The 37 Best Phrases by Isaac Newton

Then I leave you more than 30 Phrases from Isaac Newton , Physical discoverer of the force of gravity and one of the best scientists of all time.

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Phrases from Isaac Newton

1-What we know is a drop, what we do not know is an ocean.

2-For every action always opposes an equal reaction.

3-We built too many walls and not enough bridges.

4-Gravity explains the movements of the planets, but it can not explain who sets the planets in motion.

5-If I have seen further than others, it is because it was on the shoulders of giants.

6-I can calculate the movement of celestial bodies, but not the folly of the people.

7-Touch is the art of making something see without making an enemy.

8-You have to make the rules, not follow them.

9-For me there has never been a greater source of earthly honor than the distinction connected with advances in science.

10-Errors are not in art, but in craftsmen.

11-Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is not foolish.

12-If I have given the public any service, it is because of my patient thought.

13-It is the weight, not the number of experiments what should be considered.

14-A man can imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true.

15-Live your life as an exclamation instead of an explanation.

16-If I have ever made any valuable discovery, it has been because of my patient care, more than any other talent.

17-Unity is variety, and variety in unity is the supreme law of the universe.

18-Every force exerted on a body is directly proportional to the acceleration it experienced.

19-Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my best friend is the truth.

20-To explain all nature, a man or a complete age is not enough. Instead, it is best for the man to seek some truth and certainty, leaving the rest for others, for those who will come, with conjectures and without giving anything for granted.

21-Live your life as an exclamation instead of an explanation.

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.

23-A man can imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true.

24-Nature is truly coherent and comfortable with itself.

25-In the absence of another proof, the thumb alone would convince me of the existence of God.

26-Unity in variety, and variety in unity is the supreme law of the universe.

This beautiful system composed of the sun, the planets and the comets could not but have been created by counsel and dominion of a powerful and intelligent entity. The supreme god is an eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect being.

"If I had expected other people to do my tools and my things, I would never have done anything.

29-The one whom no one likes, usually does not like anyone.

30-I take my telescope and look at the space, which is millions of miles away. However, I enter my room and, through prayer, I can get closer to God and to heaven than if I had all the telescopes on the earth.

31-We must admit that no other cause of natural things than those which are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.

God is able to create particles of matter of different sizes and shapes, and perhaps of different densities and forces, and thus can vary the laws of nature, and make worlds of different types in different parts of the universe. At least I do not see anything contradictory about this.

33-This is but an insignificant imitation of a much larger system whose laws you know, and I can not convince you that this simple toy has no designer or maker, yet you affirm that the great original from which this design was taken has Come into existence without a designer or maker.

36. It is enough for me to examine a blade of grass, or a handful of earth, to confirm the existence of God.

37-There is no philosophy more sublime than the one known by the name of sacred writing.

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