The 3 Parts of an Assay and its Characteristics (with Example)

The Parts of an essay , Brief non-fiction compositions that describe, clarify, discuss or analyze a topic, should always answer correctly the following questions: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.

Students may find essay assignments on any subject at any school level, from a"vacation"essay on personal experience in middle school to a complex analysis of a scientific process at the graduate school. Components of an essay include an introduction, a thesis statement, a body and a conclusion.

Parts of a schematic test

Generally, essays are written from the personal point of view of an author. Essays are not fictitious, but they are often subjective; Although they are expository, may also include narrative. The essays can be of literary critic, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of the daily life, memories and reflections of the author.

Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but there are works in verse that have been called essays.

An essay is a structured writing that generally meets the following characteristics:

  • Usually written in formal academic writing
  • Title analysis
  • Reason to do additional readings around your subject area
  • How to evaluate how well a subject is understood
  • Method to consolidate the information that is acquired in conferences, out of the placement or in seminars.

What to ask about the parts of an essay?

  • The introduction

- Does the essay have a good opening / introductory paragraph?

- Is the subject clear?

- Is the thesis statement clear? Do you know where the essay is going?

  • The body

- Is the trial body ordered? Are ideas in the best order?

Does the writer present strong arguments / evidence?

- Are the writer's arguments convincing?

- Does the writer give enough evidence?

  • The conclusion

- Is the conclusion clear?

- Does the conclusion reaffirm the thesis?

- Does the conclusion give the reader a close?

Characteristics of parts of an essay


An essay begins with a brief introduction, which prepares the audience to read the essay. An effective introduction should:

- Capture the attention of the reader, what can be done, for example, by using a direct ad, an appointment, a question, a definition, an unusual comparison or a controversial position;

- Introduce the theme of the essay (in other words, inform the reader and provide a context of the topic addressed);

- Introduce the main idea (also known as thesis or statement) of the essay;

- Introduce the purpose of the essay (will it inform, argue, persuade, describe, narrate, classify, etc.?).

An easy way to write the introduction of an opinion essay or argument is to write three sentences: two on the topic and one sentence sentence. You can write Introductions of the type of situation or opinion. There is not much difference between them.

A) Situational introductions

Two sentences are written to describe the two sides of the current situation. The third sentence (the sentence of the thesis) will describe what is to be done in the essay.

Prayer 1: One side of the current situation.

Prayer 2: The other side of the current situation.

Prayer 3: Thesis: What will be done in the essay.

B) Introductions of opinion

In this type two opposing opinions are given in the first two sentences. The third sentence tells what is going to be done.

In addition to situation or opinion introductions, the following variations can be used:

- Past and Present: A sentence about the situation in the past, one on the current situation.

- Here and elsewhere: A sentence about the situation in one place, a sentence about the situation or the problem elsewhere.

- The author and others: A prayer about what most people do or think, and a prayer about what the writer believes, or does, or feels.

Finally, if you have trouble thinking about an introduction, leave some space (enough for three or four sentences) and write it later after writing the body or conclusion, having a clearer idea of ​​the topic.

It is important to choose a title according to the content of the essay


An essay includes paragraphs from the body, which develop the main idea (thesis or assertion) of the essay. An effective body paragraph should:

- Explain, illustrate, discuss or provide evidence to support the main idea (thesis or claim) of the essay;

- Discuss only one aspect of the main idea (every time you move to a new point of support, you start a new body paragraph);

- Work together with the other paragraphs of the body to support the main idea of ​​your essay;

- Work together with the other paragraphs of the body to create a clear and cohesive document (clarity and consistency can be achieved through the use of transitions).

The body of the essay should always be divided into paragraphs. Never write a single long paragraph. Why? As the blank space makes the essay easier to read. In addition, having paragraphs shows that the writer has the ability to relate the different ideas of the subject in a single essay.

In a body there are two modalities, two paragraphs or three paragraphs. When do I use two paragraphs or three paragraphs in the body? It depends on the ideas of the author, some ways to guide are:

- Use two paragraphs if you are giving both sides of the argument or situation - one paragraph for, and one against (or otherwise).

- Use three paragraphs if you are only giving one side.

- Use two paragraphs to agree on one paragraph and then disagree on the second paragraph.

- Use two paragraphs to disagree on one paragraph and then focus on the second paragraph.

- Use three paragraphs if you agree on all three paragraphs.

- Use three paragraphs if you disagree in all three paragraphs.

In order to correctly perform the connection of ideas, and to link the paragraphs of the body, the following examples of transition words are given:

To list different points

- First.

- Second.

- Third.

For opposing examples

- Nevertheless.

- Although.

- On the other hand.

For more ideas

- Other.

- In addition to.

- Related to.

- Further.

- As well.

To show cause and effect

- Thus.

- That way.

- As a result of.

- Therefore.

It is often effective to finish a paragraph of the body with a sentence that rationalizes its presence in the essay. Completing a body paragraph without some sense of closure can make the thought sound incomplete.

Each paragraph of the body is like a miniature essay in which everyone needs an introductory sentence that sounds important and interesting, and that each needs a good closing phrase to produce a smooth transition between one point and the next.

Body paragraphs can be long or short. It depends on the idea you want to develop in your paragraph. Depending on the specific style of the essay, you may be able to use very short paragraphs to signal a change of subject or to explain how the rest of the essay is organized.

Do not spend too much time at one point. Providing extensive background may interest some readers, but others would find it tiresome.

Finally, even if you are completely confused and the ideas are all mixed, you should still make a paragraph. You simply skip a line somewhere. The test will be easier to read.


An essay ends with a brief conclusion, which takes the essay to a logical end. An effective conclusion should:

- Provide closure for the reader by reviewing the main points, linking the main idea of ​​the essay to a broader topic, predicting a result related to the main idea, giving an opinion, or using a quotation that helps summarize an essential aspect of its main point;

- Remind readers of the main focus of the essay, which can be done by repeating the main idea in different words;

- Avoid the introduction of new ideas;

- Avoid apologies.

The conclusion is the end of the trial. It is a short paragraph of about three sentences. He often has the same idea as the Introduction, only in different words.

A good conclusion reshapes the question, summarizes the main ideas, gives the writer's opinion (if he has not already given it), looks to the future (explains what will happen if the situation continues or changes), but never adds new information.

The final paragraph usually reaffirms the thesis and leaves the reader something on the topic to think about. If appropriate, it may also issue a call to action, inviting the reader to take a specific course of action with respect to the points that the essay presented.

Aristotle Suggested that speakers and, by extension, writers should tell their audience what they are going to say, and then tell them what they have said. The three-part test model follows this strategy.

As with all writing, it is important to know the audience. All writing is persuasive, and if it is written with the audience in mind, it will make a much more persuasive argument to that particular audience.

When writing for a class assignment, the audience is the teacher. Depending on the assignment, the test point may have nothing to do with the assigned topic.

In most class assignments, the purpose is to persuade the teacher that you have a good understanding of grammar and spelling, that you can organize your thoughts in a comprehensive manner, and that you are able to follow instructions And adhere to some dogmas that the teacher considers correct.

It is much easier to persuade a teacher that you have these abilities if you can make the essay interesting to read at the same time. The author must put himself in the position of the teacher and try to imagine the reading of one essay after another.

If you want the essay itself to stand out, you should get the attention of the teacher and make it interesting, fun or convincing.


It is no coincidence that many people consider their dogs as part of their family. Like any other member, dogs contribute to the happiness and well-being of the house, so loads of good care of them are worth the effort. Dogs deserve love and respect as much as they love and respect us. After all, what else can a friend ask for?

In the example above, the focus changed slightly and talked about dogs as family members. Many suggest that it moves away from the logical organization of the rest of the essay, and some teachers may consider it unrelated and remove points.

However, contrary to the common wisdom of"telling them what they are going to say, saying, and then telling them what they have said,"it may be more interesting and persuasive to depart from it as the writer did here, and then at the end, Central point of the trial.

This gives an additional effect to what an audience would otherwise consider a very boring conclusion.

Some people think of rehearsal as a sandwich. The Introduction and Conclusion are bread, and the Body is the filling in the center. If the introduction looks good, people will follow towards the body. Hopefully, the conclusion will leave you with a good taste in your mouth.

A well-argued essay, with clear ideas, is always preceded by an investigation.


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  6. WriteFix editor team. (2011). "Parts of an essay". Retrieved from
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