The 130 Best Phrases of Abraham Lincoln

More than 100 Phrases of Abraham Lincoln , Sixteenth president of the United States and responsible for the abolition of slavery, strengthen the federal government and modernize the economy.

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Abraham Lincoln Phrases

1-I will prepare and someday my opportunity will come.

2-In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It is life in your years.

3-Nothing in this world is impossible for a willing heart.

4-The best way to predict your future is to create it.

5-I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I did not have the heart to disappoint him.

6-Things can come to those who wait, but only things left by those who hurry.

7-My great concern is not if you have failed, but if you are happy with your failure.

8-It is difficult to make a man miserable while feeling that he is worthy of himself.

9-You can lose everything in life, but not dreams.

10-If we could know first where we are and where we are going, we could judge better what to do and how to do things.

11-We can complain because the roses have thorns, or rejoice because the thorns have roses.

12-We should be too big to take the offense and too noble to give it.

Almost all people are so happy how they decide to be.

14-Almost all men can endure adversity, but if you want to prove the character of a man, give it power.

15-You can not escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

16-Everything I've learned, I've learned from books.

17-Do not do anything for anyone who can do it for himself.

18-I am nothing, the truth is everything.

19-Laughter can be used to calm the mind and get rid of terrible thoughts.

20-When I do good, I feel good. When I do evil, I feel bad. That's my religion.

21-Do not worry about not being recognized, but struggle to deserve recognition.

22-If friendship is your weakest point, you are the most powerful person in the world.

23-The loss of enemies does not compensate for the loss of friends.

24-Teach children so that it is not necessary to teach adults.

25-Too big to cry, too young to laugh.

26-All men are born equal, but it is the last time they are.

27-I think people should fight for what they believe and only for what they believe.

28-It often takes more courage to dare to do right than to fear doing wrong.

29-You can not grant strength to the weak by weakening the strong; You can not help the poor by ruining the rich.

30-Those who seek evil in the people will surely find it.

31-Between love and violence, love always ends up triumphing.

32-Make sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.

33-If slavery is not bad, nothing is wrong.

34-Writing is the greatest invention in the world.

35-You can know the greatness of a man because of what makes him angry.

36. Man has never found a definition for the word freedom.

37-A nation that does not honor its heroes will not last long.

38. Measuring words is not necessarily sweetening their expression but having foreseen and accepted the consequences of them.

39. The probability that we can fail in the struggle should not stop us from supporting a just cause in which we believe.

40-Keep in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

41-Do not be afraid of failure, which will not make you weaker, but stronger.

42-Better to remain silent and to think that you are foolish to speak and eliminate all doubt.

43-The nation is stronger by the unity of its children and the members of the family than by its military power

44. The best part of one's life is his friendships.

45-There may be glory in failure and despair in success.

46-Those who write clearly have readers, those who write obscurely have commentators

47. The happiness of every man is his own responsibility.

48-If you want to win an adept for your cause, convince him first that you are his sincere friend.

"Do not be fooled. Revolutions do not go backwards.

50-Not wanting to be a slave, I do not want to be a master.

"I do not know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know who your grandson will be.

52-Hypocrite: the man who murdered his parents, and then asked for clemency on the grounds that he was an orphan.

"Give me six hours to cut down a tree and I'll go through the first four sharpening the ax."

"I'm a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.

55-There are moments in the life of every politician, in that the best thing he can do is not to take off his lips.

56-A drop of honey gathers more flies than a gallon of gall.

To relieve the anguish of another is to forget oneself.

"I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.

59-You have to make your own growth, no matter how tall your grandfather was.

60-There are no bad pictures, it's just how your face looks sometimes.

61. The vote is stronger than the bullet.

62-The philosophy of the school classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.

63-The government of the people, for the people and for the people, should not perish from the Earth.

64-Those who deny freedom to others, do not deserve it for themselves.

65-Touch is the ability to describe others as they are seen.

"I like to see a man who is proud of where he lives." I like to see a man who lives so that his place is proud of him.

No man is good enough to rule another man without the consent of the other.

68-Achievement has no color.

69. The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.

70-I have always found that mercy carries fruits richer than strict justice.

71-Character is like a tree and reputation as a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; The tree is the real thing.

It is easier to suppress the first whim than to satisfy the others who follow.

73-America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we fail and lose our liberties, it will be because we destroy ourselves.

74. Everything I am or hope to be, I owe it to my angelic mother.

75-Books serve to show a man that his original thoughts are not new at all.

76-You have the right to criticize, who has the heart to help.

77-The way a young man can grow is to improve himself in all he can, without suspecting that someone wants to hinder him.

78-Everyone likes a compliment.

"I do not like that man." I should know better.

80-A friend is one who has the same enemies you have.

81- Everyone wants to live a long time but nobody wants to be old.

No man has enough good memory to be a successful liar.

"The things I want to know are in the books; My best friend is the man who will give me the book I have not read.

God wants the humble people very much; Otherwise, they would not have made them so numerous.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."

86-Avoid popularity if you want peace.

Important principles can and should be inflexible.

88-People will save their government, if the government itself allows them.

"I do not worry much about the religion of a man whose dog and cat are not what's best for him.

90-It is better to give way to a dog than to be bitten by it.

91-You can fool people some time, and some people some time, but you can not fool all the people all the time.

92. The dogmas of the serene past do not agree with the tumultuous present.

93-Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; My biggest concern is to be with God, because God is always right.

94. Marriage is neither heaven nor hell, it is simply purgatory.

95-If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; But if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.

96. The highest art is always the most religious, and the greatest artist is always a devout person.

97-Giving freedom to the slaves we secure the free.

98-It has been my experience that people who do not have vices have very few virtues.

"Someday I'll be president.

The most selfless man is the most selfish.

101-Public opinion in this country is everything.

"I can do more general, but horses cost money.

To desire immortality is to wish for the perpetuation of a great error.

104. A state in which freedom coexists and slavery can not last.

"What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.

You can make any quote sound meaningful by putting the name of a famous person behind it.

107. When I hear someone fiercely defend slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see him live it personally.

108. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

109- This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they tire of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right to amend it, or their revolutionary right to dismember and overthrow it.

I see the near future; A crisis that is approaching, which upsets me and makes me tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have enthroned themselves, an era of corruption in high places will come, and the country's monetary power will try to prolong its reign by relying on the prejudices of the people until the wealth is only a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.

111. I remember my mother's prayers and have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.

"I am an abolitionist, one of the powerful.

"I can understand how a man can see the earth from above and become an atheist, but I can not conceive how a man can look up into the heavens and say there is no God.

114- The best and greatest art in the future will be to make a small space, a comfortable place to live.

Women, I fear, are the only people I thought would never hurt me.

Did I not defeat my enemies when I made them my friends?

"If I am murdered, then I will die once; But living with the constant threat of death is like dying again and again.

As a nation, we begin by declaring that"all men are created equal." Now we practically read it:"all men are created equal except blacks".

The probability that we fall into the struggle should not deter us from supporting a cause we believe to be just. It will not deter me.

120. Human behavior can be modified to some extent, but human nature can not be changed.

Do not interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, because it is the only safeguard of our freedoms. And not only to the Democrats I make this call, but to all who love these great and true principles.

Love is the chain to bind a child to his father.

123 - I am happy to know that there is a system of work in which the worker can attack if he wishes. I want God to make such a system prevail throughout the world.

If we do not have friends, we have no pleasure. And if we have them, we will surely lose them, then we will be doubly sorry for the loss.

125 - In great contests each party affirms to act according to the will of God. Both may be doing it, but one must be wrong. God can not be for and against the same thing at the same time.

"It is best not to exchange horses while crossing the river.

What is conservatism? Is not adherence to the old and already tested, against the new and not yet tested?

128. The only victory we can call complete is that which proclaims that there is no slave or drunkard on the face of God's green earth.

"I'm not used to the language of praise.

Stay with the one who stands right. Stay close to him as long as it's the right thing to do, and separate yourself from him when you act the wrong way.

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