The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals

Between the Most outstanding Peruvian sea animals We can mention the leatherback turtle, the Peruvian sea lion, the spiny porpoise or the immense blue whale.

The location of the territory of Peru in the American continent has provided qualities to host a varied and indigenous fauna.

Peruvian sea animals can be birds, reptiles or mammals

The geographic and climatic combination of the Andes along with the coasts of the Pacific Ocean gives Peru a biodiversity that has no other countries to the south or closer to the Caribbean.

A wealth of species has allowed us to influence aspects of Peruvian life such as gastronomy, for example, where fishing is one of the main productive activities due to the diversity of fish, molluscs and crustaceans.

The Peruvian state has so far confirmed the existence of 736 species of fish (anchovy, sardine, hake, pejerrey, etc.), 870 species of molluscs (squid, octopus, snails, etc.) and 320 species of crustaceans (prawns, Lobsters, crabs, etc.)

Marine fauna is also complemented by the existence of species whose commercial value is not so high, but are essential for the natural marine cycle.

Among marine mammals, 38% of the world's Peruvian ecosystems .

You may be interested in 20 most outstanding native animals of Peru .

10 of the most amazing Peruvian sea animal species

1- Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals

It is a fish that lives in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Peru. It is a species of great importance both for the Peruvian ecosystem, and for human consumption and trade.

It serves as food for mammals and birds alike. Fishing for this species is mainly intended for the production of fishmeal and fish oils. It feeds on microscopic animals like plankton, and an adult specimen may not be longer than a pencil.

2 - Peruvian Piquero (Sula variegata)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 1

Bird guanera that inhabits the coasts of Peru. It does not measure more than one meter long. It is considered a sedentary bird, whose feeding is based on hunting small fish such as anchovy.

They are grouped in groups of between 30 and 40 birds. They reproduce once a year, moving to areas of the Peruvian highlands.

3- Humboldt Penguin (Spheniscus humboldti)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 2

Non-flying species, considered in Danger of extinction . It inhabits the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, specifically Isla Foca, in Peru.

It can measure up to 70 centimeters tall and weigh 4 kg an adult specimen. It feeds on small coastal fish such as anchovy and sardine.

If conditions are favorable, you can have up to two nested per year. Poaching of eggs and overfishing have been one of the main threats to this species.

4- Marsopa spinosa (Phocoena spinipinis)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 3

Cetacean endemic to the South American coasts. There have been few sightings of this species, with most of the records with dead specimens.

It has been concluded that it has an evasive and discreet behavior, being barely visible on the surface. They move in groups of between two and eight individuals. They feed on anchovies, squid and shrimp.

5- Peruvian sea lion (Arctophoca australis)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 4

It is one of the two endemic species of sea lions that inhabit the Peruvian coasts.

It feeds mainly on shrimp, squid and small fish. It is hunted for its thin skin and also for the production of oil.

6- Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriácea)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 5

Considered the largest turtle, it inhabits the subtropical seas of Peru. It can weigh more than 600 kilograms and is capable of traveling thousands of kilometers without ever leaving the sea.

Despite having predatory skills for the consumption of fish, sea urchins and squids, it feeds mainly on jellyfish.

The leatherback turtle has been prey not only of man, its shell and its eggs, but also terrestrial animals and birds when they are on land.

7- Blue shark (Prionace glauca)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 6

Present in much of the American continent, it is one of the most common shark species, making it one of the most extracted in fishing processes.

It can measure almost four meters in length. Due to its presence and constant fishing, it is officially in the Near Threatened category, although there are countries that are already looking for and implementing conservation measures.

8- Sea serpent (Hydrophis platurus)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 7

A snake of small size, although poisonous, that inhabits the neotropical seas. It can measure up to one meter long.

Its poison, toxic to man, is functional for the creation of other components and antidotes. It serves as food and balance for other species of the same ecosystem.

They travel mostly by water because of the characteristics of their body. In some regions it is considered a slightly threatened species, although others categorize it as a minor concern.

9- Magnificent frigate (Fregata magnificens)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 8

Seabirds present on most of the Pacific coast. It is a dark bird that can measure up to one meter long.

It has a more violent and territorial character than other birds, for example, the piquero, as it attacks them to snatch their food.

It feeds on fish and other small marine animals, although it is not able to submerge great depths to catch them.

10- Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

The 10 Most Common Peruvian Sea Animals 9

Known as the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale can be seen all year round off the coast of Peru, but especially during the summer.

It reproduces in winter, in tropical or subtropical waters, and its main diet consists of crustaceans.

Studies affirm that there are two subspecies that inhabit the Peruvian coasts. It has been protected by the Peruvian State since 1966 because it is in danger of extinction.


  1. Commissions. (1999). Obtained from Congress of the Republic:
  2. Elliot, W., Paredes, F., & Bustamante, M. (1995). Biology and fishery of sharks of the wolf islands, Peru. Callao: Institute of the Peruvian Sea.
  3. Meier, M. (30 of 1 of 1993). Our two sea lions. Newspaper El Comercio.
  4. Pacheco, V. (s.f.). Mammals of Peru. In Neotropical Mammals (pp. 503-549).
  5. Schreiber, M.A. (1996). Status of knowledge and conservation of marine mammals in Peru. Callao: Institute of the Peruvian Sea.
  6. Tarazona, J., Gutiérrez, D., Paredes, C., & Indacochea, A. (2003). OVERVIEW AND CHALLENGES OF MARINE BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH IN PERU. Gayana, 206-231.
  7. Tovar, H. (1968). Areas of reproduction and distribution of seabirds on the Peruvian coast. Callao: Institute of the Peruvian Sea.

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