The 20 Most Important Transnational Corporations in Mexico

The Mexican transnational companies Have expanded to other countries, leaving national companies and becoming multinational, global or international.

Of these transnationals, only a few (little more than 10 companies) have headquarters in the five continents. The rest have plants only in America, Europe and Asia.

The 20 Most Important Transnational Corporations in Mexico

According to Forbes magazine, the most important transnational companies in Mexico are Grupo Carso, Grupo Bimbo, Arca Continental, Grupo Televisa, Coca-Cola Fomento Económico Mexicano S.A and América Móvil.

Among the multinational companies in Mexico, three stand out. These are América Móvil, Grupo Bimbo and Mexchem, belonging to the telecommunications, agro-food and chemical industry respectively.

These three companies are those that have more representation abroad and generate more income than the others.

Below is a list of the 20 most important companies in Mexico that have a presence abroad.

1- Grupo Bimbo

The Bimbo Group is one of the most well-known transnational companies in Mexico. It is the most important agro-food company in Mexico and the # 1 bakery in the world.

This company presents more than 160 plants worldwide and its sales exceed US $ 14 million. The main consumers are the United States, Canada, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela and other countries in Latin America.

2- America Movil

This is a company in the telecommunications sector. This company has successfully expanded to the United States and the Caribbean; Added to this, is one of the few companies in Latin America that has managed to insert itself in the Asian market.

América Móvil is the Mexican multinational that has the highest sales index abroad: more than 600,000 million pesos.

It is also the company that has the largest number of employees outside the country.

3- Coca-Cola Femsa (Fomento Económico Mexicano S.A.)

Coca-Cola Femsa, also called Femsa, is a beverage distribution company. This company is present in Latin America and Asia.

It produces approximately 20 million dollars a year, of which 70% comes from the Latin American market, while the remaining 30% is obtained in the Asian market.

4- Continental ark

Arca Continetal is in charge of bottling and distributing Coca-Cola products. This company is present in Mexico, in Central America and in the United States. It is the second distributor in Latin America, after Femsa.

5- Kidzania

KidZania is an amusement park for children and teenagers. This park is a replica of a city but made to scale.

In this way, children feel like adults and teenagers are giants. This multinational has offices in Portugal, South Korea, Dubai, Japan and Indonesia.

6- Group KUO

The KUO group is a multinational company that concentrates its activities in four sectors: automotive, chemical, real estate and food.

With respect to the food industry, the group has expanded in recent years, with the acquisition of Fresherized Foods.

7- Group Televisa

The Televisa group is a company in the media and telecommunications sector. It is the largest television network in Latin America.

The programming produced by this group is transmitted throughout Latin America and is also the United States.

8- Cemex

Cemex in a company that is in charge of the production of cement and other construction materials.

This Mexican multinational is headquartered in more than 40 countries, including China, Israel, Latvia, Egypt and Croatia.

9- Mexichem

Mexichem is a multinational chemical company. This company is the # 1 producer of plastic tubes in Latin America.

This is the most expanded Mexican company around the world. It has more than 120 plants distributed in 50 countries.

10- Alsea

It is a multinational of the food and beverage industry. It is a network of restaurants operating in Mexico and Latin America.

eleven- Universal Containers

The company Envases Universales has distribution centers in three continents (America, Europe and Asia) and in the following countries Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala and the United States, Sweden, Denmark, South Korea and China.

12- Cinépolis

It is one of the Mexican multinationals that is of importance for the economy of India.

13- Gruma

This Mexican company belongs to the agri-food sector and is responsible for producing corn and wheat products, among which corn tortillas, maize starch, calcified corn flour, wheat flour and starch.

The Gruma group has offices in America, Europe, Oceania and Asia. That is why it constitutes one of the groups with greater presence in the globe. It is located below Bimbo in the agroalimetario sector.

14- Carso Group

The Carso Group is a multinational that has operations in different sectors of the industry: textiles, infrastructure, construction, among others.

The diversity of interests of this company has made it present in many countries in the form of department stores, construction companies, telecommunications companies, among others. In fact, América Móvil belongs to this group.

fifteen- Alpha

This is a company mainly in the petrochemical sector. The Alfa group also works in the automotive sector, in the energy sector and in the telecommunications sector.

The Alfa Group is headquartered in more than 15 countries. This multinational is in the group of Mexican companies that is drawing the attention of the market of India and Hungary.

16- Sigma Food

Sigma Alimentos is an assistant group of Alfa, which is in charge of the agri-food sector. It is present in more than 13 countries.

17- Rotoplas

This multinational is in charge of the production of cisterns, water tanks, among others.

18- Elementia

Elementia is a Mexican multinational that has relations with America Movil. This company is responsible for the production of articles based on copper, aluminum and cement. The multinational is headquartered in more than 15 countries.

19- La Costeña

This is a company that is responsible for the production of canned products. This multinational sells products in more than 40 countries.

twenty- Metalsa

Company is responsible for building and distributing automotive parts.


  1. 10 Largest Companies in Mexico. Retrieved on August 2, 2017, from
  2. Group Bimbo. Retrieved on August 2, 2017, from
  3. FEMSA. Mexico. Retrieved on August 2, 2017, from
  4. KidZania. Retrieved on August 2, 2017, from
  5. Cemex. Recovered on August 2, 2017, from
  6. Grupo Carso. Retrieved on August 2, 2017, from
  7. Mexichem. Retrieved on August 2, 2017, from

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