Savant Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

He Savant's syndrome , Also known as Wise Syndrome, is a rare condition in which there is an association between various generalized developmental disorders and the presence of extraordinary abilities or talents (Daymut, 2010).

This syndrome is associated with people with various developmental disorders, such as autism or the Asperger syndrome .

Savant syndrome

At the clinical level, the characteristic signs and symptoms of developmental pathologies have to be combined with some exceptional skills and talents (Treffert, 2009).

The most common is to detect an amazing musical, artistic, logical or memorable ability (Daymut, 2010).

It is a rare condition in the general population, restricted to a very small group of people. However, in the scientific literature they have arrived To record several cases.

The diagnosis is usually made during the infant stage and is eminently clinical. The key feature is the identification of an exceptionally developed ability or area in an individual with some form of developmental disorder (Encyclopedia of Children's Health, 2016).

The signs associated with this syndrome report qualities or abilities beneficial to the affected person. However, it is necessary to maintain the psychological, medical and neuropsychological intervention of the developmental disorder.

Characteristics of Savant's syndrome

Savant syndrome is a condition commonly classified as a mental disorder or disorder of child development (Syndropedia, 2016).

Despite this, it is a syndrome that generates special abilities or above the population mean, rather than deficits, alterations or pathological conditions (Syndropedia, 2016).

It usually affects people who have been previously diagnosed with some form of developmental disorder. The most common thing is that you have some Autistic spectrum syndrome .

Generalized developmental disorders encompass a wide range of syndromes or pathologies that are characterized by significant deviation or retardation of developmental standards.

The affected people have to present alterations in the communicative and social areas. In addition, in some cases they may be accompanied by Moderate intellectual deficit or Cognitive impairment .

In the case of Savant's syndrome, these clinical characteristics are usually accompanied by extraordinary or overdeveloped talents.

The most common is that they present special gifts in various areas (Autism Research Institute, 2016):

  • Musical skills.
  • Plastic arts.
  • Mechanical skills.
  • Logical reasoning and mathematical skills.

Savant syndrome tends to be defined as a condition that combines one or several exceptional abilities with poor cognitive functioning (Tárraga Mínguez and Acosta Escareño, 2016).

The first descriptions of this syndrome correspond to the American psychiatrist Benjamín Rush (1798) (Muñoz-Yunta, Ortiz-Alonso, Amo, Fernández-Lucas, Mestú and Palau-Baduell, 2003).

In his clinical report, Rush accurately narrates each of the skills and talents of one of his patients. It was able to perform calculations on the age of a person in just seconds (Muñoz-Yunta et al., 2003).

Years later, researcher J. Langdon Down used the term Idiot savant , To refer to those affected (Muñoz-Yunta et al., 2003). Term hardly accepted due to its derogatory character.

Currently, more than 30 different reports on the skills associated with Savant syndrome are collected in the medical and psychological literature: skills for sculpture, drawing, poetry, music, memory, space vision, etc. (Muñoz-Yunta et al., 2003).

Much of the research on this syndrome generalizes several aspects (Muñoz-Yunta et al., 2003):

  • Deficit associated with left hemisphere (HI): Linguistic, symbolic, logical, etc.
  • Over-development of skills associated with the right hemisphere (HD): Artistic abilities, motor and visual skills, musical abilities, etc.

As we know, the concept of"talent"varies considerably between cultures, countries or historical contexts (Gómez-Argüelles, Pérez-Borrego, Núñez-Pérez and Olivero, 2008).

Therefore, many prominent figures of our history, designated as great sages, could possess qualities related to the Savant syndrome (Gómez-Argüelles, Pérez-Borrego, Núñez-Pérez and Olivero, 2008).

About us

Savant syndrome is rare in the general population and in the clinical population associated with developmental disorders.

The Autism Research Institute (2016) notes that approximately 10% of people with a diagnosis of autism suffer from Savant syndrome.

Among those with non-autistic intellectual disabilities, only 1% have skills and abilities related to the Savant syndrome (Autism Research Institute, 2016).

Among people with Savant syndrome, 50% have a diagnosis of autism. The other 50% is associated with other developmental disorders or Disturbances of the nervous system (Treffert, 2009).

What are the extraordinary qualities of Savant's syndrome?

The development of qualities is fundamentally related to calculus and mathematical logic, artistic and musical talent, poetry or memory (Tárraga Mínguez and Acosta Escareño, 2016).

However, in some cases the abilities are restricted to isolated skills, such as calendrical or date calculation (Tárraga Mínguez and Acosta Escareño, 2016).

We will now describe some of the most common features in Savant's syndrome (Treffert, 2009):

Musical Skills

The Musical skills And talent for composition or playing instruments, are one of the most developed areas in people with Savant syndrome.

Often they perform exceptionally well with some particular instrument, such as the piano. However, many are able to play many of these.

They can play musical pieces without learning or score, just with their listening.

Authors such as Hermelin (2001) point out that the Savants are able to play a complete piece after listening to it only once.

They develop unique skills in composition. They are able to create without need of execution.

Artistic Skills

In the field of fine arts, people with Savant syndrome develop impressive skills in drawing, painting or sculpture.

They are able to translate their works with great fidelity to reality, including a lot of details.

Mechanical and Spatial Skills

In this area, these people develop different capacities above the general population. Some of these are:

  • Accuracy in the measurement of physical distances without instruments or tools.
  • Accuracy in the construction of spatial models and structures.
  • Domain of cartography.
  • Domain of direction-finding.

Mathematical Calculation

Exceptional mathematical skills are one of the central features of Savant's syndrome.

These capabilities include speed in mental calculation. They are able to perform multiplications and square roots spontaneously. Moreover, they can determine the prime numbers just as quickly.

Within the mathematical calculation, the savants stand out by the calculation of dates.

In just seconds, they are able to identify the day of the week for a specific date. Some have the ability to calculate dates between the last or the next 40,000 years.

Additionally, many are able to perform accurate time calculations without the use of chronometers or clocks.


Many clinical reports emphasize Savant's memory skills.

Those affected have a particular ability to memorize large amounts of data and information.

They are able to remember a high volume of data related to bibliographical, historical, sports information, population figures, sports statistics, etc.

This ability allows them to become experts in various areas of knowledge. However, in most cases their interests are very restricted.


Most savants suffer from some form of generalized developmental disorder associated with various alterations of expressive and social language.

However, there have been documented cases of individuals with High capacities For learning multiple languages.

Types of Savants

There are different classifications of the syndrome of Savants. Some authors refer to three different courses (Muñoz-Yunta, Ortiz Alonso, Amo, Fernández Lucas, Mestú and Palau Baduell, 2003):

Savants with talent

Under this subtitle, those who present spectacular abilities accompanied by a high degree of cognitive disability are usually categorized.

Normally, savants with autism spectrum disorders associated with intellectual disability are part of this group.

Prodigious savants

Under this term, we classified those individuals who present a remarkable feature in the I.Q , Both in high capacities and in intellectual disability

They tend to be geniuses, out of the ordinary. Stand out in all their capacities.

Savants of minutiae

This term is reserved for individuals with very restricted features of Savant's syndrome.

Some have good visual or auditory memory. Despite having difficulties in establishing social relationships, they are usually specialists in some areas, such as sports.

What disorders are associated?

As previously noted, Savant syndrome is usually associated with some type of generalized developmental disorder.

Generalized developmental disorders are usually pathologies or disorders that develop during early childhood.

Affected children are characterized by significant delays in the acquisition of cognitive, psychomotor and linguistic abilities.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2015) points out some of its characteristics:

  • Repeated and stereotyped behavior patterns.
  • Recurrent motor behavior.
  • Cognitive rigidity. Resistance to environmental and contextual changes.
  • Language impairment . Difficulty or inability to use expressive language or understand it.
  • Inability or difficulty in establishing social interactions.

Version VI of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders includes within the generalized developmental disorders several conditions:

  • Upset Asperger syndrome Is defined by the alterations in the social field. Affected individuals have significant difficulty in establishing relationships or identifying emotions. They develop an important behavioral and cognitive rigidity. They often present exceptionally developed skills or abilities. Many of them are highly specialists in some specific area of ​​knowledge.
  • Autistic Disorder or Autism : It is defined by the repetitive behaviors, the rigidity to contextual changes and the alterations in the social and linguistic field.
  • Upset Rett syndrome : Is characterized by the development of a regression of motor skills and abilities acquired during early childhood. Many of those affected have a high degree of intellectual disability.
  • Disintegrative disorder o Heller's syndrome : There is a regression or loss of motor and cognitive abilities acquired before the age of ten. It is associated with a high intellectual disability and recurrent seizures.
  • Developmental Disorder Not Specified : Under this heading are included cases that do not fully meet the clinical criteria of the previous ones.


The origin of Savant syndrome is still not known with precision (Encliclopedia of Children's Health, 2016).

Some specialists associate the development of these exceptional characteristics with abnormalities and specific genetic alterations (Encliclopedia of Children's Health, 2016).

Different investigations have related the abilities of the Savants with chromosome 15 associated alterations, as in the case of the Prader Willi syndrome (Treffert, 2009).

However, others advocate brain processes that compensate for brain, structural or functional abnormalities (Encliclopedia of Children's Health, 2016).


The most common is that Savant's syndrome is identified during the infant stage through a clinical and psychological approach (Encliclopedia of Children's Health, 2016).

This is fundamentally based on the identification and definition of the characteristics of those affected, both of possible developmental delays and exceptional abilities (Encliclopedia of Children's Health, 2016).

What is the intervention with Savant Syndrome?

The fundamental intervention with Savant's syndrome is the treatment of the developmental disorder that affects the person affected, in the case that was identified.

This usually uses a medical, psychological and neuropsychological approach. In addition, the rehabilitation of speech and special education is of vital importance.

In the case of the abilities of the savants, it is interesting to carry out a stimulation intervention, allowing to develop this type of abilities in their maximum range.


  1. Daymut, J. (2010). What is Sage Syndrome or Savant Syndrome? Handy Handouts .
  2. Gómez-Argüelles, J., Pérez-Borrego, Y., Núñez-Pérez, N., & Oliveiro, A. (2008). Savant syndrome with diagnosis in adulthood. Rev Neurol .
  3. Hiles, D. (2016). Savant Syndrome . Obtained from Psy.
  4. Muñoz-Yunta, J., Ortiz-Alonso, T., Amo, C., Fernández-Lucas, A., Maestú, F., & Palau-Baduell, M. (2003). The savant syndrome or idiot savant. Rev Neurol .
  5. NIH (2015). Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Obtained from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
  6. Savant syndrome . (2016). Retrieved from the Encyclopedia of Children's Health.
  7. Tárraga Mínguez, R., & Acosta Escareño, G. (2016). Savant syndrome: between the genius and the naive.
  8. Treffert, D. (2009). Savant Syndrome: An Extraordinary Condition An Extraordinary Condition. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.

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