The 51 Best Phrases of St. Francis of Assisi

I leave you 70 quotes of San Francisco de Asis , Founder of the Franciscan Order, of the order of the Poor Clares and of a secular order.

Before, did you know these curiosities?

  • It is the saint about which more books have been written in the world.
  • In his youth, Francis was very much given to the romantic chivalric traditions propagated by troubadours. He had money in abundance and spent lavishly, ostentatiously.
  • Franciscan missionaries accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second trip to America.
  • His followers were the first missionaries to reach China, the Far East, North America, and South America.
  • The first university and the first printing press in America were founded by followers of San Francisco.

Phrases of San Francisco de Asís

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1-All darkness in the world can not turn off the light of a single candle.

2-Begin by doing what is necessary; Then do, the possible and suddenly you will be doing the impossible.

3-Where there is charity and wisdom, there is no fear or ignorance.

4-The one who works with his hands is a worker.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
The one who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.

5-It is in giving that we receive.

6-Preach the gospel at all times and when it is necessary to use words.

7-Remember that when you leave this world, you can not take anything you have received; Only what you have given.

8-What you do may be the only sermon that some people hear today.

9-We have to love the love of the one who has loved us much.

10-While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.

11-I need few things and the few I need, I need them little.

12-It is forgiving that we are forgiven.

13-It is useless to walk anywhere to evangelize unless our way is our gospel.

14-If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.

15-The true teaching that we transmit is what we live; And we are good preachers when we put into practice what we say.

16-I can not be canonized too soon. I am perfectly capable of begetting a child.

17-Where rest and meditation reign, there is no room for worry or dissipation.

18-Above the grace and gifts that Christ gives to his loved ones, this is to surpass oneself.

19-The defeated temptation is, in a way, the ring with which the Lord marries the heart of his servant.

20-Sanctify yourself and sanctify society.

21-How much more love can one of us love and nourish his brother in the spirit.

22-No one should be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and nobody hurts you. You have no enemy except yourself.

23-We have been called to heal the wounds, to unite what has come down and to bring home those who have lost their way.

24-Do not canonize me too soon. I am perfectly capable of begetting a child.

25-Do not hold back anything of yourselves so that the whole will receive the whole.

26-To entertain oneself in looking for defects to the neighbor is sufficient proof of not taking care of just his own.

27-Prayer is a real break.

28-Strive to achieve the serenity of accepting the inevitable things, the value of changing the things we can and the wisdom to be able to distinguish one from another.

29-It is a faithful and wise servant who, for every fault he commits, hastens to expiate them: inwardly, by contrition and outwardly by confession and satisfaction of work.

30-He who obeys should not look at his superior to the man but the one for whose love he has surrendered to obedience.

31-The devil rejoices, above all, when he succeeds in snatching the joy of the heart of the servant of God. It fills the smallest cracks in the consciousness with dust that can mess up the candor of the spirit and the purity of life. But when spiritual joy fills hearts, the serpent spills in vain its deadly poison.

32-May the peace they announce with their words this first in their hearts.

33-He who is happy retains nothing for himself.

34. All the good we do, we must do it for love of God, and the evil we avoid must be avoided for God's sake.

35-Animals are my friends, and I do not eat my friends.

36-May the peace they announce with their words be first in their hearts.

37. We must do nothing else but to be diligent in following the will of God and in pleasing Him in all things.

38-He told me that he wanted me to be a new madman in this world.

39-Really love his enemy who does not hurt the injury that is done to him, but, for the love of God, he repents for the sin that is in his soul. And show him your love with works.

40-Let's start serving, let's do our best what we've done so far is little and nothing.

41-Where there is charity and wisdom, there is no fear or ignorance.

42-To entertain oneself in looking for defects to the neighbor is sufficient proof of not taking care of only his own.

43-Evil and false spirits, do in me all that you want. I know well that they can not do more than the Lord's hand permits. For my part, I am willing to suffer with pleasure everything that he let them do in me.

44. If there are men who exclude any of God's creatures from the protection of compassion and mercy, there will be men who will treat their brothers in the same way.

45-Evil and false spirits, do in me all that you want. I know well that they can not do more than the Lord's hand permits. For my part, I am willing to suffer with pleasure everything that he let them do in me.

46-Blessed is the servant whom they find in the midst of their inferiors with the same humility as if he were among their superiors.

47-Just as some animals feed on others to subsist God told the man that he could take the animals he needed only to find a better solution, not for capricious dresses or make them his slaves or entertainment.

48-Without prayer no one can progress in divine service.

49-Blessed is he who has no more joy and joy than the words and works of the Lord.

50-Every creature in disgrace has the same right to be protected.

51-God created all creatures with love and kindness, great, small, human or animal form all are children of the Father and was so perfect in his creation that gave each one his own environment and his animals a home full of streams , Beautiful trees and meadows like paradise itself. Those men who are capable of breaking into God's will and snatching from their motherland their animals will be making a great mistake and will always be judged by those who do respect God's divine creation just as He created it.

52-The demons are not those who have crucified you, it is you who crucified with them and you continue to crucify still, delighting in vices and sins.

God told the man to feed on the animals to survive while he found a better option, not for capricious dresses, nor to enslave them for entertainment.

Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.

55- Jesus Christ called a friend to him who delivered him and offered himself spontaneously to those who crucified him.

56 Let us love God and worship him with a simple heart.

57 - It is giving itself as it is received, it is forgetting itself as one is.

58 - It is dying as it rises to eternal life.

59. Man, having nothing of his own, all belongs to God.

60- If you, the servant of God, are worried, you must immediately resort to prayer and prostrate yourself before the Lord until your joy returns.

Remember that when you leave this earth, you will not be able to take with you anything of what you have received, only what you have given.

62. Man should tremble, the world should vibrate, the whole sky should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest.

63 - The devil rejoices, above all, when he succeeds in snatching the joy of the heart of the servant of God.

64. When spiritual joy fills hearts, the serpent spills his mortal venom in vain.

65 - For a small reward is lost something that is inestimable and easily provokes the donor to give no more.

66 - Lord, to me, sinner and unworthy, you have sent me from heaven this consolation and sweetness; I give them back to you so that you reserve them for I am a thief of your treasure.

67. He seeks above all else; And let us always make them dwelling and dwelling in him, who is the Lord God, the Almighty, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

68 - Terrible is death! But how pleasing is the life of the other world, to which God calls us!

69- Do not fight with each other and with others, but try to respond humbly saying,"I am a useless servant."

70. All the brothers must preach through their works.

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