The 20 Best Foods to Sleep Well (Natural)

Today I leave you a list of Food to sleep well , Foods that help sleep better; Are natural products that do not have the side effects of the drugs that are usually prescribed.

First of all, you have to know what are the chemical factors that make our body to sleep in a much more placid and correct.


The Serotonin and the Melatonin Are the two substances that play the most fundamental roles, since they are those in charge of regulating our dream. These are determined by tryptophan, an amino acid present in food and that makes it favor its appearance.

1- Oats

This famous cereal So fashionable now is the perfect edible when it comes to bed. Thanks to the production of melatonin, our body can relax. To take effect, it is recommended to consume a couple of hours before going to sleep.

In addition, it has other types of contributions such as benefiting both the cardiovascular system and people who suffer diabetes .

2- Almonds

He Tryptophan and the magnesium Are two of the most potent substances that induce sleep. What food do these two components have? The rich almonds!

For this reason, a handful just before going to bed will not do you any harm if you want to peacefully reconcile the dream.

3- Nuts

the nuts Characteristics that are practically similar to those of the almonds , So its effects will be very similar. If you fancy, you can make a combination of almonds and walnuts minutes before going to sleep. In a much more optimal way you can get it.

If you are interested in knowing more about this fruit enter our article "7 benefits for which you must include the nut in your diet" .

4- Honey

In case you did not know, honey works as a strong relaxing. Its composition is characterized by glucose, something that leads to the decrease of Orexin , A substance closely related to wakefulness.

According to nutritionist Lindsey Duncan, "A spoon just before bed, or even mixed with some tea, make your dream much deeper" .

5- Bread Integral

The Vitamins B1 Y B6 Of which the wholemeal bread Can be a perfect ingredient to add honey and help Tryptophan To become Serotonin , Resulting in a better quality of sleep.

6- Cherries

Rich in melatonin, the Cherries Have a composition similar to that of oats and walnuts.

According to several researchers from the University of Extremadura (Spain), it was concluded that the intake of cherries contributes both to the time and quality of sleep. This occurs at any age, although it occurs more effectively with the elderly.

You can also try to prepare and drink a good cherry juice. According to a study conducted by the Universities of Pennsylvania and Rochester (USA), people who drank this juice were able to increase their melatonin levels.

7- Herbal tea

If you are a lover of teas and have trouble sleeping, you can not pass the chamomile, lemon or lavender.

Herbal teas are treated as one of the most effective measures as far as sleeping is concerned. These have different relaxing and sedative properties that improve our rest in bed and Lower our stress levels .

8- Black chocolate

Actually, as we will explain later, chocolate is one of the forbidden foods for people with sleep problems. But there is an exception that occurs when chocolate is black or pure. The more it is, the better it will stimulate the production of serotonin, relaxing the body and mind.

This is just one of the contributions of dark chocolate, but you should not miss the 14 benefits of dark chocolate for health . Essential reading.

9- Bananas

Banana is another food that, in addition to the objective you are looking for, can enhance other types of Incredible benefits Thanks to its multiple nutrients.

Its high percentage in melatonin and serotonin make our sleep improve significantly, something that is complemented by several muscle relaxants such as magnesium and potassium, which is also characterized.

10- Lukewarm milk

One of the most popular foods to try to fall asleep. Surely on more than one occasion your mother or grandmother has forced you to drink a glass when they tried to make you dream with the little angels.

Carla Sánchez Zurdo recommends ingesting a small glass, since calcium creates and enhances the use of tryptophan more quickly and productively.

The high doses of this essential amino acid help the production of melatonin and serotonin, two of the most important neurotransmitters when producing sleep.

11- Chicken

The chicken is a meal rich in tryptophan. This, coupled with a piece of whole-wheat bread in the late afternoon, is sure to help your body relax before going to bed.

12- Fish

Fish In general and the Salmon In particular, are known to enjoy high doses of vitamin B6, which induces sleep thanks to the help of melatonin and serotonin production.

Omega 3 and 6 will also be vital for insomnia. According to nutritionist Carla Sánchez Zurdo, these "Usually have an ability to achieve a long and deep sleep" .

13- Cheese

Calcium, which can be found mainly in sources such as cheese, yogurt or milk, help create tryptophan, something that will later produce melatonin to improve our sleep.

14- Lettuce

A light and cheap dinner is the best thing you can do to try to have a successful night (as far as sleep is concerned). And if you finish it with a good salad better than better.

Lettuce contains lactucarium, a sedative property that affects the brain in a similar way as opium does. This was published and verified by Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences .

15- Rice

First, thanks to its low glycemic index, you can significantly reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep.

On the other hand - according to a publication in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition It was found that people who specifically consumed jasmine rice were able to fall asleep faster than the rest.

16- Kiwi

The kiwi is a food rich in Vitamins C Y Vitamins B , Which help the body to maintain active magnesium levels, intervening in GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter Central Nervous System Which is fundamental in the generation and maintenance of deep sleep.

17- Kale

The large amounts of calcium from which chilled cabbage are characterized result in a constant help for the production of melatonin in the brain by tryptophan.

It is also a rich source of vitamin B6 - which helps the metabolism of tryptophan - as with spinach.


This garbanzo puree is a great idea when it comes to choosing foods to fall asleep.

Simply squeeze a few slices of whole wheat to achieve a healthy combination and meet our goal.

19- Moose Meat

This type of meat, typical of Canada and northern Europe, is one of the best choices if we talk about food that helps sleep. It contains twice as much tryptophan as chicken, something extrapolated to the problems of drowsiness, will mean a much more fluid and deep sleep.

20- Red wine

A glass of Red wine Just before bedtime, nothing bad comes to sleep. It is the exception to the rule of not drinking alcohol.

This is explained by Estefanía Sal, nutritionist of the Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists of Madrid: "Alcohol acts as a sedative and hypotensive, so once the stage of euphoria passes the body relaxes, favoring sleep."

Although that, the consequence of sleeping after a glass of wine, can lead to various unpleasant dreams, as well as snoring or symptoms of tiredness the next day.

Tips for sleeping well

There are a number of routines that you should forget if you are looking for sleep better .

  • Avoid the pills : If you want natural remedies, forget the pills. They can become a rather dangerous relaxant.

Why? These may help you sleep better while you throw away your consumption, but in the long run, when you stop using them, it's common for you to go back to your days of insomnia and tiredness. There is also the possibility of being addicted to you.

  • Set aside caffeine and alcohol: By now you should know that caffeine is characterized by taking away the urge to sleep, something that strengthens as you get older.

It is advisable to take caffeine products (coffees, teas, chocolates, etc...) five hours before going to bed.

Regarding alcohol, it should be noted that it is able to reduce the duration of REM sleep. Surely on more than one occasion, and having ingested alcohol in large quantities the night before, you have risen much sooner than you would wish.

  • Forget sugar: Foods with high amounts of sugar are also harmful to our body as far as sleep is concerned. When our blood sugar levels rise, we run the risk of collapsing, which results in a reduction in energy to fatigue us and make our sleep patterns noticeably disoriented.
  • Keep in mind the foods that cause indigestion: You must know perfectly what type of food causes you indigestion.

The causes that make this occur are usually copious and plentiful meals just before bed or food to which you have intolerance (such as gluten).

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