The 10 Most Important Karl Marx Contributions

The Contributions by Carlos Marx To society are of the most important, since it is one of the most influential figures in history.

The original ideas of Karl Marx have often been modified and their meanings have been adapted to a great variety of political circumstances.

Karl Marx made great contributions to society as his theory of historical materialism.

Karl Marx was born in Trier (Germany) on 5 May 1818 and died on 14 March 1883 in London (United Kingdom). It came from a long saga of rabbis on both sides of his family. He was a philosopher, economist, journalist, intellectual and communist militant. Throughout his life he was living between Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Cologne and London.

Among his best-known works are Communist Manifesto , Considered of the most influential political manuscripts of the whole world and The Capital Which is the fundamental theoretical text of communist philosophy.

He managed to erase all the old hierarchies by making people no longer believe that descent determines their status of life.

Karl Marx's theories of society, economics, and politics are known as Marxism. He believed that communism was the inevitable end of a process of evolution that began with feudalism , Through the capitalism and the socialism .

10 fundamental contributions of Karl Marx

1 - Historical Materialism

Carlos Marx considered that the society Human was determined by their material conditions or personal relationships. He discovered the law of the evolution of human history.

Historical materialism indicates that for the development of a society, the production of material goods is fundamental. The progress of society depends on perfecting this material production.

Economic-social change is based on the substitution of relations of production. What is most important in Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism is that he has focused his attention on the production of material and on the economic laws of society.

His theory left for the first time exposed as a society evolves by growing its material outputs. This gave rise to the understanding, for the first time, of the great power of the popular and working masses. The history of social evolution was thus understood.

2- The class struggle

In the history of humanity there has always been a struggle between peoples and societies, followed by periods of revolution and wars.

Every society is divided into two great groups that are enemies to each other, which they face directly: the capitalists and the working class. Of all the classes that confront the capitalist class, only the working class is the revolutionary.

3- Theory of alienation

The first time he presented his theory of alignment, he Economic and philosophical manuscripts (1844). Karl Marx asserted that alignment is nothing more than the systematic result of capitalism.

In capitalism, the results of production belong to the people who create the work, expropriating the product created by others.

4- The Communist Manifesto

He Communist Manifesto Carlos Marx wrote it based on the work he left prepared Friedrich Engels . He also had the help of his wife, Jenny Von Westphalen . It was published on February 24, 1848.

It represented the first structuring of modern socialism. The elaboration of this manifesto was by mandate of the international Organization of the League of the Communists, because at that moment Europe was going through a serious economic crisis that caused much damage to the working class.

Three days after the publication of the Communist Manifesto , A rebellion of the working class in Paris exploded that brought about the fall of the reign of Luis Felipe de Orleans, taking to the country to the proclamation of the Second Republic.

5- Capital: Critique of Political Economy

This work of Karl Marx is composed of three parts, the first of them was published in 1867, the other two parts did so once Marx had already died, with Engels' compilation of all the material he left written. It is a historical analysis of the economy of the capitalist system.

In it he explains the theory of surplus value where the capitalist class gives the working class only what is just and necessary to survive, thus it remains with the value that has produced the worker that is much greater than he has paid.

This value is what is known as surplus value, which is what increases the wealth of the capitalist.

6- Ideas of the First International

This organization was founded 28 of September of 1864 to group to the workers of the European countries. Its purpose was to end the exploitation of the workers by the bourgeoisie. Karl Marx became his intellectual leader.

In the inaugural Manifesto Karl Marx himself ended with the cry of"Proletarians of all countries, unite!"Just as he already did in The Communist Manifesto.

7- Economic contributions

The economic interpretation that realized Karl Marx has constituted the one of greater importance.

One of his best known theories in this area is value theory, where he maintains that the economic value of a product or a service is determined by the total amount of labor needed to produce it.

8- Founder of modern sociology

The sociology Is the study of society and the social action exercised by people in it. Karl Marx is considered one of the main pillars in this area, since his concepts on historical materialism, modes of production and the relationship between capital and labor are considered the keys of modern sociology.

9- The secret of the merchandise

Carlos Marx distinguishes in the merchandise its value of use and its value of change. In a society based on capitalism, the weight of it lies with the goods, which are the fundamental part of the system.

To this phenomenon Karl Marx denominated it like fetichismo, where the objects happen to be commodities. In capitalist systems, social relations are replaced by monetary agreements.

10- Dialectical method

The dialectical basis of Karl Marx was the Hegelian. His conception of dialectical logic was linked to the history of society.

The fundamental key of the dialectical method is to understand society as a whole and its own historical development is given by its contradictions.


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