The 53 Best Phrases of Rich Dad Poor Father

In this article I leave you the best Quotes from Rich Dad, Poor Dad . It is as if you read a summary of the best of this book.

You may also like These phrases from Robert Kiyosaki .

Summary of Father Rich Father Poor in his sentences

1-Why do I have to spend so much time studying subjects that I will never use in my real life?

3-Accessing a good education and achieving high grades no longer ensures success.

4-The security of a job no longer exists; I have heard all about business reductions and adjustments.

5-The most dangerous advice you can give a child today is,"go to school, get good grades, and look for a safe job."

6-It is foolish to assume that the education provided by the educational system will prepare your child for the world he will face after graduation. Every child needs more education. A different education. And they need to know the rules. The different sets of rules.

7-Instead of teaching my kids to just play it safe, I decided it was best to teach them to play smart.

8-Education is the basis of success. And as much as school skills are important, financial and communication skills are also important."

9-In the light of our changing times, we need, as parents, to be open to new and bold ideas.

10-We need to advise our os with a degree of greater intelligence. We need new ideas and a different education.

11-Remember that financial intelligence is the mental process through which we solve our financial problems.

12-One of the reasons why the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class struggles with debts, it's because what has to do with money is taught in the home, and not at school.

13-Proper physical exercise increases your chances of health, and proper mental exercise increases your chances of wealth. Loathing diminishes both health and wealth.

14-Money is a form of power. But what is even more powerful is financial education. Money comes and goes, but if you count on education about how money works, you gain power over it and you can start generating wealth.

16-If you learn the lessons of life, you will do well. If not, life will simply continue to push you.

17-Life pushes us all. Some surrender. Others struggle. A few learn the lesson and move forward.

18-The middle and poor classes work for money. The rich have money working for them.

19-I want to teach them to acquire mastery of the power of money. Not to fear him. And that is not taught in schools. If you do not learn it, you will become a slave to money.

20-The main causes of poverty or financial struggles are fear and ignorance; Not the economy, nor the government, nor the rich.

21-Remember what I said before: a job is just a short-term solution, for a long-term problem. Most people have a problem in mind, and it's the short term.

22-The best thing was that our business generated money for us, even when we were not physically there. Our money worked for us.

23-If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, they will get richer and richer through change. If they think that money will solve problems, I'm afraid these people will go through a rough path.

24-Most people do not realize that in life, what counts is not how much money they earn, but how much they keep.

25-If you want to be rich, you need to be financially instructed.

26-You should know the difference between an asset (investment, value) and a liability (obligation, commitment), and acquire - or generate - assets. If you want to be rich, this is all you need to know.

27-Rich people acquire assets. The poor and the middle class acquire liabilities (liabilities), thinking that they are assets.

28-If you want to be rich you have to read and understand the numbers.

29-If you want to be rich, simply spend your life acquiring assets. If you want to be poor or middle class, spend your life contracting obligations. Not knowing the difference is the cause of most of the financial difficulties of the real world.

30-Most people struggle with their finances because they do not understand the flow of money. A person can have a high academic training and be a successful professional, but be financially ignorant.

31-If you find yourself inside a hole... it stops digging.

32-Fear of being different, prevents most people from looking for new ways to solve their problems.

33-The real tragedy is that the lack of early financial education is what creates the risk faced by the average middle-class person.

34-The most important rule is to know the difference between an asset (investment, value) and a liability (obligation, commitment). Once you understand the difference, focus your efforts on acquiring only assets that generate income.

35-To be financially secure, you need to take care of your own business. Your business revolves around the asset column - securities, investments - as opposed to the column of your income.

36-People who have always had money, the long-term rich build the first column of their investments. Then the income from that column pays for its luxuries.

37. The first lesson about having money working for me, as opposed to working for money, is all about power. If you work for the money, you give that power to your employer. If your money works for you, you maintain and control power.

38. In my personal experience, the financial genius of each person requires both technical knowledge and courage. If the fear is too strong, the genius cancels out.

39-Most people only know one solution: work hard, save and apply for loans.

40-The world always brings us opportunities, every day of our lives, but too often we fail to see them.

41-Personally, I use two major vehicles to achieve financial growth: real estate and small business stocks.

42-Great opportunities are not seen with the eyes. They look with the mind. Most people never get rich simply because they are not financially trained to recognize opportunities right in front of them.

43-Winners are not terrified of losing. The losers yes. Failures are part of the success process. People who avoid failure also prevent success.

44-It's how you handle failure, what makes the difference in your life. And that applies to everything, not just money. The main difference between a rich person and a poor person lies in the way they handle that fear

45-In my own life, I have noticed that winning often comes after losing.

46-Most people are poor, because when it comes to investing, the world is full of"hens"running around screaming"the sky is falling, the sky is falling."

47-The problem I perceive today is that there are millions of people who feel guilty about their ambitions.

48-Do what you feel in your heart that is right-because they will criticize you anyway. They will condemn you if you do, as if you do not.

49-When you know that you are ignorant of an issue, start educating yourself by looking for an expert in that field, or buy a book on the subject.

50-The power to choose. That is the biggest reason people live in a free country. We want the power to choose.

51-The lack of self-discipline is the reason most lottery winners fail, even shortly after winning millions. Lack of self-discipline is the reason people who get a raise come out immediately to buy a new car or take a cruise.

52-Do not borrow too much, so that later you have to pay for it. Keep your expenses down.

53-When it comes to investments, too many people make it sound complicated. Instead of paying attention to them, find heroes who make it look easy.

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