The 35 Best Phrases of Al Pacino

Then I leave you 35 quotes of Al Pacino , The actor and director of cinema and theater, whose best known films are The Godfather, Scarface and Essence of Woman .

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Al Pacino Phrases

1-I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

2-Money makes your life easier. If you are lucky enough to have it, you are lucky.

3-You will never be alone if you have a book.

4-It is simple to deceive the eyes, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.

5-Sometimes it is better to be with the demon you know than with the angel you do not know.

6-For me it's not about who you love-a man, a woman-it's the fact that you love. That's the one that really matters.

7-Vanity is my favorite sin.

8-The hardest thing to be famous is that people are always nice to you. You are in a conversation and everyone agrees with what you say, even if you say something totally crazy. You need people who can tell you what you do not want to hear.

9-There have been a lot of doubts and unintended events in my life.

10-There is no happiness, there is only concentration.

11-Have your friends close, but closer to your enemies.

12-My weaknesses are... I wish I could say something. I would probably make the same pause if you asked me what my strengths are.

13-I have never liked recognition, questions, advertising. I have often felt like running away and hiding.

14-The actor becomes an emotional athlete. The process is painful - my personal life suffers.

15-I have often said that there are two types of actors. The most gregarious and the most timid.

"The problem with me is, I suppose, the way I express myself. You'd have to be with me 50 years ago to understand something of what I'm talking about.

17-I do not think vanity has anything to do with being an actor. Acting is less about yourself and more about what it is about to communicate.

18-I do not need bodyguards. I'm from the South Bronx.

19-Have you ever buried your nose in a pile of curls, wishing to fall asleep there, forever? (In Perfume de mujer).

20-I was not ready for fame. It hit me hard and I did not have the ability to face it.

21-I used to wear disguises like hats and false beards just to be able to walk and avoid attention.

22-Incarnating a character is an illusion and I feel that when you know a lot about a person, possibly part of that illusion is broken.

23-My first language was shyness. Just by being thrown to fame I have learned to deal with my shyness.

24-Shakespeare's works are more violent than Scarface.

25-The theater for me was at one time a lifestyle.

26-I never give opinions. The opinions I have about anything are in my personal life.

27-I am an actor, not a star. The stars are people who live in Hollywood and have heart-shaped pools.

28-In life you have to know three things: not to pray to anyone, not to trust anyone and expect nothing from anyone.

29-Now I'm very shy. I wear sunglasses wherever I go.

30-I do not think the actors should expect to get a role, because the disappointment is very great. You have to think of things as opportunities. An audition is an opportunity to have an audition.

31-I'll tell you something about God: he's the worst landlord in the world.

"It depends on you." Or we learn to fight as a team, or we will lose as individuals (on Any Sunday).

33-If there is anything certain in this life, if history has taught us anything, it is that anyone can be killed (in The Godfather II).

34-Try to think always as those around you think, with that basis everything is possible (in The Godfather).

"I should be careful. It is dangerous to be an honest man (in The Godfather III).

36-He told him that at the end of the day his brain or his signature would be in that contract (in The Godfather).

37-Power exhausts those who do not have it (in The Godfather).

38-I'm going to make you an offer that you can not refuse (in The Godfather).

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