The 55 Best Phrases of Lady Gaga

Then I leave you more than 50 Quotes from Lady Gaga , One of the most internationally known artists and with more followers around the world.

You may also like These inspirational phrases or Are you music .

Phrases of lady gaga

1-Even if the whole world turns your back on you, you always have yourself.

2-We need the fantasy to survive because the reality is very difficult.

3-Some women choose to follow men and others choose to follow their dreams. If you ask yourself which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that you do not love you anymore.

4-You have to be unique and different and shine in your own way.

5-Never be afraid to dream.

6-Do not be insecure if your heart is pure.

7-You define your beauty, society does not define your beauty. Your spirit and your faith define your beauty.

8-Never let a soul in the world tell you that you can not be exactly who you are.

9-Every time I said"no,"I became stronger.

10-Do not let people turn off your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses.

11-Ignore all the hate and criticism. Live for what you have created and die protecting it.

12-If you have no shadow, you are not in the light.

13-I believe that tolerance, acceptance and love is something that nourishes all communities.

14-You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same.

15-They can not frighten me, if I frighten them first.

16-Being different is simple, but being unique is something different.

17-Fight hard for what you believe, you will be surprised, you are stronger than you think.

18-Money can escape, but talent is forever.

I'm not perfect. I just think the imperfections are beautiful.

20-It is difficult to know who to trust in your personal life. When you cry in your room at night, you do not always know who to call.

21-It does not matter who you are or where you come from, or how much money you have in your pocket. You have your own destiny and your own life before you.

22-Truth is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the scream in its reflection.

23-Sometimes in life you do not always feel like a winner, but that does not mean you're not a winner.

24-If you ask me what I want to do, do not want to be a celebrity, I want to make a difference.

25"You can not frighten me, if I scare you first.

26-You will never find what you are looking for in love if you do not love yourself.

28-Use or do not wear make-up, I am the same person inside.

29-Celebrate all the things you do not like about yourself; love yourself.

30-People will always talk, so give them something to talk about.

31-As artists, we have eternally broken our hearts.

"I've always been famous, only nobody knew it yet.

33-Love is like a brick. You can build a house or you can sink a dead body.

34 -I live half of my life between reality and fantasy.

35-I am obsessively opposed to the typical.

36-Do you know the feeling of when your heart is so hurt that you can feel the dripping blood?

37-Let the blood and the bruises define your legacy.

38-Sexuality is half poison, half liberation.

39-I want the deepest, darkest, sickest part of you and you're afraid to share with anyone because I love you so much.

40-I want you to leave here tonight, not loving myself anymore, but loving yourselves more.

"I'm already crazy." I am a person without fear. If my destiny is to lose my head for my fame, that is my destiny. But my passion still means more than anything else.

42-I had a boyfriend who told me he would never be successful, would never be nominated for a Grammy, would never have a hit song and hoped it would fail. I said,"Someday, when we're not together, you will not be able to order a cup of coffee in a bar without listening to me or seeing me.

43. Memories are not recycled as atoms and particles in quantum physics; Can be lost forever.

"Well, that's your opinion, is not it?" And I'm not willing to waste my time to change it.

45-You have to stop crying and you have to go kick some asses.

46-At the end of the day, you will not be happy until you love yourself.

47-I want to free them, I want to free them from their fears and make them feel that they can create their own spaces in the world.

48. Once you kill a cow, you have to make a hamburger.

49-How can I protect something so perfect without evil.

50-A contract to record a record does not make you an artist; You yourself become an artist.

51-Being gay is like the brightness, it never leaves.

52-You really do not need to be a celebrity, have money or have paparazzi following you to be famous.

"I used to walk down the street like a star. I want people out there excited about how great they can be and then fight so hard every day that the lie comes true.

54. I want women and men to feel strengthened by a more psychotic and deeper part of themselves. The part they always try to hide desperately. I want it to turn into something they want.

55-My music was different in high school. I sang about love, things I do not care about anymore.

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