Most have the same number and favorite color | Which? Is it your case?

Welcome back to Supercurioso, a fascinating blog of articles and, as the name suggests, very very curious. Before entering the main topic that we bring you today, we will investigate your favorite color, we want to recommend other blogs that we think might interest you. If you are an inveterate traveler and you love traveling, you should take a tour of The Happy Traveler , that will bring you closer to the most spectacular corners of our planet.

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We get fully into the article to talk about a piece of information that seemed, at least, curious.

Think of your favorite number and color

favorite color

We propose a challenge: Choose a color, your favorite color. Do not think too long, it must be something impulsive, the first to come out. Now think of a number from 0 to 9.

If we could bet, I would bet that I guess what your choice was. You have chosen blue and 7 Is it true? Maybe it has nothing to do with your choice and it is neither the color nor the number you have thought about, but, although there are people who do not take this as their choice, there is a sufficiently high number of people who do, high enough so that it supposes a genuine psychological phenomenon.

Although these are not your favorite number or color, you should know that it is such a common choice that it even gets its own name: the blue-seven phenomenon.

There have been numerous studies since the 1970s and it concludes that people from different cultures and different generations, tend to make the choice of this couple, blue and seven, when they are asked to make a random choice.

Within the preference list, red follows blue as the chosen color, except in East Asia, where white is the second most chosen color.

In relation to the numbers, people who do not choose the 7 as the preferred number, also opt for an odd one as the one, the three or even the five.

What we regret to tell you is that there is no universal explanation that answers exactly why people tend to choose these colors or numbers, but the researchers who have followed this curious phenomenon have some hypotheses for us.

Miho Saito reviewed, in 2015, some of the writings related to the blue-seven phenomenon. His contribution to the dilemma is that, with respect to numbers, seven is the number of luck in many cultures and blue, all and that is not a favorite color par excellence, nor is it in the list of taboo colors in any culture .

What is complicated is to determine if this is a cause or a product of the blue-seven phenomenon, or if it is a bit of both.

Saito determined that when asked, people We are used to explaining our favorite colors and numbers with terms like "nice", "beautiful" and "bright".

Very often, the choice has to do with some cultural meaning. For example, most men choose the number one by their will be the first and Shinto priests japanese They use white tunics which they associate with purity.

But it is not entirely clear if the underlying feelings are innate to the way our minds work or, on the contrary, are the product of emerging cultural forces

Undoubtedly, much research and many study groups are missing before giving a definitive answer to why the blue and seven pairs are the most chosen when someone is asked about their favorite number and color.

It may even be due to a simple question of statistics or to a strange association of both terms that makes that, without having very good idea of ​​why, there is an invisible force that makes them often go in pairs.

favorite color 1

If you want a last curious fact, there is a precious story written by Ana Aguilera whose title is 7 blue cows, at least it's funny, do not you think? It could have been titled 6 blue cows or 7 green cows but the curious reality is that the author has again associated the seven with blue, coincidence? We have no idea but after all these data, some definite and logical answer must be.

What do you think? Are you from the group of people who would have chosen the blue-7 tandem? If so, why do you think you've done it? Have you been completely impulsive or respond to some thoughtful choice? Give us your opinion, we will be happy to read you!

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