The 123 Best Phrases of Successful and Famous Entrepreneurs

I leave you more than 100 Phrases of successful entrepreneurs , Some of the most famous in history: Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and many more.

Being an entrepreneur or entrepreneur means being in a situation of ambiguity, accepting discomfort, risking and going out on the adventure.

Phrases of famous entrepreneurs

It is a path of constant decisions in which you are not sure what the odds of success are.

However, great men who have been successful in business agree that persistence and hard work increase the odds of achieving great goals.

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1-It's okay to celebrate success, but it's more important to pay attention to the lessons of failure.-Bill Gates.

2-Success is a lousy teacher. Seduce smart people so they think they can not lose.- Bill Gates .

3-Your most disgruntled clients are your greatest source of learning.-Bill Gates.

4-Life is not fair, get used to it.-Bill Gates.

5-My ambition has always been to make dreams come true.-Bill Gates.

6-The competition makes you better, always, always makes you better, even if the competitor wins.- Carlos Slim .

7-If you are in business, you need to understand the environment. You need to have a vision of the future and you need to know the past.-Carlos Slim.

8-When there is a crisis, is when some are interested in leaving and we are interested in entering.-Carlos Slim.

9-Every moment is good for those who know how to work and have the tools to do it.

10-Each person forges their own destiny.-Carlos Slim.

11-Be a benchmark of quality. Some people are not accustomed to an environment where excellence is accepted.- Steve Jobs .

12-Your job is going to fill a lot of your life, the only way to be really satisfied is to do what you think is a great job and the only way to do it is to love what you do. If you have not found it yet, keep looking. As with everything that has to do with the heart, you will know when you have found it.-Steve Jobs.

13-I am convinced that at least half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who are not is mere perseverance.-Steve Jobs.

14-Your time is limited, so do not waste it living the life of someone else. Do not get caught up in dogma, which is living as others think you should live. Do not let the noises of the opinions of others silence your own inner voice. And, more importantly, have the courage to do what your heart and intuition tells you.-Steve Jobs.

15-Remembering that I will be dead soon is the most important tool I have found to help me make the big decisions in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of shame or failure - all these things simply disappear in facing death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that one is going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking that there is something to lose. You are already helpless. There is no reason not to follow the advice of the heart.-Steve Jobs.

16-The greatest risk is to take none. In a world that is changing so fast, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is to take no risks.-Mark Zuckerberg.

Business appointments

17-Building a great mission and a business go hand in hand. It is true that the first thing that excites me about what we are doing is the mission, but I also believe, from the beginning, that we have had a sound understanding that we have to do both.-Mark Zuckerberg.

18-Move fast and break objects. If you're not breaking things, you're not moving fast enough."Mark Zuckerberg.

19-People can be very smart or have skills that are applicable, but if they do not believe in it, then they will not really work hard.-Mark Zuckerberg.

20-My goal was never just to create a company. A lot of people misunderstand that, like I do not care about profits or profit or any of those things. But not just another company means for me to build something that really generates a great change.-Mark Zuckerberg.

21-Price is what you pay, value is what you get.- Warren Buffett .

22-Someone sits today in the shadow of a tree he planted long ago.-Warren Buffett.

Warren Buffett Phrases

23-The most important thing you should do if you're inside a hole is to stop digging. -Warren Buffett.

24-The risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.-Warren Buffett.

25-It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it. If you think about it you'll do things differently.-Warren Buffett.

26-Persistence is very important. You must not give up unless you are forced to resign. Elon Musk .

27-The first step is to establish that something is possible; Then probability will occur.-Elon Musk.

28-I think it's possible that normal people choose to be extraordinary.-Elon Musk.

29-Pay attention to negative feedback and ask for it, particularly from friends. Hardly anyone does that and it's a lot of help.-Elon Musk.

30-Some people do not like change, but you need to embrace it if the alternative is disaster.-Elon Musk.

31-Do not be ashamed of your failures, learn from them and start again.-Richard Branson.

32-If you do not dream, you will not achieve anything.- Richard Branson .

33-A business is simply an idea to improve the lives of other people.-Richard Branson.

34-The brave may not live forever, but the cautious does not live at all.-Richard Branson.

35-You can only live once. And I do not want to miss a minute of my life.-Richard Branson.

36-The main objective of a company is to earn money. The primary function of the Government is to take a large part of that money and give it to others.-Larry Ellison.

37-The Internet must be a means of communication between peoples that contributes to world peace and that the main goal of high technology is to improve the standard of living of people.-Larry Ellison.

38-When you innovate, you have to be prepared for people to tell you that you're crazy.-Larry Ellison.

Larry Ellison

"There's only one boss." The client. And he can fire anyone in the company, from the president to the last employee, just spending his money somewhere else."- Sam Walton.

40-High expectations are the key to everything.- Sam Walton .

41-Outstanding leaders go out of their way to build self-esteem for their staff. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can get."- Sam Walton.

42-The way managers handle associates is exactly how partners will treat customers.-Sam Walton.

43-Celebrate your success. Find some humor in your failures.-Sam Walton.

44-When a dream comes, take it! -Larry Page.

45-I think it's easier to move forward in mega-ambitious dreams.-Larry Page.

46-You must do things that really are important, but you must also have fun, because otherwise, you will not succeed.-Larry Page.

47-Almost in the background Google because I was worried about the risk and to leave my program of Doctorate.-Larry Page.

48-If we were motivated by the money, we would have sold Google and we would be on the beach.-Larry Page.-Larry Page.

49-Only those who are asleep do not make mistakes.-Ingvar Kamprad.

50. Time is your most important resource. You can do so much in ten minutes. Ten minutes, once spent, they were gone forever. Ten minutes is not just one-sixth of an hour. Divide your life into ten-minute units and waste the least possible on meaningless activities.-Ingvar Kamprad.

51-Simplicity and common sense should be the basis of planning and strategic direction.-Ingvar Kamprad.

52-When you are 80 years old, and in a quiet moment of reflection, narrating only for you the most personal version of your life story, the story that will be more concise and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made. In the end, we are our choices.-Jeff Bezos.

53-There are two types of companies: those that work to try to charge more, and those that work to charge less. We will be second class.-Jeff Bezos.

"If you duplicate the number of experiments you do per year, you're going to double your ingenuity."Jeff Bezos.

Jeff bezos's sentences

55-Intelligence is a gift, kindness is an election.-Jeff Bezos.

56-It is necessary to anticipate a certain degree of failure.-Jeff Bezos.

57-Do not sleep to rest, sleep to dream. Because dreams are to be fulfilled.- Walt disney .

58-Mickey Mouse appeared popped out of my mind on a sketchpad, on a train from Manhattan to Hollywood, at a time when my brother's and my company's company was at the lowest point and the mess appeared to be around The corner.-Walt Disney.

59-A person must set his goals as soon as possible and devote all his energy and talent to them.-Walt Disney.

"Money is something I vaguely understand and I think of it only when I do not have it to finance my projects."-Walt Disney.

61. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The surest way to be successful is to always try it again.-Thomas Edison.

62-Opportunity is lost by most people because they dress in a normal way and it seems to work.-Thomas Edison.

63-There is no substitute for hard work.-Thomas Edison.

64-To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of garbage.-Thomas Edison.

65-Great ideas originate in the muscles.- Thomas Edison .

Phrase of Thomas Edison

66-Thinking is the hardest job there is. Maybe that's why there are so few people who practice it. Henry Ford .

67-Failure is a great opportunity to begin again with more intelligence.-Henry Ford.

68-Those who give up are more numerous than those who fail.-Henry Ford.

"Whether you think you can, or if you think you can not, you're right."Henry Ford.

70-There are many hands and hearts that contribute to a person's success.-Henry Ford.

71-Never crouch your head, always look good high or lose.-Enzo Ferrari.

72. The obstinate will to pursue an ambition of its own is truly a force that can overcome obstacles.-Enzo Ferrari.

73-I have never had as an engineer or inventor, I only consider myself a promoter and agitator of ideas.-Enzo Ferrari.

"No man will be the best if he has no fire in his blood.""Enzo Ferrari.

Sentence of enzo ferrari

75-In ideas is where our strength lies and so much better if we hold them obstinately.-Enzo Ferrari.

76-It is not enough to make good products. You have to make people aware of what you're doing.""Phil Knight.

77-No matter how many people offends, as long as your message reaches your consumers. I tell those who do not want to offend anyone: You are going to have very difficult times trying to get publicity with meaning.-Phil Knight.

78-Respect the rules of the game, but be ferocious.-Phil Knight.

"You have to know what's going to happen if you want to stay one step ahead."Phil Knight.

80-Grows with discipline. Balance your intuition with rigor. Innova around the core. Do not accept the status quo. Find new ways to see. Never wait for the silver bullet. Smudge your hands. Listen with empathy and communicate with transparency.-Howard Schultz.

There are moments in our lives when we have to gather the courage to make certain decisions that for some reason go against our common sense but have been counseled by wise people in whom we trust. We decided to go ahead, despite the risks and go against reason, because we believe that the path chosen by others is the right and the best that can be done.-Howard Schultz.

82-There is a rule for the employer and is: to make the products with the highest quality possible at the lowest cost and paying a salary as high as possible.-Henry Ford.

83-The quality of a leader is reflected in the norms he establishes for himself.-Ray Kroc.

"You're just as good as the people you hire." Ray Kroc .

85-If you only work for money, you will never get it, but if you love what you do and always put the client first, success will be yours.-Ray Kroc.

86-While you're green, you're growing. As soon as you're mature, you start to rot."Ray Kroc.

"It's easy to have principles when you're rich. The most important thing is to have principles when you are poor.-Ray Kroc.

"The way to get it right on the spot is to give a hundred times in the horseshoe."Colonel Sanders.

89-The one who thinks he knows everything is closing doors.- Donald Trump .

90-A little effort is the best substitute for excuses.-Donald Trump.

91-Experience taught me that the best investments are the ones that one does not do.-Donald Trump.

92-Maintain the vision of globality while attending to the daily details.-Donald Trump.

93-I only work with the best , It is not the best curriculums but the right attitude.-Donald Trump.-Donald Trump.

94-Do not limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind allows. You can get what you think, remember. Mary Kay Ash .

95-The biggest pollution problem we face today is negativity.-Mary Kay Ash.

96-We have to have a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you do not know where you're targeting, you do not have a goal.-Mary Kay Ash.

"You can have anything of this world you want, if you want it enough to pay its price."-Mary Kay Ash.

98-We fall for success.-Mary Kay Ash.

"No matter how many times you fail, you just have to be right once. Then everyone will call you a success overnight and tell you how lucky you are.-Mark Cuban.

100-Constant growth is the best mechanism of survival.-Amancio Ortega.

101- To succeed first you must have a dream. - Mark Zuckerberg.

102- Start small, but do not imagine a million dollar project, imagine a $ 1 trillion company. -Mark Zuckerberg

When something is important enough to do it, you try even if luck is not in your favor. -Elon Musk.

104- Successful entrepreneurs come in all sizes, shapes and flavors. Some of the things I've seen I think are really important and that's what motivates me to follow. -Elon Musk

Even if you are the best of the best there will always be room for failure; That's why I think it's important to love what you do. -Elon Musk

106- Work like crazy, seriously, you should devote 80... 80 to 100 hours a week, every week. -Elon Musk

107- Want to be ambitious, want to be successful; is not sufficient. That's just a wish. Know what you want, understand the route you take and why you are doing it, dedicate every breath of your body to achieve it. If you feel you have something special to give, a special talent worth developing, worth protecting. Then there is nothing that you can not achieve. -The Billionaire's Mindset

People say that you must have passion for what you do, and it's true. The reason for this is because it is very difficult to achieve success, if you do not love what you do, you will easily give it up. -Steve Jobs

109. Prepare to be rejected by many, and at the same time do things that others do not want to do. Do whatever is necessary, whatever is necessary no matter what. And try not to hurt anyone on the road. - The mentality of the billionaire.

110- I work 24 hours a day 7 days a week because I care, I worry about being able to solve problems to be successful. Whenever things get bad, I use those moments in my favor, to learn how to do things, and to make them better. -Jerry Weintraub

Take all you have, all your energy, your willpower not to accept a NO. The harder, harder and bigger the challenge, the greater the opportunity behind it. The opportunities are endless -Jerry Jones

"I really believe in being rich. I believe that people can create well-being for themselves. -T. Harv Eker

113. Develop habits, you have the brain power, you have the energy; You just have to develop the habits to succeed. -Warren Buffet.

If you know exactly what you want to be, you need to spend as much time with those people who actually have already gotten there. -Gary Vaynechuck

115- We become the standards of what surrounds us, if you are surrounded by secondary players or people with low performance then that will be your rhythm, your standard. Your mind will work according to the standards that surround you and what these people offer you. In truth we have become that social orbit. -Robin Sharma

Never let anyone, friends, family, teachers; anyone. Never let anyone tell you that your dreams are impossible. If possible. Do not become one of those people who in 20 years from now will be walking home after a day's work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, looking angry, bitter and exhausted.- Howard Schultz

117- What fears make you stop on the road you want to follow and weld your feet to the road? What do you need to be able to conquer that fear? If your happiness and how wonderful your life could be depended on conquering that fear, would you? Would you be willing? -Oprah Winfrey

118. What you will get out of the world will be what you become. But to reach the doors of success I recommend using internal forces not external motivations. -Michael Boomerang.

There are so many individuals out there who are so talented in different things but never achieve anything. The world is full of those talented people who never achieve anything. The body has limits, the mind does not. We focus so much on what happens from the neck down, we forget that everything starts up. If you are not mentally ready, you will never be physically prepared. - The mentality of the winner.

120- Why are so many people who never achieve their goals while a 2% or 3% achieves a high level of success? The people who took that simple action each of their days were able to realize their goals and dreams more than any other person. - The mentality of the winner.

Finding your passion is one of the great steps, you have to keep looking, what I mean is that you must try everything to know what motivates you; At least try - The mentality of the winner.

122. I firmly believe that all people in the world have a gift. What is yours? You have to find out, that's your job. - Elon Musk.

123- The only thing that will change your life, change your business, change your money, change your personal relationships; Is that you raise your standards. -Tony Robbins.

124- Your life is too big for you to live for the small -Robin Sharma

"What you're looking for, what you're talking about and what you really need is discipline. Self discipline comes with a clear term, comes from within, comes from yourself. It comes from when you make that decision, be disciplined, when you make the decision to be better. When you make the decision to do more and be more. -Jocko Willink.

"I think something that really manages to do discipline for you is that it helps you achieve things. When you do things, when you really get things done, that's when you start to be more successful.-Joe Regan.

127- Make new decisions, because with these new decisions you are going to get new results. With those new results, you will become. -Robin Sharma

We all know that what successful people have in common is that goals are set. Therefore, without goals, the path you walk becomes useless. If people who do not have goals they get used to working with people if they have them. People without goals are accustomed to working for them. -Jack Canfield.

If it were simple, then everyone would be doing it. There will always be ups and downs, but I think the key is really how you manage to get back on your path, to keep moving forward. I have always had this mentality of never giving up and I think everyone should practice it. There will be bad times, it will not be easy. But if you want to achieve something enough then you will eventually get there - Michael Phelps.

If you really believe that you can make a difference, then it requires you to commit yourself. -Steven Chu.

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