The 5 Main Cashier Functions

Some functions of a cashier they are charging, closing the box, liquidating the box and safeguarding it. A cashier is the one who receives and delivers money to users of a bank, an establishment or a store, and handles the cash.

Although many businesses are betting on the automation of these functions, there are many businesses that continue to hire people to perform this service.

The 5 Main Cashier Functions

There are some occasions when it is precisely the tellers who act as customer service agents.

The 5 most relevant functions of a cashier

Although the functions of cashiers vary depending on the area in which they are located, the activities mentioned below are common in this trade.

1- Receive money

Often managers or supervisors give ATMs a certain amount of cash, which is known as petty cash or bank.

The cashier must count that money in order to match what is reported as delivered, since it is the responsibility of both him and his superior.

2- Charge

Refers to collect the amount for goods or services purchased by the customer in the establishment.

It must be verified that the figures for the commercial exchange coincide with that reported on the ticket, receipt or invoice. Totals and subtotals must also be checked.

In this way, embezzlements will be avoided at the time of closing the box.

3- Liquidation of invoices in cash

In some companies the cashier is in charge of paying off or paying some bills. In this case you will have to attach a copy of the invoice, or the invoice with a signature of compliance.

In addition to the settlement of invoices there may be settlement of collections, credits and even currencies.

4- Cash closure

It is about the validation of what is reflected in the cash book and in the accounting book with what exists in the physical box.

If there is any mismatch, that is, a surplus, missing or difference, then the cashier has to justify it.

In said closing, the payments and collections made are reported. Under ideal conditions the amount represented in the account must match the money that physically exists.

This process is also known as cash settlement.

5- Custody of cash funds

A cashier should watch and take care of the funds that have been generated during his tenure at the front of his job.

These funds can be cash goods, check books or bank checks.


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