety, stress, fear and hate do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even if we speak of them as if they did."-Dr Wayne Dyer.

60- Modern science has not yet produced a soothing medicine as effective as a few kind words.-Sigmund Freud.

61-The best way to achieve full mental health is by living in the present and accepting yourself.-

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