The 50 Best Phrases of Piaget

I leave you the 50 Best sentences of Jean William Fritz Piaget On children, play, learning, family and much more.

Piaget was an epistemologist, psychologist and biologist, born in Switzerland on August 9, 1896. You may also like These education phrases or These of pedagogy .


The most outstanding quotes from Jean Piaget

1.-"Intelligence is what you use when you do not know what to do".

2.-"If you want to be creative, stay as part of a child, with the creativity and inventiveness that characterizes children before being deformed by the Adult society".

3.-"Education, for most people, means trying to bring the child to look like the typical adult of their society... But for me, education Means making creators... You have to make inventors, innovators, nonconformists."

4.-"When you teach a child something, you take away forever your opportunity to discover it for yourself."

5.-"The main objective of education in schools should be the creation of men and women who are capable of doing new things, not Simply repeat what other generations have done; Men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical, Verify and not accept, all that is offered".

6.-"Scientific knowledge is constantly evolving; Which finds itself changed from one day to another."

7.-"I have always detested any deviation from reality, an attitude that I relate to my mother's poor mental health."

8.-"To express the same idea in another way, I believe that human knowledge is essentially active."

9.-"It is with the children with whom we have the best opportunity to study the development of logical knowledge, mathematical knowledge, knowledge Physical, among other things."

10.-"Knowledge is, therefore, a system of transformations that become progressively adequate."

11.-"Our problem, from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of genetic epistemology, is to explain how the Makes a lower level of knowledge at a level that is judged to be greater."

12.-"I could not think without writing."

13.-"What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see."

14.-"Each acquisition of accommodation becomes material for assimilation, but assimilation always resists new accommodation."

15."The essential functions of the mind consist in understanding and invention, that is, in the construction of structures through the Structuring of reality".

16.-"Possibility... in the accommodation of the sensory-motor intelligence, plays the same role as in scientific discovery. It is only useful when Genius and his revelations remain meaningless for unskilled workers."

17.-"Children have a real understanding of what they only invent themselves, and every time we try to teach them something too fast, we We prevent them from reinventing themselves."

18.-"What genetic epistemology proposes is to discover the roots of the different varieties of knowledge, from its elementary forms, following To the following levels, also including the scientific knowledge".

19.-"The relations between parents and children are, without a doubt, not only those of restriction. There is mutual spontaneous affection, which go from first asking the Child acts of generosity and even sacrifice, to the very moving manifestations that are not prescribed in any way. And here, no doubt, Is the starting point for the morality of the good that we will see developing along with the morality of law or duty, and that in some people Replaced completely."

20.-"In other words, knowledge of the external world begins with an immediate utilization of things, while self-knowledge Is stopped by this purely practical and utilitarian contact."

21.-"To understand is to invent".

22."Logic and mathematics are no more than specialized linguistic structures."

23.-"This does not mean that logic is strong enough to support the total construction of human knowledge."

24.-"Scientific thought, then, is not momentary, it is not a static instance, but a process".

25.-"On the one hand, there are individual actions, such as pulling, pushing, touching, rubbing. These are those individual actions that give rise to most Of time to the abstraction of objects."

26.-"The second objective of education is to form minds that can be critical, that can verify and not accept everything that is offered to them. The great Today's danger is the slogans, collective opinions, the trends already made of thought. We have to be able to oppose each other individually to Criticize, to distinguish between what is right and what is not."

The main idea of ​​my theory is almost always misinterpreted.

28 - The objects themselves are nothing until we give them a use. My view of human knowledge comes from the way we use objects.

29- I am a constructivist, because I constantly build or help to build knowledge.

30- Knowledge is always an interpretation or an assimilation.

31- A child never draws what he sees, draws his interpretation of it. Draw what you know about it.

32. Our knowledge is not molded directly by the things we observe. We always interpret according to our own structure.

33- If knowledge were preformed then it would be implicit in babies and animals.

34- Mathematics is in constant construction, we can see it even in the day to day of a child.

35- I define operations as transformations that are reversible. Irreversible transformations, that is something else.

Structure is the source of deductive capacity.

37. If knowledge is not preordained in us or in objects, then there is a sequence of construction.

38. The development of intelligence is a sequence of deductive constructions.

39- Before sitting face to face a psychologist, no one really asks the questions that this one does to him.

40- Children from similar circumstances tend to respond in the same way to the unknown.

41- In the knowledge, the age difference from one rung to another, the sequence always follows the same pattern.

42- Problems are solved according to the levels of knowledge and these can be characterized.

43. The first clear indication in the development of knowledge is continuous creativity.

44- During the first 18 months of life, children, before language; Construct time, space, object and permanence.

45 - The number of mental constructions that children do at such an early age leaves us stunned.

46- In order to explain a psychological phenomenon it is necessary to trace its line of formation.

47- By observing how knowledge is constructed, we can better understand the origin of intelligence.

There are many similarities between the development of knowledge in a child and the development of knowledge in science.

Research can not be stopped, we must always study how the understanding of a new knowledge opens the mind to new possibilities.

50- It is necessary the knowledge of mathematical logic for the development of human intelligence.

More about Piaget's life and his theories

Piaget married Valentine Châtenay in 1923 with whom he had three children: Lucienne, Laurent and Jacqueline.

As any parent continued the childhood of their children appreciating and valuing each of its stages, without However, Piaget went a little further and the follow-up he did to the growth of his children was very detailed, something that helped him to carry out several studies
On Child Psychology. Among them is the Cognitive theory of which I want to tell you a little.

According to Piaget's theory, cognitive development is a continuous construction of the human being that is marked by several stages of development, the needs of the individual and the action that is taken based on them.

Piaget divides these stages into periods of time, thus defining the moment and type of intellectual ability that develops according to the cognitive phase in That is the individual, each providing crucial information that allows us to define ourselves as people.

I will summarize for you these stages of The simplest way possible:

  • Sensory motor (0 to 2 years) . It is the stage in which our sensory and motor skills are in full development.

  • Pre-operational (2 to 7 years) . It is a cycle marked by egocentrism, where concepts and words are acquired that represent the external reality.

  • Specific operations (7 to 12 years) . The child becomes more logical in his analysis and can apply it to concrete or real problems.

  • Formal Operations (12 years and over) . At this stage the logic becomes proportional, allowing us to generate inductive reasoning and Deductive.

Some might wonder if the cognitive phases of individuals are so marked, why we are not all the same.

Piaget also considers certain factors that mark important differences in individuals as They are the genetic basis, socio-cultural stimuli and the information that the individual is receiving through the time.

Experiences and actions That the child builds personal devices both emotional and cognitive to face the world, which are individual and Personal information.

The human being has the capacity to learn throughout the course of his life, developing at each cognitive stage, learning from the environment and Surrounding information.

Piaget has had an important influence on all psychologists of modern development, although some disagree with his theory, Questioning whether or not the children actually go through these four stages.

Other influences

But psychologists are not the only ones Attracted by this capacity of learning of the human being.

Also the technological developers are captivated by the cognitive, in their eagerness to To simulate the most perfect machine known until now, which is the human being.

Cognitive computing, as IBM has called it, is inspired by how our brain works to develop new Computers that are able to adapt and learn according to the centered understanding of the information.

The idea is based on collecting a large Amount of structured and complex data, to convert them into knowledge and experience, as well as what the human being acquires throughout his life.

Humans go through different cognitive stages in our lives to acquire or mature this ability, as indicated by Piaget and we are, In addition, influenced not only by the knowledge we receive but also by the values ​​that instill in us, Will the human being be able to recreate everything That in a machine?, I suppose that the time will answer us.

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