The 24 Best Foods to Increase Muscle Mass

Some of the Improved Foods to Increase Muscle Mass Are kale, millet, hemp seeds, cottage cheese, quinoa, salmon, lentils, spinach, avocado, berries, soybeans and others that I will detail below.

The key to increasing muscle mass is not to do weights until you are exhausted, but to know how to balance your physical activity routine with an adequate diet. Certain foods favor the flow of blood to the muscles, increasing their efficiency and the speed at which they are repaired, so that they can be toned and grow.

Food to increase muscle mass

A proper diet based on nutrient-rich foods will not only help your muscles grow more defined, but it can also help boost efforts to achieve a correct fat-based weight loss without losing muscle tone.

24 foods to increase muscle mass in women as well as men

1- Kale

This vegetable is a Great source of iron , A vital mineral for muscle development. Iron helps the transport of oxygen to the muscles, helps repair after intense training and stimulates the synthesis of muscle fibers.

Kale is also key to seeing noticeable changes in your muscle definition, because of its iron content that will also increase your stamina, allowing you to lengthen and intensify your workouts.

In addition to all this, kale is rich in vitamin K, which will protect you against high levels of inflammation.

Find out more benefits of cabbage through our article "10 Great Benefits of Cabbage" .

2- Millet

Although it is technically a seed, the Son

Even better, this seed has the power to strengthen your body and give your muscles the long lasting fuel they need since it is a great source of plant protein and complex carbohydrates.

3- Seeds of hemp

These seeds are rich in amino acids, very important for your muscles to grow and repair after training. Only three tablespoons offer up to 11 grams of protein easily digested.

Moreover, these seeds favor not only the increase, but the muscle definition thanks to its acid content Gamma-linolenic (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that stimulates a healthy metabolism and helps to have a more vibrant skin, hair and nails.

It is advisable to use them in moderate amounts, since it is necessary to contribute omega 3 fats to achieve their effects.

4- Seeds of Chia

The Chia seeds Are rich in omega-3 fats and fiber. They reduce inflammation, help strengthen and repair muscles through the process of protein synthesis.

In addition, the fiber prevents the increase of glucose in blood favoring the gain of fats. In fact, only two tablespoons of seeds contain 11 grams of fiber.

5- Quinoa

Excellent source of protein and complex carbohydrates, which helps maintain a steady flow of energy in your workouts.

Besides, the quinoa Is rich in Lysine , An amino acid that helps repair tissues and muscles.

Quinoa is a mineral rich source like magnesium, which helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation to muscles.

6- Cottage cheese

He cottage cheese Has two important components that favor the construction of muscle mass: casein (slow-digesting dairy protein) and live cultures.

When you eat casein, your blood amino acid levels rise slowly and remain elevated for longer compared to other milk proteins.

Probiotics will help you break down and absorb all the nutrients you need to get bigger and stronger muscles.

7- Spinach

Spinach is a great source of iron and folic acid , Both essential nutrients for the formation of red blood cells. In this sense, it is ideal to accompany this food with a source of vitamin C such as tomato, citrus, strawberries, peppers, etc.

Spinach is also an excellent source of magnesium, which plays a very important role in muscle functioning during training, energy production and carbohydrate metabolism.

Concentrations of Testosterone And the level of muscle strength are often directly correlated with the concentrations of magnesium in the body.

8- Lentils

One cup of cooked lentils contains more than 15 grams of protein of medium nutritional quality and is a source rich in low glycemic index carbohydrates.

Between his Numerous benefits and properties , We can mention that they are very cheap, have a long shelf life and cook quickly if you keep them in pre-soaking. They are also an excellent source of iron.

9- Wild salmon

Salmon contains high quality protein and long chain omega 3 fats, being one of the most Benefits and properties Which we can find in the sea.

These fatty acids are not only essential for cardiovascular and cerebral health, but also prevent muscle proteins from degrading while increasing the formation of proteins from amino acids in the muscle.

If you are not used to eating fatty fish, you can replace them with a fish oil supplement.

10- Sweet potatoes

One of the best fuel sources out there. With a high content of fiber and carbohydrates (4 grams and 27 grams per serving respectively), these tubers have a glycemic index Low, which means they provide long-term energy after training and help you regain your muscle glycogen stores.

The fiber keeps you full for longer, which helps prevent overeating. A cup of cubes of sweet potato Has the quadruple of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A, which helps to synthesize proteins.

eleven- Broccoli

This super-green food is rich in sulforaphane, a compound that not only boosts testosterone and prevents body fat build-up, but also blocks enzymes linked to joint destruction and inflammation.

Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C , A nutrient that can reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which will help you even more to have a toned body.

12- Avocado

He avocado Is a rich source of potassium, in addition to containing healthy monounsaturated fats (oleic fatty acid) that can help you reduce belly fat.

Research shows that by adding healthy fats like avocado to different dishes, you can increase the absorption and bioavailability of the nutrients. In this way, it helps in the formation of muscle mass.

13- Berries

Berries contain Anthocyanins Y Ellagic acid , Antioxidant compounds that protect against inflammation and joint pain.

Berries have also been shown to decrease the formation of fat cells, contributing to the definition of muscle mass.

14- Soybean

Soy is a necessary food if you want to increase muscle mass. This is due to its strong protein content (a cup of tofu has 52 grams).

According to the USDA, soy is the vegetable with the highest leucine content, an amino acid that stimulates protein synthesis.

15- Beet

The Beets Are low in calories, high in fiber and rich in iron, a mineral that helps muscle function and efficiency by increasing blood flow.

Remember to consume vegetable sources of iron with a source of vitamin C. It is a vegetable that provides simple carbohydrates, but with great advantages over the intestinal flora and this translates into a better utilization of nutrients.

16- Greek yogurt

It is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D , Which are good for muscles. Strong, healthy bones are needed to support muscles and protein synthesis is produced properly.

People with low levels of vitamin D have been shown to have decreased resistance and increased muscle mass loss.

Choose the variety of yogurts with normal fat level (which is higher in nutrients than skim), but avoid the options with added sugar or fruit.

It should also be noted that Greek yogurt is one of the Foods that provide more energy , Which is sure to add extra value to the training.

Here You can know more benefits of natural yogurt.

17- Watermelon

Research from the University of Kentucky suggests that watermelon consumption improves the profile of Lipids And reduces the accumulation of fat, thanks to the high concentration that this fruit has of anthocyanins.

Between his Multiple contributions , Watermelon can also help reduce the level of muscle soreness after intense training.

18- Grapefruit

It is a food with 90% water. Thanks to its high contribution of vitamin C and water, this food favors the oxidation of fats, prevents stress or chronic fatigue and contributes to sports performance.

All these factors are essential for muscle development. The University of Arizona in research suggests that only half of a grapefruit eaten before a meal can help reduce belly fat. This is just one of the 12 Proven Properties of Grapefruit .

19- Beans

The Beans Are an excellent source of protein with fiber. This ensures that the blood sugar level does not peak, giving you the energy to build the muscle you want.

On the other hand, the sharp glucose , Leads to an increase in insulin that triggers fat storage. One cup of black beans has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber.

They are also rich in folic acid, a vitamin B that feeds muscle growth, and copper, which strengthens the tendons.

20- Olive oil

He olive oil Extra virgin can increase the levels of serotonin, a hormone associated with feeling full, so it is ideal to avoid consuming too much food.

In addition, like avocado, it is an excellent source of oleic acid.

21- Papaya

This food is an excellent source of vitamin C and helps prevent Adrenal fatigue . This is important not only for sports performance, but also to prevent stress, which causes increased blood glucose and fat storage.

1 cup diced papaya contributes 146% of the Daily Value of vitamin C. According to German researchers, this nutrient can reduce the levels of Cortisol During stressful situations.

22- Meat from grass-fed cattle

These meats are the best source of Creatine , Which increases muscle mass by accelerating protein synthesis for muscles.

These meats are rich in CLA , An anti-inflammatory fatty acid that reduces the level of abdominal fat and increases the ratio of lean muscle mass.

Finally, meats provide more than half of the recommended daily intake of protein in a portion of 1115 grams. They are rich in iron, magnesium and vitamin B12, which are needed for muscle building.

23- Almonds

These nuts have special properties to burn fat if consumed before a workout. For example, we could cite the L-arginine in the Almonds , Which burns both fats and carbohydrates.

When it comes to muscle building, a quarter cup of raw almonds has eight grams of protein and are rich in magnesium, which increases stamina.

It is recommended to eat up to 20 units. If you get past that, your body is likely to start accumulating fat instead of building muscle.

24- Bananas

Ideal fuel source. They are rich in glucose, a highly digestible sugar, which provides rapid energy.

In addition, its high potassium content helps prevent muscle cramps during training.

Each medium banana contains about 36 grams of good carbohydrates. It is ideal to consume with a source of protein before or after workouts.


It is important to clarify that not all protein foods are healthy to increase muscle mass. That is a myth.

It is good to take into account the total nutritional composition of a food. In the same way, there are some carbohydrate food sources that are excellent muscle growth stimulants, since they are natural and favor the release of post-training insulin.

This helps repair muscle fibers and prevent proteins from being used as an energy source.

Finally, if the total energy intake of the diet is not adequate, the nutrients will be used for other purposes, rather than being used for muscle growth.

For this reason, avoid falling into extreme diets with a high protein content and insufficient amount of calories or carbohydrates. Supplements are not always necessary.

Opts for food of good nutritional quality and provided by nature.

And what other foods to increase muscle mass do you know?


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