The 50 Best Enthusiasm Phrases

I leave you 50 Phrases of enthusiasm , Which convey motivation and happiness, Of geniuses like Vince Lombardi, Dale Carnegie, Kahlil Gibran, Aldous Huxley and many more.

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Phrases of enthusiasm

1-Success consists in going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.-Winston Churchill.

2-Enthusiasm moves the world.-Arthur Balfour.

3-Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you do it? You act with enthusiasm until it becomes a habit.-Gordon Parks.

4-Enthusiasm is emotion with inspiration, motivation, and a dash of creativity.-Bo Bennett.

5-Do not let off the enthusiasm, virtue as valuable as necessary; Works, aspirates, always tends towards the height.-Rubén Darío.

6-The real secret of success is enthusiasm.-Walter Chrysler.

7-If you are not excited with enthusiasm, you will be excited with enthusiasm.-Vince Lombardi.

8-Enthusiasm is the mother of effort and without which nothing great has been achieved.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

9-Enthusiasm is the most important thing in life.-Tennessee Williams.

10-There is a real magic in the enthusiasm. It explains the difference between mediocrity and achievement.-Norman Vincent Peale.

11-Enthusiasm marks the difference between mediocrity and realization.-Norman Vincent Peale.

12-If you want to be enthusiastic, act with enthusiasm.-Dale Carnegie.

13-There is a certain enthusiasm in freedom, which makes human nature grow above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.-Alexander Hamilton.

14-Enthusiasm is the greatest good you can possess, because it can take you further than money, power or influence.-Given Vaswani.

15-The secret of genius is to carry the child's spirit into old age, which means never lose enthusiasm.-Aldous Huxley.

16-Enthusiasm is a supernatural serenity.-Henry David Thoreau.

17-The great achievements of man are the result of the transmission of ideas and enthusiasm.-Thomas J. Watson.

18-Enthusiasm is everything. It must be tense and vibrant like a guitar string."Pele.

19-Nothing is as contagious as enthusiasm.-Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

20-Enthusiasm is contagious. Be a bearer.-Susan Rabin.

21-Protect your enthusiasm from the negativity of others.-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

22-Knowledge is power and enthusiasm pulses the switch.-Steve Droke.

23-A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go beyond a great idea that inspires no one.-Mary Kay Ash.

24-It is faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.-Oliver Wendell Holmes.

25-It is not a visible enthusiasm but a hidden one, an enthusiasm that burns with a cold flame.-Patrick Süskind.

26-With an enthusiastic team you can get almost anything.-Tahir Shah.

27-Enthusiasm is the energy and strength that builds the literal drive of the soul and the human mind.-Bryant H. McGill.

28-Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.-Benjamin Disraeli.

29-Enthusiasm is a volcano on whose summit never grows the herb of hesitation.-Kahlil Gibran.

30-If you do not feel enthusiasm for what you're doing, you should probably be doing something else, since enthusiasm is the key to success.-Catalina Pulsifer.

31-There is eloquence in true enthusiasm.-Edgar Allan Poe.

"You're going to do silly things, but do them with enthusiasm.""Colette.

33-Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity and truth does not get victories without it.-Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton.

34-Enthusiasm for a cause sometimes distorts judgment.-William Howard Taft.

35-Enthusiasm is a form of social value.-Gretchen Rubin.

36-If you can give your child a unique gift, let it be the enthusiasm.-Bruce Barton.

37-Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.-Earl Nightingale.

38-Without great enthusiasm nothing can be done in art.-Robert Schumann.

39-A man can succeed in almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.-Charles M. Schwab.

40-I prefer the madness of the enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom.-Anatole France.

41-Enthusiasm is that secret and harmonious spirit that hangs over the production of genius.-Isaac D'Israeli.

42-The enthusiasm is contagious and also the lack of it.

43-Enthusiasm is the daily bread of youth. Skepticism, the daily wine of old age.-Pearl S. Buck.

44-People always respond positively to joy and enthusiasm.-Og Mandino.

45-There is a language in the world that everyone understands. It is the language of enthusiasm, of things done with love and with will, in search of what is desired or what is believed.-Paulo Coelho.

46. ​​The great spirits have always had to fight against the ferocious opposition of mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein.

47-We act as if luxury and comfort were the most important thing in life, when all we need to be really happy is something to get excited about.-Charles Kingsley.

48-The years wrinkle the skin, but give up the enthusiasm wrinkles the soul-Albert Schweitzer.

49-The worst failure is the loss of enthusiasm.-H.W. Arnold.

50-My work is to sing everything beautiful, to ignite the enthusiasm for everything noble, to admire and make admire everything great.-José Martí.

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