The 5 most popular sports in the world Do you guess?

From the years 1066 a. C. to the present, Sport has been an element of personal improvement and union of society, it does not matter if we are athletes or not, sport is part of our lives and will continue to do so for as long as the human race lasts. The fanatic is an essential part of the sport: it gives life (and money through advertising and sports strategy systems or sports betting) to competitions and make sport a reason for joy and celebration with events such as The Olympics or the World Cup. Guess which are the 5 most popular sports in the world? Keep reading Supercurioso to meet them!

The 5 most popular sports in the world I More than sports, lifestyles

5. Athletics

The 5 most popular sports in the world 1

Perhaps the oldest sport of the Greek Olympiads, which gave birth to sports competitions as we know them today, athletics is not only one of the most complete sports that exist (it works equally the muscles of the back, abdomen , arms and legs, in addition to strengthening the bones, improving breathing capacity and keeping the heart healthy), it is also one of the most watched sports in the world No less than 12 million people followed him alone in Europe during the World Athletics Championships!

4. Swimming

The 5 most popular sports in the world 2

Swimming is also one of the most complete sports, along with athletics, but without the side effects that this could have on the body; swimming is so healthy that it is usually recommended as therapy for the recovery of injuries due to accidents or recovery after surgeries. And you can practice it at almost any age! It is also one of the most followed sports during the Olympics along with athletics and volleyball (Although it is necessary to bear in mind that there are many styles of swimming that vary from the race in Olympic swimming pools, such as synchronized swimming or apnea, also considered important variants of swimming). Swimming is also a sport that goes beyond the competitive, allowing many times to save one's own life or that of other people; He has a real practice in common life.

3. Volleyball

The 5 most popular sports in the world 3

Yes, swimming and athletics are sports with great historical importance, but volleyball surpasses them in terms of fanatics: Approximately 900 million people televise volleyball competitions every year! And an important part of these competitions are the collegiate and university teams, which is probably due to the fact that it is a discipline that does not require more implements to be practiced than a maya, an open space and a ball (which has also earned it the title of "beach sport" par excellence). In addition, volleyball also has health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular pressure and accuracy.

2. Tennis

The 5 most popular sports in the world 4

1.2 billion people are distributed between the seats of the Grand Spams and television screens to shout and tremble with the results of their sports strategy systems . It is one of those few sports that can be practiced alone or as a couple and generates millions of euros between competitions, advertising and sports bets every year, being an important focus of investment in financial markets around the world. As a hobby it is also a very demanded sport, usually practiced in universities and recreational clubs, and it provides many benefits in both physical and psychological health (the precision required to not miss a point is such that it makes you forget about the rest of the world for several minutes or even hours). What do you think if this year you propose to try tennis as a method to drain the stress of day to day? You would also get a great tan and strong muscles!

1. Football

The 5 most popular sports in the world 5

While it is not the most practiced sport, football is, without a doubt, the most televised sport, with the most fans, advertising and movement of money in clubs worldwide. It is estimated that football competitions are seen by 3.5 billion people worldwide Yes, 3.5 billion people! And it is a great favorite of all the continents: although in North America and Asia the most popular sport is Baseball, and in Australia it is the cricket, even in each of these places the football is followed by millions of people, while still the main sport for fans in Latin America, Europe and Africa. And who does not know at least one of the teams that have won the FIFA World Cup?

If you liked our list of the most popular sports in the world, tell us Do you still have any of these sports? Do you follow them all? Who are your favorite athletes or athletes? Do you practice any of these disciplines? We hope to read you in our comments section!

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