The 100 Best Phrases of St. Augustine

I leave you more than 100 Phrases of St. Augustine , Doctor, father and saint of the Catholic Church. He is considered the greatest thinker of Christianity in the first millennium and one of the great geniuses of history.

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Phrases of St. Augustine

1-"Faith is believing in that which is not seen; The reward of faith is in seeing what you believe."

2- Pray as if everything depended on God, work as if everything depended on you.

3-"This is the true perfection of man, to discover his own imperfections."

4-"Do you aspire to accomplish great things? Start with small ones."

5-"As love grows within you, beauty grows. Because love is the beauty of the soul."

6-"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."

7-"There is something in humility that curiously exalts the heart."

8-"It was pride that made angels into demons, it is humility that makes men into angels."

9-"God loves us each as one of us."

10-"Find out how much God has given you and that takes what you need, the rest need the rest."

11-"Patience is the company of wisdom."

12-"Thou hast created us for thyself, and our heart shall not rest until it rests in thee."

13-"If you believe what you want from the gospels and reject what you do not like, you do not believe in the gospels but in yourself."

14-"Do you not believe that such depth exists in the man who is hidden even to him who contains it?"

15-"Printed words are concepts. You must go through the experiences."

16-"Love and do what you want."

17-"I want my friend to miss me as long as I miss him."

18-"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature."

19-"O Lord, help me to be pure, but not yet."

20-"You must be emptied of what you are filled to fill where you are empty."

21-"He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent."

22-"The purpose of all wars is peace."

23-"Do not seek to understand that you must believe, but believe that you must understand."

24-"We are certainly in a common class with beasts; Every action of animal life is oriented to the pursuit of bodily pleasure and avoiding pain."

25-"Perfect abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."

26-"He that is jealous is not in love."

27-"The confession of evil deeds is the first step toward good deeds."

28-"Forgiveness is the remission of sins, for it is through him that that which was lost, and found, is saved from being lost again."

29-"The will is to grace as the horse to the rider."

30-"Listen to the other side."

31-"God had a son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering."

32."A thing is not necessarily true because it is badly pronounced, nor false because it is said in a magnificent way."

33-"We build a ladder out of vices if we trample each of them under our feet."

34-"By fidelity we are gathered and brought into unity with ourselves, where we have been scattered in multiplicity."

35-"I asked the whole picture of the world about my God and he replied"I am not He, but He made me."

36-"Do you wish to ascend? Start by descending. Do you plan a tower that touches the clouds? Put the foundation of humility first."

37-"Charity is not a substitute for well-established justice."

38-"The people who remain victorious were less conquerors than conquered."

39-"Habits, if they do not resist, soon become necessities."

40-"Punishment is justice for the unrighteous."

41-"Grant what you command and then command what you will."

42-"No one owes any praise to him who does his work and nothing more."

43-"He that is good is free, even if he be a slave; While he who is evil is a slave so be a king."

44-"To abstain from sin when it is no longer possible to sin is to be abandoned by sin, not to forsake it."

45-"Command your soul, reduce your yearnings, live in charity, associate with Christian society, obey the laws, trust in Providence."

46-"The greatest evil is physical pain."

47-"Desire are your prayers, and if desire does not cease, your prayer will not either. The continuity of your longing is the continuity of your prayer."

48-"Men travel to discover the heights of the mountains, the great waves of the sea, the long courses of the rivers, the vast compass of the ocean, the circular motion of the stars and pass by themselves without realizing it ."

49-"What does love look like? He has his hands to help others, he has feet to hurry towards the poor and the needy, he has eyes to see the misery and the longing, he has ears to hear the sighs and misfortunes of the men. That's how love looks."

50-"In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but an organized robbery?"

51-"God judged it best to bring good from evil that there should be no evil."

52."As you can not do good to all, you must pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, place or circumstances, are in a connection closer to you."

53-"What he needed most was to love and be loved, eager to be discovered. Fortunately, attach those painful attachments around me, and I will surely be attacking with the hot potions of jealousy, with assumptions and a half, with an outburst of anger and quarrels."

54"So what is time? If nobody asks me, I know what it is, if I want to explain it to the questioner, I do not know."

55-"If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, do not accept because you will lose a friend, on the other hand if two strangers make you the same request accepts, because you will win a friend."

56-"If you give me a formula and ignore its meaning, you can not teach me anything, but if I already know it, what can the formula teach me?"

57-"The same thing that is now called the Christian religion existed among the ancients, they have begun to call"the Christian"the true religion that already existed."

58-"I have read passages from Plato and Cicero that are wise and very beautiful but I have never read from any of them: Come to me, those who work and bear a heavy burden."

59-"If we did not have rational souls, we would not be able to believe."

60-"It is not punishment but cause that makes the martyr."

61-"The spiritual virtue of a sacrament is as light, though it passes between impurities is not defiled."

62-"God is better known not to know Him."

"He who works, pray."

64-"Passion is evil in adultery; If a man has no chance to live with another man's wife but it is obvious that for some reason he would like to do it, and if he could, he is no less guilty than if he were caught on the spot."

65-"It seems to me that the law of the unrighteous is no law."

66-"In fact, man wants to be happy even when he lives to make happiness impossible."

67-"Who can sketch the varied forces that work in a soul? Man is a great depth Oh Lord. The hairs on his head are easier to count than his feelings, the movements of his soul."

68-"This world is a bubble."

69-"The tears of repentance wash away the stain of guilt."

70-"To pursue the greatest good is to live well."

71-"Humility is the basis of all virtues, so that in a soul in which there is no such virtue there can be no virtue other than mere appearance.

72-"Our bodies are designed to have children and our lives are an exercise in the processes of creation. All our ambitions and intelligence are next to that great elemental point."

73-"Bad company is like a nail on a post, which after the first and second blow can be removed with little difficulty, but once nailed to the head, can not be removed by the tongs but only with the destruction From the wood."

74-"We can not pierce the bonds of our guardian angel, resigned or resentful, always hear our sighs."

75-"O Lord, give me chastity, but not yet."

"My mind has withdrawn its thoughts from experience, extracting itself from the contradictory mob of sensual images to discover that it was that light that bathed it... And so with the glitter of a hurried glance, it reached the vision of what is ."

77-"If we live good lives, times will be good too; Even as we are shall be the times."

78-"There is no possible source of evil except good."

79-"The soul, which is spirit, can not dwell in the dust, is dragged to dwell in the blood."

80-"The verdict of the world is conclusive."

81-"Bliss consists in the attainment of our desires and in having only regular desires."

82-"The custom is second nature."

83-"Doing what we owe does not deserve any praise, because it is our obligation."

84-"What are the honors of this world but a breath and emptiness, and danger of falling?"

85-"The punishment of a disordered mind is its own disorder."

86-"The mind commands the body and is immediately obeyed. The mind sends itself and finds resistance."

87-"How can the past and the future be, when the past no longer exists, and the future still does not happen? As for the present, if it were always present and never become past, there would be no time, but eternity."

88-"Very late, I loved you, O beauty so old and so new, I loved you late. You were inside and I looked for you out there. Without love, I abruptly rushed between the lovely things you've done, these things kept me away from you, even when they did not exist unless they were in you. You called and cried and forced me to open my deafness, you shone and glowed and you removed my blindness, you smelled fragrant smells and I held my breath and now I gasp for you. I tried and now I am hungry and thirsty. You touched me and I burned for your peace."

89-"You never leave us but we have difficulty coming back to you. Come, Lord, shake us and call us back, Enlighten us and capture us. Be our game and our sweetness. Let us love, let us run."

90-"I kept my heart from accepting anything positively, since I was afraid of another fall, and in this condition of suspense I was dying more."

91-"The Bible is composed in such a way that as beginners mature, its meaning grows with them."

92-"Why am I without you but a guide to my own misfortune?"

93-"It was miserable, and misery is the state of every soul overcome by a friends with mortal things and lacerated when they are lost. Then the soul becomes aware of the misery that is its condition even before losing them."

"What I know of myself, I know only because you bathed light on me, and from what I do not know I will remain ignorant until my darkness becomes light before your face."

95-"You are my Lord because you do not need my good deeds."

96-"Free curiosity has more power to stimulate learning than rigorous compulsion. However, the free flow of curiosity is channeled through discipline under Your Law."

97-"I felt that my soul and his soul were a soul in two bodies and consequently my life was a horro for me because I would not live divided. And in turn he feared to die because the one he had loved so much would die completely."

98-"I hope, not because of what is ahead of me in this life and sure to disappear, but because of my eternal goal. I propose only this purpose, without being distracted by other objects, and in this goal I will press, anxious for the prize, the heavenly call of God."

99-"Falling in love with God is the greatest romance, seeking the greatest adventure, finding it, the greatest human achievement."

100-"Correct is right even if no one does, wrong is wrong even if everyone does."

101-"Hope has two beautiful daughters, their names are Anger and Courage, anger at the way things are and the courage to see that they do not remain this way."

102-"There is no saint without a past, nor a sinner without a future."

103-"The measure of love is to love without measure."

104-"To discover the character of people we must discover only what they love."

105-"God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but he has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination."

106-"God provides the wind, man must raise the candle."

107-"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear."

108-"Some people, in order to discover God, read books; But there is a great book: the mere appearance of created things. Look at you! Look underneath you! Read them. God, whom you want to discover, never wrote that book in ink, He set before you the things that He has done. Can you ask for a voice louder than that?"

109-"God is always trying to give us good things, but our hands are too full to receive them."

110-"I saw in thy deepest wound thy glory, and it dazzled me."

111-"Christ is not valued, unless he is valued above all things."

"Oh, God, knowing you is life, serving you is freedom, worshiping you is the joy and delight of the soul. Protect yourself with the power of your grace here and everywhere. Now and at all times, forever. Amen."

113-"Truth is like a lion, you need not defend it. Let her free, she will defend herself."

114-"In essence, unity; In the nonessential, freedom; In all things, charity."

115-"There can only be two basic loves... the love of God towards the forgetfulness of being, or the love of being towards oblivion and the negation of God."

116-"If you understood, it would not be God."

"Humility must accompany all our actions, it must be with us everywhere, for as soon as we glorify ourselves for our good works, we lose the value of the advancement of our virtue."

118."You do not repent of your sin (commit adultery) because so many men commit it."

119-"The malice of man is now such that they are ashamed more of chastity than of lasciviousness."

"Murderers, thieves, perjurers, false witnesses, looters and scammers are generally hated and detested by the people, but whoever sleeps with his servant in blatant lust is loved and admired for that, and people make light of the harm to their soul ."

"If a man has the courage to say that he is chaste and faithful to his wife, and this is made known, he is ashamed to mingle with other men whose conduct is not like his, for they will mock him And they will despise him saying that he is a real man. For now the malice of man is such that no man is considered a man unless he is overcome by lasciviousness, whereas he who overcomes lewdness and remains chaste is not considered man.

"Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure, where your treasure is, your heart is and where your heart is, there is your happiness."

123-"Sin is energy in the wrong channel."

124-"Our hearts are made by you, O God, and they must never rest until they rest in you."

125-"The good Christian must take care of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a pact with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man to the bonds of hell."

126-"Sin seeks the right in the wrong place."

127-"Does God proclaim himself in the wonders of creation? No, all things proclaim him, all things speak; Their beauty is the voice that proclaims to God, by which they sing: It is you who made me beautiful not myself but you."

128-"The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home."

129-"We misused immortality and ended up dying, Christ made good use of mortality, so that we might end up living."

130-"Learn to dance, so that when you get to heaven the angels know what to do with you."

131-"We speak, but it is God who teaches."

132-"I have said it before, and I say it before, that I have written this book for love of your love."

133-"The peace of the heavenly city is the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of the other in God."

134-"God would never have done such great and wonderful things for us if the life of our soul were to end with the death of our body."

135- Why do not I give up the hopes of this world and dedicate myself completely to the search for God and the happy life?"

"What madness to love a man as something more than human!"

137-"If you keep silent, do it with love; If you speak, speak with love; If you correct, do it with love; If you forgive, forgive with love; Let love take root in you and from that root will grow nothing more than good."

"As God is the greatest good, he would not allow any evil to exist in his labors unless his omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring forth good even from evil."

139-"He who denies the existence of God, has any reason to wish that God did not exist."

"It is not in the book or in the writer that the readers discern the truth of what they read, they see it in themselves, if the light of truth has penetrated their minds."

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