The 51 Best Ecological Phrases (Short)

In this article I leave you more than 50 Ecological phrases Short for reflection, both for children and adults. They are people committed to the future of the land and, therefore, the health of its inhabitants.

Before, I leave several curiosities:

  • Every year, every European citizen is responsible for the emission of 11 tonnes of greenhouse effect .
  • In Europe, approximately 70 million coastal zone inhabitants are at risk due to sea level rise.
  • The incineration of 10 thousand tons of waste creates only one job, while recycling the same amount creates more than 40 jobs.
  • Every day, each of us is responsible for the production of 1.3 kg of waste. At the end of the year they are over 500 kg.
  • A ton of recycled paper prevents felling of 15-20 trees.
  • The production of recycled paper consumes 3 times less energy than the production of vegetable fiber paper.
  • Over the past 35 years, Earth has lost a third of global wildlife.
  • It is predicted that 75% of Swiss glaciers in the Alps will disappear by 2050.
  • Taking a shower spends four times less energy than a bath.
  • A water faucet dripping one drop per second ends up wasting 30 liters of water per day.

Ecological phrases

You may also be interested in these Earth phrases , of the environment Or the contamination .

1-The first law of ecology is that everything is related to everything else.-Barry Commoner.

2-Sustainability deals with ecology, economy and equality.-Ralph Bicknese.

3-Continuity is the art of conservationism: ecology serves that heart.-Garrett Hardin.

4-The natural world is the largest sacred community to which we belong. To damage this community is to diminish our own humanity.-Thomas Berry.

5-Plans to protect the air and water, the wild and the wild, are in fact plans to protect the man.-Stewart Udall

6-Our health depends entirely on the vitality of our fellow species on earth.-Harrison Ford.

7-It's the worst of times but also the best because we still have a chance.-Sylvia Earle.

8-You can not spend a single day on earth without having an impact on the world. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.-Jane Goodall.

9-The future belongs to those who understand that doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous, lasting, smarter and more competitive.-Paul Hawken.

10-The earth is insulted and offers the flowers as an answer.-Rabindranath Tagore.

11-The activist is not who says the river is dirty. The activist is the one who cleans the river.-Ross Perot.

12-An act against nature should be judged as severely as one against society or another person.-Dr. Michael W. Fox.

13-The worst threat to our planet is the belief that someone saved it.-Robert Swan.

14-We live on earth as if we had another to go to. -Terry Swearingen.

15-The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet.-John F. Kennedy.

16-We abuse the land because we treat it as if it were ours. When we see it as an opportunity to which we belong, we may treat it with love and respect.-Aldo Leopold.

17-Thousands have lived without love and not one without water.-W.H. Auden.

18-The earth provides enough to satisfy the needs of each man, but not the greed of every man.-Mahatma Gandhi.

19-We abused the earth because we think it belongs to us. When we see it as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.-Aldo Leopold.

20-Faith on the living planet is the most important issue facing mankind.-Gaylord Nelson.

21-The ocean, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a new meaning: we are all in the same boat.-Jacques Yves Cousteau.

22-When the earth is diseased and polluted, human health is impossible. To heal ourselves, we must heal our planet and to heal our planet, we must heal ourselves.-Bobby McLeod.

23-Many of us ask what we can do, but history shows us that all good and bad begins when someone does something or does not do something.-Sylvia Earle.

24-We have known the enemy and it is us.-Walt Kelly.

25-The world we share has been given to us in trust. Every decision we make regarding the earth, air, and water that surrounds us should be made with the aim of preserving them from all the generations to come.-August A. Bush III.

26-Nature is inexhaustible sustainable if we take care of it. It is our universal responsibility to pass a healthy land to future generations.-Sylvia Dolson.

27-First it was necessary to civilize man in his relationship with man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in his relationship with nature and animals.-Victor Hugo.

28-He who plants trees loves others.-Thomas Fuller.

29-We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.-Native American proverb.

30-If you want adults to recycle, just tell kids about the importance of recycling and they will.-Bill Nye.

31-Our survival is intimately linked to the food we eat, the water we drink and the places we live. Therefore we must promote responsibility and conservation when we refer to natural resources.-Mark Udall.

32-If tomorrow you could make clean water for the world, you would have done the best you could do to improve human health and environmental quality.-William C. Clark.

33-When the quality of life falls to the environment, it falls for the human.-George Holland.

34-We will never recognize the value of the water until the well is dry.-Thomas Fuller.

35-If you really believe that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money.-Dr. Guy McPherson.

36-It produces immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human race does not listen to it.-Victor Hugo.

37-The land is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest, that's all we share.-Lady Bird Johnson.

38-Being green saves you money. Being green saves you nature.-Sophia Bush.

39-The world will not survive much longer as a captive of mankind.-Daniel Quinn.

40-Our waste problems is not only the fault of the producers. It is the fault of an economy that is wasteful from top to bottom - a symbiosis of unlimited greed on top and lazy, passive, self-indulgent consumers at the bottom - and we are all involved in it.-Wendell Berry.

41-Our survival is intimately linked to the food we eat, the water we drink and the places we live. Therefore we must promote responsibility and conservation when we refer to natural resources.-Mark Udall.

42. There is a fundamental error in treating the earth as if it were a business in liquidation.-Herman E. Daly.

43-Erosion, desertification and pollution have become our destination. It's a strange form of suicide, since we're making our planet bleed.-Gerald Durrell.

44-Human activity is worse for nature than the greatest nuclear accident in history.-Martin Cruz Smith.

45-Children of a culture are born in a water-rich environment. We have never really learned how important water is to us. We understand it, but we do not respect it.-William Ashworth.

To appreciate what is left of the earth and to encourage its renewal is our hope of survival.-Wendell Berry.

47. There seems to be a deep habit in our culture of throwing things that can be reused. Mother nature does not throw things. The dead trees, birds, beetles and elephants are quickly recycled by the system.-William Booth.

48-If you could make clean water for the world tomorrow, you would have done the best you could do to improve human health and environmental quality.-William C. Clark.

49 -We alone humans produce waste that nature can not digest.-Charles Moore.

50-The only thing you can not recycle is lost time.-Anonymous.

51-Decades of scientific research have proven that pollution is harmful to human health and causes global warming.-Jeff Merkley.

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